Before we khontinue with today's post, we need to khall on the POWER OF THE PAWS OF ALL SPECIES!
I had shared how we needed to keep Benson in our thoughts...
WELL, Mom and I noticed Benson's mom hadn't posted fur some time...and so did some of woo from the khomments we read. I asked Mom to paw Benson's mom a note to ask how he was doing.
WELL, the nice Jaime wrote bakhk with a pupdate: Benson has been spending a great deal of time at the vet. To khomplikhate things, her dad was rushed in fur emergency brain surgery. That is why she hasn't been posting. She asked we pray fur him and Benson right now.
Here is her post from late Wednesday night
Please do keep them in your thoughts...
I'm thinking

I've introduced woo to the award's khreator already but please visit and say paw hi again...
and if woo do, woo are welkhome to take the award and share it!
One khan 't be too sweet so please go fur more Sugar!

BUT I am thinking Stella needs to stop being a bad bad khanine!

I'm thinking I'll share some of the pikhs Mom took Tuesday night...

Here is a shot of the kids on The Ledge

Here is an update from The Falkhon Wire:
6/10/2009 :: Fledgling UpdateThe green banded female and the white banded male have fledged. Watch and rescue members are watching both of them as they take successive flights attempting to eventually return to the nest ledge. The yellow banded female has been held for further observation to ensure that she is 100 percent recovered before placing her on the roof of the Rachel Carson Building to take flight again. Taking off from the roof, above the nest ledge, provides a better chance for the fledglings to safely return to the nest ledge.
SO, there woo go!
I hope woo've enjoyed today's T&T!
Thank you Khyra for the news about Benson. We'll be praying for him and his Daddy. Beautiful pictures of the skies and the cats and of course the main "star" herself! Thanks for always sharing them beautiful pictures! Take Care1
hi khyra....beautiful photos u got there...nice view....:P
i m jason from malaysia
hugs & kisses
Red skies at night...
sailors delight!
We are sending vibes for Benson. We couldn't visit their website because our computer is stoopid and won't open the site.
Our thoughts are with Benson and Jaime's dad. Pretty sky pictures today. There is always a bunny or a cat around these days Khyra - what's up with that? Thanks for the falcon update!
Pawrayers on their way for Benson & his dad.
Didn't woo get the memo from Rabbit Realty? They're taking over, I tell ya!
Woos & a-roos, that's a beawootiful sky!!!
Star & Jack a-roo
Praying for Benson and his daddy, no wonder they have not been posting. I visit sugar every day she is cute ( for a woofy).
Mum is into sky pictures especially sunsets.She went all oohs and ahhs over your mums pics. Hoomans are strange sometimes.
I could see the two gingers looking at you. Haha they were saying you cant get me.
Lovely post today as always.
Hugs GJ xx
hey Khyra,
My paws are crossed sending healing to Benson and his Dad! Thanks for informing us of the situation. Sad news sucks!
MORE BUNNIES! You are SO lucky! Any luck catching any? Bunnies are tricky!
Love the pic of you in the window!
p.s. your mom's photos of the sun and clouds and colors of the sky are amazing!
Oh I hope Benson and his dad will both be okay.
Huffle Mawson
We're sending lots of AireZen to both Benson and his dad! Thank you for this update, Khyra!
Your mom's sunset pictures are just gorgeous!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We stopped by Benson's blog earlier this morning to leave a note.
Congrats on yet more awards, Khyra, and thanks for all the lovely photos!
Your Friends,
Tommy and The girls
Hi, Khyra..
Me & my Mom are praying for Benson & Jaime's Dad...
What a beautiful sky...
Abby xxxooo
You are just surrounded by critters (er, khritters), aren't you? Maybe there is an invasion going on being coordinated by the squirrels? Stay alert.
We read about Jaime's dad and poor Benson last night and wooed our thoughts to her. We hope life improves for all of them soon.
Your sky shots are quite lovely - all we can get here lately is stormy clouds and lights and sound shows.
That's a very cute shot of you checking out the kitties from the window - was Mom out there making furiends with them again?
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Beautiful sunset photos!
Sad news - one of our falcons - the only male - fledged by accident and hurt himself and ended up drowning in a hotel fountain! We don't know why no one saw him to rescue him. Poor little guy!
Our Mom is loving those sky shots.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Hi Khyra! We'll definitely be keeping Benson and his family in our thoughts. Thanks for telling us. What gorgeous sunset sky shots - wow!
See ya!
Joey and Zeke
You have beautiful sunsets, great to see this morning. I'm headed over to Benson's place, very sorry to hear this news...
Wooo Khyra, nice photos of the sky, but we like the one of you looking out the window. thanks for the update on Benson and thank you for introducing us to Stella, I think we are going to be BFF! She looks like so much fun for a Border collie.... must have some Sibe in her..
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Yes Khyra, we will keep Benson and his dad in our thoughts.
We think those bunnies are teaming up as well. Just yesterday we saw 2 running around in the field across but mom wouldn't let us chase after them.
We are sorry to hear about Benson and his Dad and will certianly keep them both in our thoughts.
We absolutely loved the sky pictures - beautiful reds!!
Martha & Bailey xxx
candles lit and paws crossed for benson ans his family -
great pics such a pretty sky
woodrow sweetie mj
What lovely sky photos!
You live in a delicious neighborhood. Mind if I come visit? I'd really like to, um.... get to know those bunnies....
Hi Khyra
Congrats on your awards and thanks for sharing all of the sunset pictures.
We are praying for Benson and Jaime's dad.
Love Ruby & Penny
let's see, thank you for all the updates, we loved thepictures of the sky, and will be praying for Benson and his family.
gussie d
I just can't believe that property values have plummeted so much that rabbits can now afford to own a house in the burbs... Why isn't this being covered by the national news?? Where is Anderson Cooper?
Hi, Khyra -
We will keep our paws crossed for Benson and his Dad.
Mama and I (Hershey) really like the pictures (Mama likes the sunset photos).
We love you and your Mom.
Hershey and Kaci
Oh man, we are heading over to Benson's right now. We haven't been visiting much so we didn't realize things were so bad. We've kept purring for them.
Congrats on your awards! I think those cats come over to tease you and give you some fun reality TV to watch. ha ha ha
What a beautiful skhy you have. That should make your evening walks furry enjoyable.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! What beautiful sky pictures! I just love the cloud formations and the colors and -- wait a minute! Is that OSWALD?!! Is he selling real estate up there in PA, too!?!? Be on guard, Khyra! Really! And don't trust those kitty-cats, regardless of what Storm and Zimmie might tell you! Hrumph!
I am sending my very best purrs for Benson and his family, too!
Those are beautiful shots of the sky, and of the khats too! hee hee
I will purray for Benson.
Wooo~ Those are fantastic sky shots!
We have already visited Benson's blog and left a message. We hope all goes well for them.
Those are lovely pictures of the sunshine going down....and we see you had a little visitor on your walk.
Benson and his family need our thoughts and prayers. We will go over and say hi.
Thanks for letting us know pretty Khyra.
Looking at that beautiful sunset is making me sleepy!
Purrayers for Benson, that's fur sure.
Congrats on your awards, Khyra!
Your pal,
Oh what lovely sunsets.. Those really are beautiful..
We stopped by to give Benson and his human Dad our best Heeler vibes.. Thanks for informing us...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
We are thinking of Benson and his dad.
Beautiful pictures! :)
Hmm...that Ozwald is everywhere. I wonder if he will show up in Hawaii one day?
You are so sweet for checkhin on Benson and lettin us know... sometime life get so busy, we forget how important it is to checkh on our friends.
So thankh you, Khyra! We'll be prayin for Benson and his family!
I love your pitchers today, but you just know my favorite is seein the you wookin out the window!
wif love from the Luke
Thanks for more info on the fledglings! We will be keeping Benson and his family in our thoughts. Thanks for all the great photos.
Those are really cool sky photos! Mom likes best that last photo of you coming towards the camera! We will pray for Benson and dad.
Beautiful pictures today, Khyra. We will be keeping our paws crossed for Benson.
Teddy Bear
Wow, bunnies, squirrels, and kitties?!? You are going to have to step up patrols on your territory!!
AMAZING sky shots!! They are all lovely! Alice likes to chase rabbits too & bolts on her leash when she sees them. How dare they parade about respectable dog's neighborhoods?! I've never met Benson, but followed your link -- so much trauma, I'm very sorry for them and hope it turns out well. You are so kind to keep up with so many friends!
Thanks for sharing with us this news from Banny!!!
We had read about him on his website...paws crossed for him and for his grandfather!!!
And...CONGRATS on your totally deserve it because you're fantastic!!!!
What a beautiful pictures...and sky....and sunset....Awwwwwwww...wish were with you and could see all these fabolous things all togheter!!!
we love a lot your picture at the window!!!
We love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!
Sweet kisses wonderful girl!!!
Hi, Khyra!
I read about Benson and his Grandpa on his blog. I have my paws crossed for them!
You need to keep and eye on those creatures in your neighborhood!
Kisses and hugs
hi Khyra
blogger would not let us leave a comment last night.
We went to day over to Bensons site with our prayers.
The clouds you posted of the storm are beautiful
w00fs, congrats on ur went to seed Benson yesterday, me sure hope him and his g-pa start feelimg better soon..hmm mamas camera wont take good piksurs of the sky...and guess what daddy seed yesterday, a turtle..we hasnt ever seed a turtle since they lived here..
b safe,
Khyra, I hate to tell you this but you are going to have to do something about those bunnies. Otherwise, like you said, things will get out of paw. Praying for Benson and sending him some healing doxie sun rays! ~Twix
Thank you for tell us about Benson.
We´re praying for Benson and Jaime´s Dad.
Beautiful pictures!
Thor xxx
Hey Khyra,
We went over to leave some pawsitive vibes with Benson's mom... it must be a tough time for her.
Thanks for sharing those beautiful pics of the sunset! It's lovely...
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