Just WAIT until woo see what Jack and I skhhemed - his TG and my mom don't realise we all we did chat about when Jack was here for the photoshoot - but PLEASE CHEKHK OUT HIS BLOG on SUNDAY - the post fur April 10 - fur some pawesome news!!!
Mom should have the beaWOOty in the foreground - Bonnie
Freeman - reskhued from life on that chain
Stolie and Maddie

It akhtually relates to Mom's passengers!

So, there is your preview of Mom's Sunday passengers!!!
Happy Sunday to all!
PeeEssWoo: Another week khonkhluded and Mom is now MINE until Wednesday - and she has now khompleted her 90 days! Of khourse, we'll spend some of our time perusing the almost 600 items in the Google Reader but she'll be dragging me away from the laptop!
Khousin Abby is very lucky to have all that snow and all those toys!
Even though you don't have snow Khyra, your sky and trees are pretty Khyra. Of course not as pretty as you are!
The transports are cuties once again! Freeman stole our mommy's heart!
Enjoy your mom time Khyra!
We've already read Jack's Book, but we will get the word out!
Can you ever have TOO many cute pups for one car...cuteness overload, LOOKOUT!!
Hi Khyra
All that snow reminded me of Thursday morning- we had 3 inches of snow,,, then on Friday it was a blue sky day like yours and snow all gone.
Abby is so smart to pack all those toys,, No boredom will happen.
The passengers are so adorably sweet.
Your flower blossoms are going to open with a shout- ITS SPRING!
Thank you for the sky photos
Dogs on a chain always scare me. The chain, not the dog.
I hope lots of peoples find out about our plan!
that flashie fhoto is khool!
I can't get over that snow - they have an ice carving of garden furniture!
When we first saw the snowy picture, we thought it was at your house and we were just thrilled for you, Khyra.
We love the flower bud pictures!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
More wonderful transports ~ we love yoo guys. No dog should ever be on a chain. Fact.
We saw Jack's announcement and think that is pawsome!
Happy Sunday Khyra! Isn't it great to have your mom for the next couple of days?
Hey Khyra!
Wow, they are all great looking pups! I like Maddie...she looks cute, but I bet she is a pistol! Great pix of the tree buds. Spring is definitely closer!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
That is awesome about the help with the transports!! :) Yay for ur Mom and her friend. :)
Woof! Woof! Great Sunday passengers. SNOW! still ... Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
If we could get it, we would take some of that snow from Abby. Lucky girl.
And if we could have him, we would take Freeman - what a cutie!
Very nice of Jack to do that for the sake of more rescues.
Happy transporting.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
LOOK at that snow...
It is supposed to be 85 here today... maybe break a record.
I have been hearing some grrrreat thingys about Jack's book.
We always look forward to the photos of your transported woofies because it makes us all purr. It breaks our hearts that a woofie would have to live life on a chain.
I'd be dropping all those transports off at my house! They are all so sweet!
I bet you wish you had that snow!
WOOT! congratulation on getting past the 90 days! Of course, we had no doubt. I remember all to well what getting past that milestone felt like.
So, If you drop one of those bundles of joy off in dirtville, we can head to prescott and go have a visit with Abby! A perfect plan! (I won't even be fussy about which one you bring and bring two or three if you want!)
It snowed here, all day yesterday. Snow, melt, snow, melt, thunder boomies, snow, melt, snow melt, thunderboomies, snow, melt. Thankfully, no surprises this morning!
Happy Sunday, and thank you for all the great snaps today.
We will be purraying for your mom today while she is on her transport....and we purray she will mightily blessed for the time she gives to these homeless loves.
I hope those skyes stay bloo fow you
I think youw Mom has some adowablull passangews coming up..thank dog fow hew and all hew wescoo fwiends!!!
I hope you have a gowgeous sunday
smoochie kisses
Oh I'm so glad about the rescue of that pup on the chain. Few things are as cruel as chaining a dog and isolating it from its pack! Can't wait to see the transport pics :)
Cute pups. Hope your mom has a safe and fun trip today.
Pups on chains are so lonely for humans. Glad the puppy will have a life now.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Snow.. Wow sure is beautiful. Love the kids being transported
Benny & Lily
We still have tons of snow (it's snowing now, even, although the storm is mostly done). So feel free to come visit!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
Snow is back! You must be SO happy, Khyra. Those puppies are real cuties.
Awww poor Freeman. Is he part Chow?
It was 26C here today and all the blossoms are just exploding!
What a cute bunch of passengers!
Ahhh, snow...how the FiveSibes wish some were still here! It's supposed to be 81F here Monday! Pool time!
Freeman is just the sweetest! So glad he was rescued!
Khyra, you look tuckered out sweetie, have a nice nap!
Wow what a lot of toys Abby packed for the weekend!
Hi Khyra - We went and bought Jack's book today! Love, Farley
Happy Sunday, Khyra!
All the doggies are adorable!
Good luck to all of them!
Kisses and hugs
I hope that you had fun with those passengers. Wow, what a bunch of cuties.
And spring is springing for you! I love it.
It was 85 here on Saturday and luckily the humans turned on the a/c! I would give anything for that snow!
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