
I hope the graphikh inserted above works - if not, please furgive us - I khan't see it previewing khorrekhtly but we won't be awake when this post publishes SO I'll have to chekhk in the morning - with Mom's work day and other fakhtors, I khouldn't spend lots and lots of time to try to make it work - BUT please know it does not make this special event fur Richie's PAWTY on Saturday any less PAWESOME!!!
5:30 UPDATE - the graphikh WASN'T visible so we took it down BUT please go see it at Asta's beaWOOtiful post!Happy FrEYEday EvFURRYone!
Baby birdie! So cute!
Harley is almost one already? That is a time for celebration!
Tornado? We don't know what that is but Mommy remembers those from living in KS and they scare the beejeebers out of her. Hope they don't come back there!
Wow, Khyra, a tornado so close! I'm glad you're all okay. It's been a wild spring, hasn't it.
What is that orchard in your pictures? Is that in your hood? Apples?
Just say 'No' to tornados! Nobody wants those!
See you at the pawtay :)
Wyatt and Stanzie
I am glad you did not get blowed away from all the toronadoes!
A tornado!! We hopes you don't haves any more of those! We gets the earthquakes here!
Monty says "Hi Khyra!"
OMC! We are glad yoo are all safe from that Tornado!
Happy Easter!
Love Milo and Alfie xx
We just love that last shot with the sun's rays spotlighting the tulips!
Thank goodness you're safe from that nasty tornado, Khyra!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Happy First Peep to Mom! But scary on that tornado. We have lots of wild storms here this morning, lots and lots of wind and rain.
Hmmm, we have a birthday boy here next week, could be the same day.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
So you guys did get those bad storms like we had here! Glad you were safe.
The peep is so cute and that is a great photo!
Boo-tiful photos of the flowers! My gosh, Harley is already coming in on his first bark-day? Momma says that time goes by too quickly - guess it does...
Those sky pix were nice. But the one of you sniffing the tornado was the best.
Pippa xx
Yea! An Earth Day peep. Khyra what do you smell? LOL
Benny & Lily
Great Earth Day photos! Tornados are scary. Glad it stayed far enough away!
It's fun watching the baby birds grow up! Our colors are done already - except for our house flowers, so thanks for sharing!
Have a furry happy Easter, Khyra!
Hey Khyra,
I couldn't help noticing that your nostrils are as big as mine! :)
Happy Easter gorgeous!
Going to have a big party for Harley?
OH what a gorgeous day! Luckily, that tree did not land onto your house & your hoomie's car.
What a great nose you have!
Cute little tiny birds!
Purrty flowers!
But our favorite is your floof and nose picture!
We are very glad the tornado didn't get you!
We are very glad that that tornado didn't get to your house! We were surprised you are getting tornado already. It's not tornado season here yet. It's always a late spring here.
Wow I cant beieve the year has gone so fast. Loved the flower shots and wow that tree could have caused some damage, We also had trouble with the graphic. Hugs GJ x
I hope to see you at the big pawty tomorrow.
Is Harley gonna have a pawty too?
I KNOW fur a fact how scary those flying tomato thingys are... remember one went through 5 miles from my hill... last fall??
I am glad that YOU were safe.. Watch out... there may be more of them.
We had some tornadoes around here on Saturday. Not as close as the one near your house though, thankfully!
Beautiful pics! I can't believe Harley is going to be a year old next week!
Elyse and Riley
So glad the tornado did not come by you - wow, 5 minutes away is scary! Glad you guys are OK! Lovely photos! Love the one of you, Khyra, sniffing the air!
Better to know about the tornado AFTER it has missed you...than to anticipate it.
This weekend should be a wonderful celebration of life: Earth Day, Ronnii and Richie's Party, Easter. May you feel the awakening of all that is bright and new and beautiful and hopeful. Wishing you an Easter filled with joy, family, traditions, lamb!, and love.
Oh wow! I'm so glad you're safe!!!!!
Thankful wags,
Hi Khyra and mom! Great fruit tree blooms! Nice to see Harley relaxing with a SKUNK?!?!? Had an encounter with one of the live ones a few months ago....did we tell you that?! Your photo, Khyra looking towards mom before she left for work is priceless!
Wild weather! Glad you all are ok...the fallen tree was a big one, no?
Sweet hugs,
Sierra Rose
I'm so glad that you're OK, and that the tornado wasn't any closer to you. Oh my...
Beautiful flowers!
Aww! The baby falcon is so cute!
We know those tornadoes can really be scary! I'm glad you're alright!
Be careful in that wind, Khyra!
Lok at that baby birdie!!! Wow...so cute! Uh oh, a tornado? We are so glad you are all ok.
Teddy Bear & Sierra
I love your beautiful blooms.
I know it must have been so scary to have the wind in a fury like it was.
(i will see you at the party)
We're behind in the news. A tornado five minutes from you? Yikes!
I see a baby bird!
You guys going to have a big pawty for Harley?
Is it just me or are there more and more tornadoes lately? Scary that it was only 5 minutes from you. Glad you are all safe.
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