We hope all have some telling of their own fur TUEsday!
Mom and I will be sad as The Nice Vicky Lady will be heading bakhk to DC fur a few days prior to flying bakhk to The Princess and The Handsome Duke of Destrukhtion - I did make sure to share my Siberian-ness as I sent my Tervuren pals a special message!
PeeEssWoo: We were sad but happy that Praline got to see the sun - her mom listened to what Sweet Praline was telling her and she got to khross Monday morning - please stop by and see the inkhredibly special video The Nice Paula Lady khreated - and yes, not FURever...just FUR now...
Khyra those trees are beautiful. Don't worry Merdie you are still adorable even if the mom of the house cut part of your head and ear off in the picture. nice Capitol tour!
Benny & Lily
I love those blooming trees!!
It's nice to see Merdie again!!
Those tree pics are amazing!
That is a very beautiful video of Praline.
Our thoughts and prayers for her and family.
Enjoy your Tuesday!
hey Khyra,
Do I see little fuzzy baby birdies?! So sweet!
Some of Merdie is very pretty! When do we get to see all of Merdie? And LOVE the two close-up shots of the blooming tree flowers. Wonderful photos!
Sorry that your friend has to leave, but it sounds like you all had a great time visiting. I bet Princess Eva and Brice the Handsome are super excited to get their mom back!
p.s. We pawed some love for Sweet Praline's mom. Thanks for letting us know.
Nice trees, and what a big bird!
The blossoms are awesome. Fanks for sharing.
Such pretty blossoms and we always love to see Miss Merdie!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
I sorry about ur friend. Rest in peace.
More pretty flowers. Glad to see the Moms have had a good time. Any time you can see sweet Merdie has to be a good time.
We didn't know Sweet Praline very well, but we were sad to see her go. Hugs to her family.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Those trees are so lovely, and that building, too! I like all the sightseeing!
I love the spring trees and Merdie! Thanks, Khyra.
Still only one little chick? Beautiful blossums. We're starting to get the pink ones here, slowly. My heart goes out to Praline's people.
Khyra the trees are almost as pretty as YOU and Merdie. You get the most amazing pix.
I agree that the RH could never fit in that little car.
WOW beautiful trees! I wish ours looked like that!
You really have beautiful blossoms on the trees...they are very pretty! Hi Merdie..nice to see you again!! Thanks Khyra for the nice compliment and for visiting! Lots of love, Holly and mom
OOOH those places look deserted. Where's everybody? HEE HEE! I bet it's nice to live in quiet places like those.
Hi Khyra, Mum enjoyed seeing the blossom pics again! So pretty. Hi babies and Merdie!
I miss dewy mornings :(
Khyra nice to see all the pictures. the video that Paula did was just so beautiful and that little girl will be missed so much.we have been watching the feathers and see a baby but today mum seems to be leaving the eggs away from her, do you think maybe they wont hatch.Nice to see merdie. Hugs GJ x
Meowm sure liked that Woody dog from the transport! A great job by your Mom as usual! We give her 8 paws up for the work she does!
Merdie! It is so good to see you!
Purrty tree flowers and interesting capitol buildings!!
We are very sad about Praline, but at least she is well now!
Sweet Merdie, two days in a row! and that's an especially sweet merdie face!
what Kari said and I miss the blossoms, too. but you're probably sick of hearing that.
I love spring time photos. :)
Very sorry to hear about your friend, we stopped over to give them our condolences.
That was some pawsome Tuesday Telling, Khyra. Thank you for including a picture of Merdie. That always makes me happy!
Wiggles & Wags,
Thank you fow those bootiful skyes and buildings and flowews.and mewdie
I love you and hope you have a most wondewful week
smoochie kisses
Love the license plate on the other car, says mum. It's sad about Praline, isn't it?
MERDIE!!!!! We miss you!!!
Spring is very pretty in your neck of the woods Khyra! We hope you are going on lots of walks to enjoy those pretty trees!
Such pretty trees blooming :) Hi Merdie!!!
We will stop by Praline's site and send her hugs.
I am amazed by how big the baby birds are growing - and so quickly too!
What a beautiful Spring has finally arrived to you! It is very nice to see Merdie looking so happy.
Oh, the pretty trees! And hi, Merdie! :-)
Oh Merdie! What a sweetie!
Well, now you know how far behind we on blog reading, but thanks for sharing the big dogs with us!
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