She also didn't snag the flokhk of wild turkeys she saw - they were just far enough off the road the photo wouldn't have shown them fur their feathery glory - especially since one of them was in full Thanksgiving sprawl!

Speaking of Mom, this mom will be in the Xterra on Sunday

Sally and these seven pups are part of Maya's Legacy - and Tank is - well, Tank!
She'll try to get some shots and videos of the pups but they aren't to be out of their khrate NOR are they to be handled due to their age - there are four girls and three boys on board!
Happy Sunday EvFURRYone!
PeeEssWoo: BTW, our GR is pushing 500 - and Mom will be gone a good bit today SOOOOO, woo know what might happen - I'm fighting her fingers but....
Rock Lobster!!! :)
You can drop Lila (that was my mother's name!) off at my house. Just a cute and colorful pup!
Have a good trip.
Khousin Ab is a lucky lucky dog!
What a carload of cuties your mom will be driving!
OMD! Those puppies are adorable! And, Tank is quite the handsome dude!
Holly & Khady
Those puppies are pretty cute but I cannot resist a grey beak! That Ab is a beauty! Have a safe trip!
Those puppies are very beautiful! I love the blue merle puppy.
Wild turkeys - very cool! Hope you have a safe trip today - you can just bring Lila right over here to me! :)
Hey Khyra!
Wow, Ab got some great toys! Looks like fun. Love the puppy pix...they are adorable!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Khousin Ab is looking good and especially beautiful after her spa treatment. Love those sea critters too.
Mom loves Lila - what an interesting coat.
Safe travels.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Such sweet puppies!!! Lila is such a cutie!
Have a nice trip!
Our woofies have that same Lobster and they love it!
Those little pups are so cute!
Enjoy your Sunday!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Ab's Lobster... "ROCKS". hehehe
Love that first picture, what a wonderful dog! And those puppies are pretty darn cute too :)
What a carload of cuties you will have! Safe travels and good luck today!
That is more khute than should be in one khar.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Now I want a lobster stuffie, off to Costco!
What a car full of cute baby dogs :)
How cute. How do you get such cute cousins?
Mom's passengers are super adorable. Hope she is having a good transport.
Lila and Romeo are our faves! We love the costco toys too!!!!
You and the Knight. He was on a "looking a puppy pictures" kick last night too. Too bad there's no smell feature... ahhh.... puppy breath!
Khousin Abby looks very happy with her lobstah!
Pretty sky shots but of course we all know that you are the prettiest subject of all Khyra!
All those puppies made our mommy melt! Good thing they are all the way over in Pawsylvania or else they'd be in our house!
Khyra, I loved your video. Mom just installed a newer version of Picasa. Hope it worked.
Oh, that Jenny is just to cute. We don't think Fenris would mind if she found her way into his backyard. Actually all the doggies your Mom is transporting look cute as can be. What a handsome family. Purrs they all including their bodyguard Tank find good homes.
500? Even your mom can't read that fast. :)
Hi Khyra
We got a nice "puppy fix" while seeing the photos you shared. What adorable faces.
You have the most beautiful sky in all the world. The sun rise was awsome!
My moms got me some new stuffies, but none like yours.. Yours are special.
Have a great sunday too!
What adorable pups!
Have a wonderful Sunday, Khyra!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Lovely puppy photos!
Your Mom sure is busy!
take care
Clive and Murray
Look at those babies! So cute.
Those puppies are so cute!
Thor and Jack
So. Here we sit. Watching it snow. Thinking of lobster bisque. Beautiful sunrises. Flocks of elusive turkeys. Cloud formations. Precious puppies. And you.
Always, and often, YOU!
(We miss you, and have fond memories of you and your tree)
Jake and Fergi
Hello Khyra!! I have to tell you that I think that Sunday is one of my favorite days to see your blog because of all the faces new faces that have found their way!! I also enjoy seeing YOURS too!!!
Take care, and I hope you've had a good day!!!!
Sure Ab loves her new lobster toy!
And all those adorable puppies!
And handsome bodyguard too!
Hope the transport was nice!
Kisses and hugs
Yep, lobstaks and beautiful eyes
Benny & Lily
Hi, Khyra and Mom -
Oooh all of the passengers are sooo cute! We are glad that they made it safely to Pawsylvania.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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