Scenes from The PF Palace -
SUNday evening - Lady PF was watching -
As The Boys played on The Ledge -
And I walked to Sheetz for my papers - it was a nice start to the day!
The Lambies assembled in anticipation
The Khattledog!
Willow - in her KhrossTrek trip to The Khottage -
I gave t these to AuntiE Di to pay The Dog Tax!
NAK's sign she approves!
Ick - yes - Ick!
So we just dekhompressed once we got back to The Khottage - watched The Phillies - and then Phil M winning the golf - then after 7pm, we did our first 'Just The Block' -
Willow is a dream!
Lots more pictures from the day I'll be sharing but both of us are on sensual overload - although she is napping - and snoring - on The Doggie Bed next to Auntie Di's wall chair - she fought napping during the afternoon - but did drop off a few times - but we've had a full day - and I've got a list already started for today - so I'm not making a flight to The Hive - probably will go there for breakfast NEXT SUNday -
Thanks To All That Have Commented on FB about this very special khanine!
Happy Monday EvFURRYone!
All Of US at NAK's Khottage
now with Khattledog!
We love Willow! She is so beautiful and looks like such a gentle soul!
Ollie and Fernant
Willow is such a beauty! We thought about the two of you all day yesterday. We are thrilled for you both♥
Lulu: "Hello Willow! Nice to meet you! You are going to love it at your new Khottage!"
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