Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thursday Thinking

I am thinking Richie is soooo missed YET
I know these two handsome brofurs will once again prove the power of The Blog World - I'm sure woo've already heard about it BUT in khase woo haven't, PLEASE VISIT JD AND MAX's POST ! ! !

This was the pawesome bag-o-stuff I was the winner bidder on during the last inkhredible

That Oskar is a furry good shopper! He even inkhluded something special fur Mom - I'm going to let a certain Golden Khousin Soon To Be One Year Old Named Harley have the khool toys - he'll be thrilled - of khourse, I'll see if Khousin Merdie wants one too!

One of the furst blossoms on the cherry tree in The Doggy Nanny's yard

The view of Mom's work sky when she khame out at 7pm

But Mom - woo usually leave at 6pm - what gives?

The evening shift member of her department was sikhk and didn't khome in at 4pm - and it was busy busy busy - SO they asked if she khould stay until 7pm -

Sure Mom - likely story - but then she said the magikh word


From the walk


Just about time to tukhk the sun into bed

Mom was EGGcited to see when she got home that one of the eggs had hatched ovFUR night - she wasn't able to snag a shot of it but she'll try prior to heading to work Thursday morning

Due to the delayed start to our evening, we kind of threw this post together - and now that is is khomplete, I'll let Mom have HER kibble now!

Please make sure to visit JD and Max's Blog!




Two French Bulldogs said...

The magic word walk gets ya every time
Benny & Lily

Unknown said...

RIP Richie. Although I didn't know him, it seems like he had a big impact on the blogging community.

What a nice bag of goodies. How exciting!!!!!!

houndstooth said...

The eggs are hatching? Oh, how very exciting!

That is a great bunch of stuff you got, too!


Jan said...

How nice of you to share your toys. We know the word Walk even when our humans spell it.

The eggs are hatching to welcome Easter. Keep us posted.

Misty the alpha Poodle

BeadedTail said...

That's a great bag of goodies you got Khyra! We're so glad your mom didn't forget about your walk too! It's still Wednesday here so we're going to go on a walk with you today on your last post...

PeeS: Yay for baby birdies!

tweedles said...

Thank you taking me on your walk,,,(i do feel like i went with you,, because i see the sky and trees and flowers..
My puter was broken and I could not visit you,, i missed you.. but my puter is back again and so am i

Jacks said...

Jack's magic word is cookie! :)

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That sounds like one of those slightly "diskhombobulated" days, Khyra, but you did get that walk in!

#1 and I are heading out with a friend for a whole days of visiting Percheron breeding farms!


rottrover said...

Khyra! We love your "did woo say whalk??" face! Happy girl!

Teddy Bear said...

Wow...what a cool prize pack! We hope you get lots of cherries from Doggy Nanny's tree.:) We just LOVE the "WALK" picture.:)

Teddy Bear & Sierra

Kess And Her Mama said...

At least the work didn't get in the way of the walk ;-)Looks like you had some beautiful skies to admire on your walk.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We just followed the link and went over to read that truly beautiful post. our eyes are leaking but our hearts are full of joy. Fanks.

Duke said...

We know that word "walk" too, Khyra! It always means fun stuff!
We just came from JD and Max's blog.

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Your Mom is very good to you, MFT. She must have been quite tired after that very long day at work. Hope you didn't overdo it on the arm pulling.

Nice bag of goodies you won - bet Harley will love his new toys.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Dexter said...

With the nice weather, I find that I get a better walkie if I wait until momma gets home from work anyway. Then she isn't always looking at the clock.

I thought that momma bird looked restless when I checked yesterday. Can't wait to see.


HoundDogMom said...

Walkie Walkie.....And Oh My Gosh, what a bag of loot you got, awesome. Also, baby birds, Yahoo! Sniffs, The HoundDogs

3 doxies said...

We has been very sad bout Richie. But dat postie JD and Max did was incredible!
I wants to go walk withs you cuz it poured down rain heres! UGH!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

THAT is a wonderful Prize Bag that you got from Oskar!! I just love it that you are going to SHARE it with the cussins. I love to SHARE.
NICE Walk!!
Happy Easter

SissySees said...

What a great prize package!

Sis demanded her walk even though it was 85 yesterday.

Jan Mader said...

Ahhhh....your walk made it all worthwhile right?

Michelle said...

Grady loves his toys too! Looks like you had a fun walk. I like the pretty flowers.

TimberLove said...

hehe Khyra- we love your 'let's go' look! Always enjoy walkies with our furiends:)

RA & Isis

Remington said...

RIP Richie....the sunset pic is beautiful!

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Ha! I thought the magikh word was going to be OVERTIME, which translates to EXTRA KIBBLE!

You must be loving getting out of work that late and still having some light to walk in!

Snowie Baby said...

yes. lets the magic word for moi too!
what a nice sunset picture!

Kari in Alaska said...

thats ones awesome giftbag!


Amber-Mae said...

Oh WOW! Those are some really awesome goodies you got there.

Ruby's Raiser said...

Hey, this was a great post by your busy mom! We visited JD & Max's site and shed a few tears but left with a smile.

Hope you girls have a great weekend! :)

Thor and Jack said...

Very cool you sharing your new toys. Beautiful sky shots!

Thor and Jack

Clive said...

We visited JD and Max's blog the other day - they are wonderful!

Loved all the photos - wonderful to see spring blossoms and hear about the eggs!

take care
Clive and Murray

Khady Lynn said...

Poor Richie. We are hoping he is having fun at the bridge with all the others.

I can't believe your eggs are hatching already! Ours aren't due until some time in May!


Chris and Ricky said...

I'm thrilled to hear your eggs are starting to hatch!

Scooter said...

Hey Khyra!
Wow, you got great loot in that prize pack! Nice sky pix too. Let us know how the eggs go!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Suzy ∆•• said...

You always have such cools photos. Thanks. And thanks for the falcons cam. Cools. Here anothers raptor cam-
It has balds eagles.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I just LUVS the look on your face when you heard the word "WALK." It really is one of the bestest words in the whole wide world, for sure!

Wiggles & Wags,

Oskar said...

I'm glad that you liked the bag you won. Thanks so much for bidding in the auction!

Nubbin wiggles,

Teddy Westlife said...

What a cool present! Oscar is lovely.

White Dog Blog said...

Sunset walks are especially wonderful!

Amrita said...

Oh my the top photo is adorable