Sunday, May 2, 2021

SUNday Sharing

5/1/2021  ::   Update from the ledge

Unfortunately, though not unexpectedly, the fourth hatchling has not survived. As previously reported, survival rate for raptors within their first year is low. Research indicates that 60 percent of falcons die during their first year. Though it can be a hard lesson, the focus should remain on the survival of the remaining three hatchlings. The nest site on the Rachel Carson State Office Building has consistently exceeded survival rates for decades. That success is likely to translate to the healthy development of the three remaining hatchlings and, ultimately, the continued contribution of the RCSOB nest site to increasing the overall population of peregrine falcons within the Commonwealth.

All part of the Circle Of Life 

AND no wind! 
Some MAY flowers -

The Iris is about to explode!   More shots to come of course -
Free Range Pansies are THE BEST -
Busy days ahead - but isn't that what weekends are all about ;-) ?  
I have a pot of KHAT Khorn Soup in the works as I stage this - cooking the poultry whilst making the broth - what I had last week from Bob's KHAT Creamery got us hungry for more!

Happy SUNday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage

1 comment:

Duke said...

Love the beautiful May flowers! Happy Sunday!