Watching Mom get The Xterra ready to roll

Part of our storm damage - there is a bigger maple limb on the patio walkway - but this is part of lilakh - now time fur Mom's part

Thanks Khyra !

Clouds are certainly featured today - and yes, that is The Great Kibble Provider on the horizon

One of the recent traditional shots as I head North -

When I stopped for gas, this was next to me - Whitney whanted this for her first Whednesday post

I saw this one

And then this one that reminded me of a certain RH in Master Chew Sits - I actually thought his yardbombs might weigh as much as a Silky Terrier

Hagerstown Lakefront Airport -

Meet Stella my shotgun for the 75 miles

Pawsylvania welcomed Brutus Dewey Doc Lilly and Stella

This license plate caught my eye - in fact, I was pretty sure I had seen SYRIA before but then I noticed their Virginia Tech items - so glad I had noticed it!



The D Brothers

Yes, she was that cute!


Paw Power


Khyra wanted me to show KB I had seen a Cougar - we had a Bobcat above but my fingers deleted it and I was so NOT trying to reinsert it - I'll share it on Tuesday!

Dreaming of her new life in New York

Did I say she was cute?

And she knew it!

Some of PA's high water - it was incredible to see the remnants of Saturday's rains and storms -


Still sleeping in anticipation of meeting their family in NJ!






Pondering all that has happened to her and her siblings - I believe she's the 5th to be placed with two more remaining



This week's Harrisburg shot

Check out the river!


The Southbound view I've started to include as the counterpart to the Northern one

And I saw a DOVE

Mission Accomplished again!

Yep Khyra concurs RESCUES ROCK!!!
So much cuteness today - great great passengers - on their way to awesome FURever lives!
Lilly and Brutus are around three months old - staying together on Staten Island NY - Dewey and Doc are also thought to be around three months old - heading to NJ to become members of two families that are related since their moms are sisters - Stella the twelve week old Rotti girl went off to Long Island NY
Fun is too small of a word to convey the tone of the day but it sums it up!
We dedicated the leg to Syren's friends around the world - since she'll be PA bound later today - Syren wanted to thank all that made her soon to be new life possible!
Grab a beverage or two for there are lots of pics and videos in the Photobucket - I've included pics sent from Saturday as well as some videos from Mary's leg through NC to VA - and I have eight videos from the MD to PA segment!
Here is the album link AND here is the slideshow link!
Thanks again for the support!
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
no way could I have given up those pups!
Khyra we thought you were doing yoga! Oh my word that baby is adorable
Benny & Lily
Our momma agrees - rescues rock and the roll, too!
OMD! Our mommy would have puppynapped those cuties! We're glad they will have furever homes though!
What beautiful cloud pictures!! And Stella just has the CUTEST face!! (and bum!!) :-)
Honey the Great Dane
hey Khyra,
Nice doga pose! Love how your tail covers so much of you. :->
Stella is adorable! We will ride shotgun with her anyday! What a beauty she will be! And the bottom shot, of her walking away, is too cute! Love it!
Lily and Brutus, and Dewey and Doc, are also absolutely precious!
Love all the cloud shots too. Nothing is better than a blue sky with white fluff balls floating past.
Thank you Khyra's mom for once again doing so much and giving so much of your time and self to help so many animals in need.
p.s. We are sorry you had damage from the storm, but furry happy you and your humans are safe.
Oh my. That Stella is a heartbreaker!
What a cute pup! Mom wished she could adopt all of them!! :) Are you teasing the khamera in that second pic there? Cute!!
Enjoy your Monday!
We love yoo guys. Our hearts are filled with joy as we head into a new week ~ thanks to you. Rescue Rocks!
What cuties! We're so glad that the pups will be able to stay together.:)
Teddy Bear & Sierra
We don't know how you can be with all that cuteness and not pupnap at least one of them:) Stella was a real looker, but the others were very nice too. Good to know they were all on their way to furever homes.
Good luck to Syren on her final trek home.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Oh the little baby rottie gal. I can hardly keep my heart from beating right out of my chest.
Glad things went well and you didn't get involved with any of the bad weather!
Woof! Woof! Cuties ... Oh My!!! Happy Monday! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
you could'nt have had CUTER passengers this week. they all seemed to know they were headed to great lives.thanks for your continued help for these furbabies
pibble sugars and wee wiggles
the pittie pack
That sure was one cute shotgun rider!!!
We loved the third numberplate best! It's such a shame there are no vanity plates in France...
Rescues rock and so do you, Phyll and Khyra!
Stella is just precious. I hope her home is as sweet as she looks!
This was such an awesome post! What a Blessing that they have found wonderful homes! Love the pictures.
I would turn into such a hoarder if I had that kind of cuteness in my car! I'm looking forward to updates on these sweeties. Most especially, Stella! OMD!
Stella is a cutie! I could not do that! I would have them ALL at our house!
Ahhhhhh! Stella is ridiculously cute! I mean, that's just plain ridiculous how cute she is! RIDICULOUS, I tell you!
What an adorable baby.. glad she'll find her forever home!
Greyhound Kisses, Jazz
What a little cutie!
Oh my goodness, what a sweet, adorable, totally cute girl you have riding shotgun! I would have had a hard time dropping her off.
Holy smokes! That little Stella has stolen our hearts! They are all adorable!!!
and you are right Miss Khyra! We are certain it was your woofs that pushed Orions leg to heal!
STEEEELLLLLAAA! You're too cute for words. Hope woo have a wonderful life with your furever family! Thanks for sharing her!!
-Giz, Bart, Ruby and mom
Cute cute cute and lots more cute. How gorgeous is that little one. I could have reached right in and snuggled. Some lucky person is in for a whole lot of love. The Khyra paw placement too,. Just gorgeous.. Hugs GJ x
Adorable passengers. Glad you didn't get worse for the weekend storm.
Hope the storm was not too bad where you live.
What cute woofies again. Yes, rescues rock!!!
Such adorable pups! Your mom is so lucky to have all of that cuteness in her Xterra, Khyra!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I can't stand all this cuteness...oh my!
She is just about the most cutie patootie ever!
Rescues do Rock! We're covering our ears 'cause Mom is SQUEEEEing over Stella!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
What a cute puppy. Not as cute as you though, Khyra. You're the best.
Those dogs are so cute!!!! I loves dem! :)
OMD - so much puppy cuteness! We think Stella stole Mom's heart a little. She is too adorable AND that's one of Mom's favorite puppy names :) Kudos to you for all you do for the animals!
The Road Dogs
woof _ Tucker
Nothing cuter than that fuzzy Rottie butt...LOVE HER, and the other kiddos! Another safe ride completed :)
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