From Friday morning

Take a look at the recipients of the other chikhken thighs - Mom khooked fur them - do woo believe that??? They even made the bones disappear!



Friday morning

At the end of the street





Friday's evening walk




The furst of the Redbuds

She had it on auto - but the flash didn't khome on

So she tried again - not much better

THAT'S more like it!
After 6pm, Mom is mine until Wednesday - of khourse, I'll be sharing her with the transport passengers she'll preview tomorrow - and I'll be sharing her with some other special khanines -
woooos! Great pics Khyra, especially the last three:)
RA & Isis
Sometimes I like my pictures better without the flash, but then they end up blurry. Oh well.
I sent you an email.
You just love being in the spotlight, right? And, you should! \(^o^)/
Beautiful flowers.:) We're so glad you have your Mom all to yourself for a few days. Enjoy!:)
Teddy Bear & Sierra
We LOVE the gorgeous smiley photos, Khyra!!!
It was so very nice of you to share the chicken thighs with your "khats." The Chans are all saying you are the second most wonderful woofie ever!
Good work with the Flashy Beast Mom. You guys have a great weekend.
SPRING!!!!!!! Are you getting these April Showers we have? Blah... boring.
Horray for so many days with mom!!! Whatcha gonna do??
We all loves chicken here. It was very nice of your Mom to share with the Kats.
We're having a cozy weekend here. Lots of rain, snuggling and if we're lucky, we can have a walk tomorrow.
I can't believe I thought you went khounter surfing and in reality you shared your chicken with Brofur and Butterscotch. That was so gernerous of you! I'm sure you'll be great friends, now!
It sure looks like it is going to be a beautiful day
Benny & Lily
Interesting top shot of that pretty tulip - gorgeous shade of yellow.
Enjoy your time with the Mom, it passes way too quickly.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Beautiful photos....thank you for sharing.
Happy Saturday sweet friends. xxxxxxxxx
I love seeing your springtime pikshures coz you do be just a tad ahead of us but it gibs me a good ideer about wot it be looking like fur out trip to Furginia soon. They must be in full blooms there now!
Wow. Your trees are beautiful. And so is Khyra. As always.
Jake and Fergs xxoo
almost makes me miss being in B-More :)
We love all the kholorful trees. It's good of you to share them.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Love seeing all of the springtime buds on your trees! And of oouse, woo!!
Thank you for sharing all those beautiful pictures!
Did the recipients of the chicken also have to wear bunny ears?
I do so love the springtime and the colors and flowers it brings--I hope you're enjoying your treasured time with your Mom!!
Great pictures, Khyra. Time passes real quick when you're enjoying extra snuggle time with the hooman, so make the best out of it!
Oh Khyra, spring is just bursting out all over, isn't it? What pretty pictures of the flowers and trees and, of course,Khyra!! :)
Your mom gave your chikhken thighs to khats? Ay yi yi. We hope you got double what they got though!
Your trees are very pretty and so are you Khyra! We giggled at your flash photo! :)
Gorgeous photos. Thanks for sharing and for reminding me of the time that I spent living in PA. Your photos brought back a flood of memories of springtime. It's so very different here... but I love it.
Great pics! Aren't spring flowers the best?! Thanks for your sweet comment on our most recent post! We are thankful for your support!
Spring is such a beautiful time of the year. :)
Happy weekend to you and your mum, Khyra!
We have just been lovin seeing your trees there!!
We love seeing all of your beautiful flowers and trees, Khyra! We had a wicked storm here last night with lots of rain and high winds! Mom is hoping that her hyacinths aren't all soggy and broken.
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Oh Khyra, you're so photogenic, flash or no flash!
The flower pics remind me of all the native flowers i grew up with. I grew up in Virginia, just outside of DC. Memories...
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