Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Watchin' and Workin' Wednesday

Lady PF is up there watchin' whilst The FluffPuffs!!!! are workin' on growin!

The latest Falcon Wire post -

5/3/2022  ::   Growing fast!

FalconCam followers are observing significant changes in the nestlings since the first hatch on April 15. The young are 14, 15, 15, and 17 days old and can now stand upright. At this stage they no longer require constant brooding so the adults can devote more time to hunting. The young have also amazingly tripled in size! In about three weeks they will begin taking their first flights as fledglings. Before this occurs, they will continue their rapid growth including the development of their first flight feathers.

And we did get into the 70's after the drizzle and clouds left -
Now for Willow's SUNday shift -

Guarding The Dell's bag - and so wishin' she had opposable thumbs so SHE could use it!

With the news out of SCOTUS, as well as The Nice Paula Gregg Lady getting her wings way too quickly, and the anniversary of my dad getting his, Tuesday was a very numb day -

But today will be better, eh?

Happy Wednesday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

It's important to remember that each day is a new one and there are always smiles lurking somewhere!

It's going to get warmer here next week!


Dandy Duke said...

Some days are so much harder than others. Hugs♥