5/12/2021 :: Signs of growth to watch for
Falcon Cam followers have likely observed that the young hatchlings are often left alone in the nest box. This is normal. Following hatching, the young are brooded, keeping them warm, almost constantly. Within two to three weeks, the eyasses no longer require constant brooding and the adults will leave the nest, usually while hunting, for extended periods. Another sign of growth, besides size, is their feathers. The downy white feathers will gradually be replaced by juvenile feathers within three to five weeks. During the sixth week, fledgling (their first attempts at flight) should begin. During this vulnerable period, the young will still be dependent on the adults to provide food. As they master flight, within one month they should be hunting on their own!
You are such a beauty, Emmy. That turkey club!
Lucky you! Sharing your toast with E!
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