Okay, Mom is going to try and share what she remembers from Sam's phone khall Sunday evening.
Please keep in mind, it had been a rough day to end a rough week. The bright spot of it all was the FURRY FURRY FURRY khute khanines she transported in MY Xterra. (I've had her inkhlude the link again in khase woo missed seeing the SEVEN short videos and the sixteen pikhs). All but one of her passengers went to their furever homes Sunday night...and the one that didn't have one yet had a few furry good pawtential homes!
We hit the bed around 10:30 - Mom usually doesn't sleep well Sunday nights to begin with...but she was trying...the phone rang at 10:44pm. Mom saw it said Sam...she hoped it was going to be fur THAT reason...and it was!
Sam said they had an organised search pawty from about 11am - 7pm that khoncentrated in the area she was pretty sure he was in. She stayed in one spot and the others worked the other sides towards her.
Once it was khonkhluded, she went home to take khare of a few things befur heading bakhk out again...armed with his favourite treats. The day my mom helped bring his north, she had taken the bag of Khanine Kharryouts that Joey and Zeke had sent me for being their 100th post winner! Laska LOVED them! Mom thinks he would have akhtually jumped IN the Xterra fur them!
Once Sam realised it was him she saw and heard, she spent some time luring him in...tossing one as he got khloser...then another...each time throwing them khloser and khloser to wear she was...until finally he was "there" - that one she held onto and made him khome fur it...and that is when she was able to khapture him! If we rekhall khorrekhtly, she said it took like twenty minutes or so!
(KHYRA'S MOM HERE: I really must apologise for my lack of clarity with regards to recalling the conversation. I was just so excited, relieved, and drained Laska had been found that I really kind of went into emotion overload. Honestly, I've not yet cried about it...so many tears were shed prior to his recovery that the tank is diminished BUT I know a good cry of relief is in the works)
Words khan not begin to explain how much we owe to evfurryone's pawsitive thoughts, prayers, woo's, and MORE!
Believe it or not, we had akhtually gotten khaught up on blogs before bed Sunday night but have fallen behind again...please furgive me! Monday was spent with telling the story to all that needed to hear it along with a few other things.
I had planned to show my tongue today BUT I've decided to khombine THAT with Whitney's Wikhked Wednesday!
Happy Last Day Of June!
PeeEssWoo: Tank woo fur your words of support fur Huskee and Hershey's mom too...I know she really appreciates it !
Hi, Khyra!
I am soooooo happy too!
I enjoyed your videos!
Maybe if my mom gives me treats I can try doing tricks! Hmmm....
Kisses and hugs
Don't let Q from TH see this comment- I enjoy a good salad too!
Welcome back Laska!
hey Khyra,
Great story of Laska being found and caught. Very happy news and I hope Laska is in good shape and not to frightened after his ordeal.
You are great at catching treats, by the way.
Ha-roo roo, Jack's a Husky Holstein too, MFT! And hearing that Laska khame home...now that's the way to start a good week!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack moo-a-roo
Hi Khyra, I am so happy for all of you. I love the pictures and movies. I can't wait to see you stick out your tongue.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
What a drama with the woofie. We're glad he was found.
Maybe we should fake a run-a-away and get lots of treats? Then again, maybe not...
Mom says she is glad Laska is back and that if I ever do anything like wander off for my own adventure I will be in so much trouble!
Treats look yummy I am too stubborn to do tricks for them (although I will stand nicely for them and trot round the ring at those shows mom makes me do). Skye gives hi fives and rolls over for her treats (soooo undignified)
I enjoyed your video of you smiling in the sun! Also the Trikhkyt video!
Tell your mom she told the story ok. We understand the emotional overload! My mom gets excited too when happy things happen, or sad things .... and then later those happy/sad things are all a blur!
Hi Khyra! Great video and lovely pics, me soooo happy too, Welcome back Laska!!!
We're so glad that Laska is back!!! :)
Love all the pups! They are ALL so cute!
Great Trikhky Tuesday! I would probably do anything for HH cookies too! :)
Wonderful, WONDERFUL! We loved reading all about it!
Your Friends,
Tommy and The Girls
I am so very happy that Laska is back home. Sam had a really good idea to lure Laska to her.
Our mom would have gone into emotion overload too, Khyra! We are so very, very glad that Laska is home!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Welcome back Laska. We would have gone scatterbrained at the news too. It was such happy news. ~S,S,C & F
We is so happy,Khyra and Khyra's mommy! My mommy actually went running through the house when she heard the good news...she's funny to see running. Harooos!! Thank woo,Khyra for being such a good friend to all us furries and hoomans!!
Mya Boo Boo
Sheer ecstast - that's how happy we all were to read the news early yesterday morning. Finally something good. We hope Laska has learned where to find the best treats.
Great Trikh, Khyra - we have some good catchers here too. Anything for a tasty squirrel.
Woos, TD and Phantom
Hey Khyra,
Mommy just loved the pic of Laska with the sunflowers. Mommy was so happy. Them squirrels are the only kinda squirrels I like. Good practice for when you cat a real squirrel.
Loved the video. You have such a pretty fluffy tail.
We could not have hoped for a better start to the week. Yay for Laska. Now someone better hold on to him all the time!
Huffle Mawson
Hey Khyra! We are so so happy that Laska is safe and well. Does he have a forever home waiting for him now? We hopes so!
I bet Sam was so nervous trying to lure him in, in case he bolted off, I bet the relief she felt when she had him in her arms was immense!!
Love Scott xx
PS: Can we purrlease have a Laska photo - now he is home and safe? xx
We are so glad to hear that Laska is home- we bet he is one tired puppy.
Have a Terrific Tuesday,
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Hi Khyra,
Thanks for sharing Sam's capture story with us. We are so glad Laska is home and hope he is okay.
Wags & wiggles,
So glad to hear that Laska is home safe and sound!
Awesome trick for trick t-day, Khyra!!!! WooHoo - see huskies can do tricks too! You are very good at catching cookies!
So happy Laska was found!
Khyra, are some of those puppers the golden/husky mix you told us about? They are furry furry cute!
We are so happy that Laska has been found. We(actually just me June)know how scary and dangerous it is when you are all alone out there.
Sam & June
Welcome back Laska!!
I´m so happy too!
We're so very happy to hear the news about Laska!! Welcome home, Laska!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
WOOO! We are so happy too! That is how Mommy tries to catch me when I o off, she even used a whole chicken once, but I think running is more fun, but that was in y youth, now I am am a good doggie and try to stay home.
-Kira The BeaWootiful
hi k & p!
oh that is just so exciting! we are so happy for laska and his family.
no worries about being *behind* on postings. you can never be behind. you see the posts you are supposed to. :)
m & e
We are so glad Laska is found!
Mom couldn't see the baby pics cause her browser at work wouldn't let her - she can't wait to go home and look at them. We all love babies around here!
The details aren't as important as the fact - Laska is back!
Such good news about Laska. I look forwad to seeing your tonung out. we loved your sunset photos. mums had taken some the same day, well would of been before yours went down. thought you might want to see the other side.
We are so glad Laska is back. We were very worried.
We're very happy Laska has been brought back safe and sound!
Our momma thinks the little owls are so cute that she would just ♥ to kiss the tops of their heads. Would they bite her?
We are so happy that Laska is home and safe. Momma always says that you should never, ever give up hope and she was right!
We are so happy that Laska is safe. We have been worried but now we can rest easy. Thanks for letting us know.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
YIPPEE....we are so glad Laska was found!!! :)
Such wonderful news! We are thrilled!
Thanks Kyra! What great news! (Now I want to try those treats!)
Yes, it is emotionally draining to get good news after so much bad.
That is such an awesome thing that Laska is HOME. Whew!
Your trick was really great! You made us a bit dizzy at the beginning though. Ha roo roo roo! Oh, and seriously, since your mom didn't quite catch your catches on vid, you should have her re-shoot and re-shoot and re-shoot until she gets it right. And in the meantime, keep the Happy Hearts coming! *weak grin*
Tail wags
PS: None of us catch except for the LabraDave.
Hi Khyra
we are dogstatic that Laska is safe!
We loved the picture with the sunflowers.
We will come back and watch the videos as our silly mum has been working all day today!!
Lucky we have dad at home for the summer holidays.
Martha & Bailey xxx
Still so happy that the beautiful Laska is home.. The gaphic from Zoolatry is beautiful..
Love the video's and those baby's.. wooo wooo. dear little one's and all got good forever homes.
Looking forward to seeing your tongue picture..
Pleae tell your mum to try and relax after her gruelling week las week. She deserves a chill out now..
Hugs From you Ginger pal. GJ xx
Yay yay yay!!! We're just so happy Laska is back!
Your pal,
Hi Khyra
Your great at catching treats. When mom throws treats at us, we give her a clueless look and let the treat fall on the floor.
We're happy Laska is home.
Love Ruby & Penny
Husky holstein!!! Very funny! So much in this post, but we are so glad Laska's back!!! Love the videos - great squirrel catch, Khyra! And thanks for posting the terrific pix of the dogs and puppies - awwwwww.
Hugs xo
We bet Laska was glad to be found. We have never been lost but it must be furry skhary!!
Sorry for being so slow. My own day to be behind on blogs (never even posted one today for The Herd). Took Friday and Monday off and came back to a ton of emails and other great "fun."
Just such a great beginning to this week to hear of Laska's safe return. Betting that everyone is holding on VERY tight to the boy from now on!
Oh the Heeler's are jumping for joy here. We are so happy that Laska has made it home.. What a lovely celebrator video..
The puppies are so cure....
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Wonderful News!
Brillant to read that Khyra!
A fitting end to the month.
lots of woofs
It is so awesome that Laska is back, safe and sound! Yay, Laska! :) :) :)
Sooooooooooo glad for you! I love happy endings!
Your new pal,
Miss Khyra!
I am very happy that Laska is recovered too.
But now may I point out that your mom called you a COW? Did she think she could slip that in while we were celebrating the return of Laska?
Hey, Khyra Mom, grass tastes good, OK? MFT is not a COW.
What awesome news! Huzzah!!!
Wonderful story of Laska coming home! And we enjoyed your video too!
Yippy for such good news! We in this house are very relieved.
This week has been too busy for my likin so we have to khome back by later in weekh to enjoy videos!
Give me sumfin what I can lookh forward to!!!
wif love from the Luke
Thanks for sharing this delighful happy story!!!
xo sugar & martine
We is so furry happy Laska came home!!! This time maw got to leak happy tears instead of sad tears.
HaRooooo Laska!!!
Husky kisses,
We are so happy about Laska. Thank you for sharing the great video and photos with us.
Teddy Bear
mm those carry er kharry outs are really good for sure! I khan totally see why he was brought back to safety! We loved those puppy videos, Mom watched a couple again so thanks for the link.
Khyra, honey....I am so happy fer y'all I could just bust!!
We are so happy that Laska was found and is now home. The crazy old bat can't remember anything even if there isn't any stress. Your mom is doing fine.
Hi Khyra and mom
Thank you so much for sharring the story of Laska Come Home.
We had a lot of tears over here, sad tears, happy tears, overwelming tears- so we understand. Sometimes they come- sometimes they don't.
Don't worry about being behind on reading. We know you well enough to know your hearts. So take a deep breath and don't worry.
Time can wait,
tweedles and moms
This is absolutely the BEST news!!! We had prayed so hard for him to be found. The power of the pups and kit khats has worked it's magic! Laska is home!!!
Holly and Khady Lynn
HOORAY HOORAY HOORAY!!!!! We are so happy to hear that Laska is home safe and sound, what WONDERFUL news! Its the power of prayer and the power of the paws we thinks....
Benson and Gibson
(and Jaime)
Oh Khyra,
Am so excited to see your Tricky Tuesday video - why do you always say you Sibes can't do tricks? You were awesome with the catching! Please do post some other videos of you doing other tricks sometime!!! Anything! :-)
That was a wonderful story about Laska -
Honey the Great Dane
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