Saturday, May 1, 2021

Saturday Sharing May Day May Day!

And so a new month begins!

This was added to The Falcon Wire on Thursday

4/29/2021  ::   Update from the ledge

Some Falcon Cam followers have expressed concern that the fourth hatchling is struggling to get enough food for survival. During feeding, food is not distributed evenly among the hatchlings. This adaptation, in which the larger, stronger hatchlings get more food, is a survival strategy. In case of a decline in the prey base, feeding the larger eyasses insures that at least some of the brood survives.

Fortunately, the nest site has an ample food base, especially common species like the rock dove (pigeons). As a new father, 85/AK does not bring prey to the ledge with the regularity of his predecessor, W/V. 85/AK's hunting abilities should improve, and with assistance from 48/AE, as she will do more hunting as the hatchlings grow, more food will become available.

The Weather Babblers prepared us for some BIG WINDS on FrEYEday - and they weren't fooling!  I had gone down to check on some arrivals at The GKP midday - and then walked out to The KhrossTrek - WOWZERZ - what a challenge - and after posting Holy Flying Fur Batman - that's some wind out there on my FB status, others updated with news from their parts of the khountry - and complete with the Basset and Rottie Neighboor Humans from next door updating about the power being out - luckily, it was back on when I returned home to The Khottage - but I did have the front porch chair in the yard!
And to plant an earworm, time to TURN THE PAGE - sorry Bob Seger - I had to go with METALLICA!

What great images to have for the month!

Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage 


Duke said...

We had those same big winds here too. It made cutting the grass quite the challenge☺ Happy May Day!

Dawn said...

Such cute little fuzz balls!

The Florida Furkids said...

Such sweet babies! Happy May!

The Florida Furkids

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "I love windy days ― they bring in all the smells!"