Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Walkin' Wednesday 2011

And Watchin'Breakfast Time Fur Momma

It should be soon!

Here is the live camera feed - be ready fur lots of avian audio fun!


There is one of the trees you'll hear my mom babble in this week's WALKIN' WEDNESDAY VIDEO - my fluffy tail and I will take woo on a tour of the cherry trees so woo might want to chekhk out the link this week - I'll warn woo in advance that Mom gets a bit deep and PHYLLosophikhal!

A Monday evening sky

Syren asked I thank everyone for the welcome to PA comments - since she's still a Southern gal for now, she's not fluent in Khyrase - so her messages have a bit of a drawl y'all!

Now that Mom's workweek has resumed, I don't know when we'll get a chance to visit with Syren but I will try to khonvince her to share a few pikhs at some point -

Happy Walkin' and Watchin' Wednesday!




Suka said...

hey Khyra,

So sad about the beautiful cherry blossom trees toppling over. The winds must have been very strong. Good thing the wind did not knock down you or your mom! The way your tail was blowing I thought you were going to be whisked away!

Near the end of the video it was funny to see you pulling and scampering across the brick driveway (to the Club) to get to the other side! Wonder what you were so anxious to get too?



Two French Bulldogs said...

Maybe we could color those things for Easter
Benny & Lily

Yas said...

Whoa..what a wind!
Thanks for taking us on a beautiful tour of the blossoms and flowers despite the strong winds. We soo enjoyed it!


Teddy Bear said...

Look at those eggs! They are getting big!:) We can't wait to see updated pictures of Syren.:)

Teddy Bear & Sierra

Unknown said...

What a beautiful sky!
Thanks for taking us on such a great tour!!

JacksDad said...

Well happy Wednesday to you as well!

Cocorue said...

hello hello Khyra,

it's been too long since we've "WALKED" with you....thanks

coco and tiffy

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

WOW! That wind was strong. Stay safe.

Dexter said...

We saw the mom and dad bird in the nest at the same time. Mom was sitting on the eggs and yelling at dad, most likely "you forgot to bring me the dead chipmunk you promised" because eventually dad took off and mom got busy turning the eggs.


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Our Southern drawl comes out with a Scottish brogue!!

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh, Ruairi and The Sweet Babes

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Tough to see all those beautiful trees damaged - more of Mother Nature's crazy spring behavior.

We see Momma PF is up this morning - maybe she is expecting some action today.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Chris and Ricky said...

Did the strong storms come your way last night? Terrible here at 2:00AM.
Sorry about that beautiful cherry tree. Hope your work week goes well!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Happy Walkin Wednesday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

KB said...

Thanks for the tour, Khyra. And, thanks for the update on the eggs. It's so exciting!

HoundDogMom said...

We love the cherry blossom trees, but sad to see them topple over. And we really thinks Cleo woud like to follow you on a walk. She just loves fluffy tails and you sure do have a fluffy tail. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

That WIND must have been Terrible!! Can't wait to see the birdies hatch.

Stella said...

Whatta spring this has been!! All over the world! No snow here last night although they have predicted it for the whole blessed week.

It will be good to see the hatchettes when they bust out of their eggshells. Looking forward to that.


Remington said...

Storms can do so much damage....and they are just plain scary!

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Weird weather all over! The winds in dirtville have been relentless! I wish it would take some of the cactus (or all of them) out of my yard. Unfortunately, all they do is cause the jumping cholla to jump further and more frequently making more of them!

Sonic said...

Those eggs are funny colored... they're totally different from the eggs that my Pops had for breakf- wait a sec... WHAT? Did my Pops just eat birdies for breakfast???


Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Hmmmmm....we will have to pin Meowm down tonite to look atyour walkin' video!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

That was some wind, glad you are safe. Loved the tour and hey it wont be long now with the feathers.. Hugs GJ x

Sagira said...

Bokeh sure did have fun watching the live cam and hearing the birds. He kept tilting his head. LOL

Duke said...

We enjoyed the cherry blossom trees on your walkie, Khyra. They are sure beautiful! What a shame that so many branches snapped!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Chrissie said...

Khyra-face, those cherry blossoms are really beautiful, just like woo! Do they smell good? Your tail was very floofified in the video. I've been watching the PF and Mum and I are waiting in suspense! We're also watching the owlets you showed us. Give your mum a good snoof on the cheek for me, MFT.


Teddy Westlife said...

Happy Wednesday Khyra. Sad to see the tree fallen over like that.

Chrissie said...


I think.


White Dog Blog said...

Cherry trees are so delicate and beautiful...and their petals do look like snow! Glad the windy storms left you pretty much alone and that all were safe.

Ellen Whyte said...

Brr, looks cold and sounds so windy! You keep safe, Khyra.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Hi Khyra & Your Mom!! I was just going to wish you a 'happy Thursday' and realized that it's still Wednesday! Whatever day it is, I hope you're getting some of our warm air--We had a nice walk here this afternoon, I think spring may have found us after all!

houndstooth said...

I'm so glad to hear that Syren is settling in so well!

We're very sorry to hear about the cherry blossom trees, too!


Khady Lynn said...

Our falcon now has 5 eggs! We are so excited!

Bummer about the cherry tree. They are so pretty. Way too many storms this early in the year across the country.


BeadedTail said...

We enjoyed your walk although it's sad to see those branches broken. We hope you finally got to get to the other side of the road like you so obviously wanted to but were so obviously being ignored!

ForPetsSake said...

Look at all those wonderful little egglets!

I can't wait to see Syren's pics!

Growing up, our neighborhood had these lovely trees lining the streets. A beautiful scene, until they grew tall and the winds would snap all the branches. I always dreaded what we'd find after a late night thunderstorm.