Macy had been saved due to the kindness of strangers - with someone who wishes to remain anonymous - who doesn't even live in this country - paying her adoption fee and other costs associated with getting Macy ready to be pulled - she was spayed - all went well and then all the plans began to fall apart - including someone that was going to pull her and temporarily foster her which would help satisfy some of the quarantine requirments for transport seemingly falling off the face of the earth -
Now, the shelter wants Macy out - they need her space - but now there is no one to help get her - and then get her closer to PA - the distance between there and PA is quite an investment in time and gas dollars - Macy's new human has already renamed her SYREN - since Macy is calling for help - calling to join her new family -
Someone has offered some assistance to get her and get her closer to VA with SYREN's new human driving to get her - but all this takes monies that just aren't there - that person has had their own excessive bills but just wants SYREN to get to safety -
Part of the pulling Syren is doing on heartstrings all over is that she shares the LOOK of a younger Banshey - one of Khyra's SibeLings - Banshey's time here is drawing closer to an end - we think she's helping Syren join her furever family - hopefully meeting her and then knowing she'll be in good hands and paws prior to Banshey being called North of The Rainbow Bridge -
If anyone knows of any way to help get SYREN out of Athens AL and closer to her furever home in York PA, please let me know OR contact SYREN'S new human at winterstormrage at comcast dot net - any help - any dolllars - anything will be welcomed -
I do apologize for asking - and for the babbling I'm doing in this post -I've tried to collect my thoughts but the emotions of it all are clouding my vision along with the tears of feeling helpless to get SYREN to a furever family that won't up and move - leaving her alone -
We hope Macy will be out of there soon and on her way north to her new home!
Khyra, how can I ever thank you enough for hanging in there with me during my invisible phase and providing me encouraging links. It is not fixed yet, but I found the detour.
My fingers are crossed. You have such resourceful readers... I hope that one of them has a great idea for you.
Thanks for all the work you do for deserving dogs like Macy. We are keeping all our paws crossed that someone will be driving south to north and can transport Macy.
Misty the alpha Poodle
my heart is being touched,,,
our tears are falling...
i want to help...
That is wonderful that Syren has a home.
My ideas:
1. Research and see if there is a local Sibe rescue in the area...bound to be.
2. See if they can "hold her" and or if they have any transport ideas.
3. If you have a twitter account, post this...facebook, post this problem...
I will say a prayer for Syren.
Much luv,
Mama Mindy of The Slimmer Puggums
Pee-S: Is there a transport company and if yes, how much would it cost to get her at least to the next transport driver? (Last resort of course)
We've got our paws crossed that miracles will take place to get Syren to her furever home.:)
Teddy Bear
Have you guys looked into Pilot's & Paw's? I needed shipment for my rescue Mal from Louisiana to Central Florida and although I ended up going another route the P&P guys were super nice and helpful. Also you could try posting on uship.com where people will bid on transporting your dog. I was surprised by how low some of the bids were that I got and most of the transports had wonderful reputations and reviews. Check with other local breed specific rescue groups and just make it known! Rescue's will really pull together to transport dogs even if it isn't "Their" specific breed. Good luck... I wish I could help but I'm no where near the doggie :(
tell me where to send the dollars... i will send some dollars. how much is needed?
We saw this on FB and I think I know who is trying to pull this beauty. Will pray really hard that things will fall into place.
Our paws are crossed for Syren! We hope someone can help her out.
Your flowers are just beautiful, Khyra!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We hope someone will be able to help Macy. We wish we could help drive her but we are too far away. She so deserves a chance. Someone out there must know someone who knows someone . . .
Your hyacinths are just so pretty.
Lots of luck.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Oh, we hopes Syren (Macy) gets to see those beautiful flowers soon. We will purr and post on Facebook, maybe somebody will see and can help.
I have a feeling that things will work out. Keeping paws crossed for Syren and her new family!
Oh dear, our paws crossed for Syren to be able to reach her furever home soon. I really hope someone can help Syren as soon as possible. She deserves a good home!
I see you got some very much good suggestions for pawsible help fur Macy. I hope she makes it SOON.
Does she have her own Facebook page? Sometimes that really works wonders. It makes it easier for people to share her story there, too. Just a thought!
Has someone contacted Operation Roger?
Hoping it all works out!
I hope all works out for Macy....
Pets are not disposable. I don't understand why shelters don't get that... I really don't.
Keep me posted. I haven't had any luck with transports through VA, but there's always a first!
We hope above all else that there will be a lifetime of happiness ahead for Syren!
You aren't rambling at all - we got every word and cross paws and fingers that Macy will get to see those gorgeous flowers furry soon. You do the most amazing work on behalf on doggehs (and probably kittehs too) - hugest thanks...
Big Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie, Avalon and Ozzie
Our paws are crossed for this beautiful girl...
It is never rambling when you are trying to save a life. Macy is a beautiful pup and I really wish I could help. I believe that through the Power of the Paws, added with all the amazing people that read this, Macy will reach her forever home. My prayers are with Macy and that everything will work out.
Beautiful photos. You have such lovely flowers!
KrisAnne and Suka
p.s. So sorry to read about Banshay.
I wish I could help but will only send my hopes and prayers that volunteers will be touched and she'll find her way.
Khyra cant a chip in be set up. we can then all chip in a little. The power of the paw has come to the rescue and I am sure we can all do so again. Maybe too much for one but a little from many should surely do the trick. I will be in it. Hugs GJ xx
hi k & p!
what a wonderful, loving post!
i know it will help macy!
Meowm so wishes she was back there as she would be happy to take a leg of the journey! We will be purring for her to get to her new home!!!
Hi Khyra!
Wesa your furiends the Slimmer Puggums and we noticed that we did not have your snail mail addy in our Bloggy Furiends Address Book. It is just for us'uns but makes getting out cards and packages to our furiends so much easier.
Please send your snail mail addy to our mama at mindyslimmer AT gmail DOT com.
Much luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
Sure wish I knew a way to help. :( I hope they are able to figure it out for her.
We are crossing our paws that everything works out for Macy. We wish more than anything that we could take her to PA ourselves but we're really far away. We'll keep her in our thoughts.
Your spring flowers look pretty Khyra but you are way prettier!
I wish I knew some way to help...it seems like it's so close to actually happening!
Dear Khyra, those are beau-woo-tiful pikhs of woo with the spring flowers! Big prayers for Macy/Syren. I will khount the green papers and see if I can help.
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