My Iditawalk Certifikhate
Sparky The WFT is moving - this was at his house on Monday and Tuesday
Mom has some upkhlose shots of some of the remaining blooms she'll share soon
Merdie sent Mom this pikh Sunday afternoon - after she got it, that's when she khalled to see if they would be home fur visitors
Mom took this with her phone from there
Lookie! ALL of Merdie!
Now fur some wings - albeit it kind of sad
From Monday
Chikhk-zilla has The RH has termed this ONE
Still Monday
We khall this one BIRD YOGA
It looks like there will only be only hatchling this year - but as you'll see, that is not a khomplete surprise nor a bad thing given how young Mom is

Now fur some wings - albeit it kind of sad

4/26/2011 :: Hatch Update
The remaining eggs in the scrape have had little incubation so it's likely we'll have only one nestling this season. We think this new female is very young and as such it's not unusual for her to lay infertile eggs. This may actually be good in the sense that she'll have less pressure in giving flight and hunting lessons to this nestling when it fledges than if the full clutch had hatched. Looking back to the 2000 season, mortality of the fledglings was high (75%) perhaps due to the inexperience of 4/4, the original Rachel Carson female in training the fledges to attain the skills necessary to reach independence.
Since this post was so heavy with pikhs, I didn't have Mom rekhord a Walkin' Wednesday video - we'll return in TWO weeks with that fur next Wednesday is THAT Whednesday of the month already!
Mom and I furry sad our special visitor left us around 7:15am Tuesday - Mom and I will share some more of the fun tomorrow!
Of khourse, I'll be extra sad fur Mom returns to work but it will give me a chance to khatch up on my sleep!
Good pics! That is very interesting about the Mama bird...
Khongrats on the Idita-walk! We got a cool little pin :)
Wyatt and Stanzie
Merdie merdie Merdie!
Oh how I missed woo
Froggie Merdie please for Freyeday!
PS- I got my iditawalk pin! Momma puts it on her work bagballs
Such pretty spring pics! The blossoms are gorgeous!
hey Khyra,
Congratulations on your Iditawalk Certificate! That is so pawsome! And Khyra, your tail was looking extra flooffy and fluffy in the pictures! Very pretty! :->
Yay! All of Merdie! She is such a beauty!
Sadness that only one little chicky was born. What an adorable little fluff ball, though. That is a great last picture of the mom and baby.
Sweet dreams, Khyra!
We love your Iditawalk certificate. Great job, Friend.:) We jsut love the picture of the Baby Birdie with Mama Birdie.:)
Teddy Bear
*waving to Miss Merdie*
Well done, Khyra!
The spring looks really good and those pictures of spring are beautiful. Mama bird is getting busier and busier these days.
Congratulations on your Iditawalkie certificate, Khyra! Good for you!
Merdie sure looks happy with her treat!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Yoor certificate is awesome ~ well done!
The birdies and blossoms are fabulous.
Congrats on completing the walk and getting your very special certificate!
I hope momma pf doesn't sit on those eggs waiting for them to hatch for too long.
Great to see Merdie looking so well. Hope she gets to come for a visit soon, MFT.
Too bad about the eggs, but Mother Nature has her reasons which we don't always understand.
And congrats on your Iditawalk certificate - you probably earned several of them with all your walks.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Dat toatally makes good sense bouts da birdie being ables to work with one betters than a fleet of baby birdies...very interesting...and about her age and da mortality.
So many wonderful pics we don't even know where to start, except that we loved them all!
Interesting about the PF eggs.
Sorry about only one little PF this year. It must be tough to be a new mom. We'll see if any Columbus eggs hatch...
wow, that's really cool to learn about birds this way. fascinating. i'm glad too she only had one kid. takign care of kids is hard work!
I thought the same falcons return to the nest every year? No? Can they tell if this mother is one of the babies born there in the past?
Yay! Congratulations on finishing your Idita-Walk. I am Most Impressed!
I thought that was interesting about the momma bird and it made lots of sense.
Wiggles & Wags,
Congratulations on your Iditawalk Certificate! great job keeping your human excersized!
Lovely blooms and Merdie, too!
You Dida Lotta Walkies thingy!!!
Heehehehehe I made a Frankie funny.
Thinking of you this morning....snowing out....want to come over and play some snow football?
Cool certificate. You could hang it in your room. Merdie is so cute chewing on that big bone. Love the baby hatching update. Have a fun day
Benny & Lily
What a cool certificate! I hope your mom frames it for you!
Congrats on the certificate! Pretty photos too, as always!
Congratulations, Khyra! You must be proud of yourself.
MERDIE!!!! We love seeing more Merdie pictures! Khyra, we love seeing your floofy tail too and are sad we didn't get a walk with you but we'll be there for the next one!
We're glad there's at least one birdie though although wish there were more. There will be next year!
Wonderful walking picturees! Purrty blooms and purrty floof!
Merdie! It is always good to see Merdie! And her furs have all grown back!
We are sorry the other birdies didn't hatch, but her one baby will be taken good care of!
Way to go on the Iditawalk. We like Khra Floof and loons.
Merdie !!!!!
Remy and Flash
Actually I would like to be an only doggie around here sometimes so I am jealous of the only hatchling and the only Sibe.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Hmm...Khyra...why do you look so STRIPED in those pix?? I know stripes are the latest rage this season, but I had no idea you were so fashion trendy....
As for my butt not fittin' in the Abbey? Sheesch.
Kisses to Merdie...
We're sending you some....
R A I N....
Have you had enuff of this PA weather???
Beast XXOO
Congrats on your certificate, that is super cool.
Sorry there is only 1 hatchling. :(
Really enjoy your photos, so very beautiful in the spring, Khyra is so majestic and we love Merdie.
I guess the hatching of only one egg is Mother Natures way of helping this young Mom out.
Hamish & Sophie &
Mom & Dad,
Sheila & Bob
You tell a great story! Love those pictures. You look like you got some stripes in your fur!! I need a hair cut real bad, I'm starting to sweat:)
I didn't realize young birds do that - you are right, it is probably better for her, since she is young. Thanks for sharing such great pics!
Congrats on the Iditawalk award! That's a lot of miles! Did you know that snowbikers actually cover the entire route to Nome on bikes like mine? Whew, it's a long way. Great job walking that far.
I'm glad that the PF had at least one baby...although it's sad to see the two eggs unhatched.
Congratulations on your Idita-Walk Certificate! Next year will it be out on the tundra time?
Looks windy.
Hi fluffy tail
Congratulations on your Iditawalkie award,, that is awsome for sure!
I love that you share the birdie stories with us,,,
the mama is so cute,,and that adorable baby..
i am glad she only has one baby,, i think its best.
So good to see Merdie!!!
And all the blossoms too
Congrats on your Iditawalk Certificate!
Beautiful Merdie!
Beautiful YOU!
Thor and Jack
Congrats on your certificate - looks like you exceeded the requirements quite well!
It was nice to see all of Merdie ;)
Thanks for sharing the hatchling pics - so hard to be so tiny!
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