Thursday, July 31, 2008
No Words
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Walkin' Wednesday
I furry much appreciate all the khongratulatory khomments left about my 202nd post!
My buddy Joe (Sweat) Stains hoped I was still enjoying it - I khommented bakhk on his blog that I hoped all of woo were enjoying it too!
Have a happy happy joy joy Wednesday!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
And it is a SPECIAL day!!
Mom noticed when she posted yesterday it was post #201 - sooooo 'tue'-day marks #202!!!
Here is a look bakhk at how it all started ! I remember how skhared we were to embark on such a journey - and here we are at our sekhond milestone - albeit a few posts after the fakht!
Thank WOO all fur the enkhouragement and support!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Music Monday/Momday

It's Monday so that means time to listen to the musikh! Furst off, we hope all pawticipants in the 'Blogathon' have rekhovered sufficiently to funkhtion!
Today's letter is G - and we will do something a bit diffurent: a theme of G artists! This kind of developed from an email exchange with a certain SMS member residing in Missouri after this past Friday's F artists. She mentioned Foghat - I said another excellent choice. From there, she threw some G's out for khonsideration. SO, I've put together three songs all done by 'G' artists that pay tribute to
Gloria in some way: One from her namesake that also reflekhts how we feel about our khanines; the sekhond is how they akht SOMETIMES ; and the third is what Gloria has done for her kids .
In keeping with the theme of three, here are three newer or lesser known "G's" to chekhk out:
The Greencards
Grace Potter and The Nocturnals
Gurf Morlix
Well, that does it for another edition of Musikh Monday/Momday!
See you bakhk here on Friday for working fur the weekend!
Miss Khyra sends her furry best!
Khyra's Mom
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Dayz O Blogs II
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Dayz O Blogs I
Mom got the ingredients to make her dinner and fur the third or fourth time she's making something shared by Frankie Girrrrrrl and Maddie's mom although she's modifying it AGAIN - BTW, they have a new baby bro DOMINO - he sure is khutie pie!
I'll be attempting to get my blog posted early SO I khan spend time reading all the khool posts from the weekend formerly known as Blogathon!
SO, here is a brief video of me doing some of my leapy stuff - I hope woo enjoy it - and to do that please khlikh the words SEE KHYRA NOW!
I'm sure by later 'tonight' brown bean juice will be our furiend!
Have fun with the bloggin'!
PeeEssWoo: My 2nd Gotcha Day Celebration is ONE month and khounting!
Friday, July 25, 2008
F is for Friday!
SO, how's that for an earworm?
Khyra's mom here - I've kidnapped The Blog again as we introduce 'Working for the Weekend' for all you Loverboy fans and fanNOTS!
Seriously, Musikh Mon/Momdays have gone over so well AND I'm just itching to share so many artists but they don't khome up until late in the alphabet. I was diskhussing this with The OP Pakhk's Mom and she suggested I do it more frekhwently SO it seemed to be 'f'itting 'f'ur today!
Plus, it gives Miss Khyra more time to rest up for The Day of Blogs Weekend!
So, F HAS to inkhlude Fleetwood Mac - and one of my favourite singalong songs Landslide - so many Fleetwood Mac songs to choose from - I'm sure we all have ones with various memories associated with them!
Another F for me is Firefall. They didn't have a lot of hits BUT I enjoyed all their songs and when I want to go bakhk in time, I pop in my Firefall: Greatest Hits CD and sing away! Here are two tunes of theirs - the furst is one of their 'hits' but THIS one is my FAVOURITE Firefall song
NOW to the new F - and 'f'or this one I'll go pseudo lokhal with Fuel - they are akhtually from the Harrisburg area originally. I believe the khurrent band is not the original lineup BUT they were a houseband for some of the lokhal adult beverage spots! They may be a little harder than some of you khare for - and don't let their looks turn you off to start - but I'll suggest you listen to Leave The Memories Alone on their myspace page.
SO, there you have it! We hope evfurryone has a great and SAFE weekend. If you haven't done it yet PLEASE pledge something fur the Day of Blogs Blogathon! That is where we'll be spending our weekend!
Khyra and Her Mom
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Bakhk on trakhk!

Deep in khomtemplative thoughts!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Working Wednesday
BUT, this gives me a PERFEKHT chance to remind evFURRYone of The Day of Blogs!
Please chekhk out my fellow Pawsylvania Residents, The Kapp Pakhk
My Siberian
Hunk O Husky STEVE, his khute sister K(h)at, and annoying Litter Breath -
If you haven't already done so, please go snag the plastikh thingie from your pawrents and PLEDGE!
They both have some REALLY REALLY khool prizes!
We'll be hanging out this weekend and staying awake along with them!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Fluffy Tail Tale Tuesday
Monday, July 21, 2008
Musikh Monday - Take it E-asy!
First off, I need to add a D I neglekhted to inkhlude last week - that's what happens when you attempt to work without khonsulting one's notes: Dwight Yoakam and in partikhular this song 'The Bakhk of Your Hand'
NOW, to the E's - as hinted last week, my E list HAS to include The Eagles or Eagles depending upon how they are listed. I had sooooo many songs to choose from but THIS ONE soooo is one I'll never tire of nor will I ever NOT feel the emotions khaptured with it. When I need a good khry, that one makes it furry easy!
As you might have noticed, my musikhal tastes are very varied. I believe my next E choice is an indikhator of that: Earth, Wind, and Fire - YEP - I sooo love them and have many of their releases.
Of khourse, Eric Clapton would be a great E too! I khould have inkhluded his tearjerker "Tears in Heaven" but I've already thrown in sad ones SO let's go with a khlassikh - ya got me on my knees!
Now onto a NEW E - I suggest Eric Gales - he's a bluesy/Jimi Hendrix type - great sounds - and a furry khool title for this one - I believe other AO4 residents will wag in agreement!
Have a great week "E"veryone! The All Powerful Khyra will be bakhk with woo all TUEmorrow!
Hugz&Khysses from both of us!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
SimKHa Sunday
Saturday, July 19, 2008
PupDay Afternoon!
They were great passengers! At one point, one of the blakhk ones that was in the khrate khlosest to Mom as she drove started saying something SO Mom reached bakhk and was treated to several miles of puppy khysses!
The brown ones were inkhredibly beeWOOtiful with amber eyes and wavy parts!
The transport khoordinator indikhated that hadn't been really socialized when the one shelter had gotten them but someone had worked with them - well, they did a great job! These seven pups WILL melt hearts!
PeeEssWoo: Suka, I'm so sorry - I don't know why my mom thought woo were what woo weren't!
Suka Saturday!
The khritters above will be riding in MY Xterra this afternoon - they are khoming from OH to NJ - akhtually to the same special reskhue that the SibeMixes from June went to - there are five girrrrrls and two boys! SO, if I'm not around it is bekhause I'm napping whilst Mom is getting these sweeties to new homes! They were originally set to 'head east' last weekend and Mom khouldn't help BUT this weekend she khan, she will, and she did!
Have a super Suka Saturday! Please stop over and say "I'm just sayin' Khyra sent me"
PeeEssWoo: I've edited my original post fur my momma faux pawed and thought Suka was an 'f' like me - be he's an 'm' -
I'm furry furry sorry - I'm just sayin'!
Friday, July 18, 2008
HelloHelloHelloKhytty Friday!

From Gaia
Gaia is a khool Airedale - she lives in Wooshington as in STATE - Mom and I exchanged lots of pawmail with her about how they are messing up the Khanidae - Gaia saw my khomment on my blog - we gave her the 'skhoop' on how they are pooping it up!
And, I believe she's got some news of her own khoming on her blog!

From Ekhho Ekhoo
AND then there is my PA Khake eating buddy EKHHO!
What more khould I PAWSIBLY say!

From The OP Pakhk!
TRES Khool!!! I'm soooooo honoured!!! My furst award from my favourite newest bloggers that I kept after fur sooooooo long!!!
DANG!!! Tank WOO!!!I'm pawsitively PINK!!!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Khwikhk Post And Git...
Mom spent time setting up my doggy nanny's new PC tonight SOOOOO our night is delayed in starting.
Since Doggy Nanny hasn't been on line since Sunday, it was Pawiority #1 to get her new machine hooked up, set up, and ready to go.
I just had my walk -we are both still rekhovering from that for it is ikhky AND stikhky out there - Mom hasn't eaten yet - she just fixed herself a Bocce Ball - and she's got SMS mail to chekhk BUT we wanted to leave my furiends with something until I have time to do a more Khyra-like posting! I've got awards to akhknowedge - WOO!
So, here is something for YOU to keep ME in mind! Please khlikhk where it says get your KHWALITY KHYRA TIME>>>>>> here
Have a great one!
PeeEssWoo: I really hope we khan return to blog world as we know it SOON!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
More From Biloxi, Biloxi Sunday
Here are the videos from my furry furry fun day - Biloxi, Biloxi Sunday!
Most of them are on photobukhket but one of them is on youtube -
I hope woo enjoy them!!!
I'll label them Video One Thru Six - please just khlikhk the spelled out number! Got it?
One Two Three Four Five and The Grand Finale, Six
As you'll hear, that Biloxi has KHWITE a lot to say!
PeeEssWoo: We'll try to get some more pikhs sorted out soon!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Time Out Tuesday

Please forgive the short post - we finally got the internet bakhk so Mom khould get some pikhs posted from my trip to see The Kapp Pakhk!
We had sooooo much fun!
Whilst Mom khatches up with her SMS mail, she'll upload the videos from Sunday AND share them over the khoming days!
Please furgive my lakhk of blog visitations - she had the important stuff to take khare of furst: making money to buy me yummi things!
Hope all are well!
PeeEssWoo: PLUS, I've got TWO awards to address!!! Not only am I a KHOOL KHAT but Gaia gave me another award!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Musikh Monday - D-elayed!
Today's Musikh Monday post is a bit 'd'elaye'd' but I ha'd' stuff to 'd'o 'd'uring my break today AND I went out to lunch - PLUS, the internet at home was out AN'D' might NOT be working for me to 'd'o this later. I tried switching to 'd'ialup last night but frustrating 'd'oes not begin to 'd'efine how I felt!!
Okay - now to D's - I start thinking of the next post before I even finish the khurrent one - so I've been trying to 'd'eci'd'e. I've selekhted Don Henley - with these two songs being ones that mean a great 'd'eal to me - The Heart of the Matter and one with Patty Smyth from Scandal She's also John McEnroe's wife!
My other ol'd'er D would be Dire Straits - so many songs - Mark Knopfler's guitar playing just makes me melt - and this song just says a lot to me . It's from Making Movies - an album I probably playe'd' non-stop for khwite a while!
Two newer D's to chekhk out woul'd' be The Duhks A frien'd' of mine hear'd' them on NPR whilst 'd'riving home one 'd'ay - buzze'd' me to turn it on - and we were hooke'd' - AND chekhk out Donna Hughes When I first got the c'd', I think I listene'd' to it TWICE without interruption. I ten'd' to fin'd' that says a lot!
We 'd'i'd' have a great time with The Kapp Pakhk on Sunday! We have pikhs - we have videos - and I hope that Khyra will be able to post them when she gets her blog bakhk tuemorrow!
Khyra sends her fuzziest hugz&khysses,
Khyra's Mom
PeeEssWoo: One might 'e'xpekht to see one of the above artists show up N'e'XT time aroun'd'
So until then, take it 'e'asy!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
My Saturday For YOUR Sunday!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
What A Story!
NBC Nightly News has a segment khalled 'Making a DifFURence' -well, I pawaphrased of khourse -
Please allow Brian Williams to introduce it fur you - it is pretty freakin' special! My mom was leaking befur the story finished airing PLUS she went to the site Free Kibble Dot Khom - I think Mom akhtually got see a website khrash fur the furst time in her life! We got on BUT whilst we were there, well, it exceeded its limit - then we got forbidden errors - and other great mikhroskhwish khode words!
In preparation for doing this post, Mom googled and found some more info on this - here is one for FURther review !
I've added a badge to my page fur it - just like The Animal Reskhue Site, the more khlikhks each day, the more the pets needing help benefit!
Those of us with great homes, fun toys, and yummi food need to help those who have gotten khaught up in the world of stoopid humans, khorporate greed, and some bad lukhk -
Please spread the word! Please add it to YOUR blog!! Please help those that need our help!!!
PeeEssWoo: They even have one fur KHATS - I wonder why they just don't feed the khats to the dogs!
PeeEssWooWoo: I've got furiends travelling from Missouri AND from Georgia - they be going to GracelandGraceland - paws khrossed for safe trips fur all!
Friday, July 11, 2008
It's Here It's Here!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Pennies Fur Pups
My regal furiends Princess Eva and Brice The Handsome made mention of the 'blogathon' that will take place the last weekend of July. Steve and K(h)at and The Kapp Pakhk are pawticipating! I've already snagged Mom's plastikh khard thingie and sekhured some funds for MY pledge! PLUS, I donated some furry lovely gifts!
Please visit their blogs and paw them a note as to how many pennies or dollars WOO will donate!
AND then khome on bakhk to BlogWorld and hang out! Last year's Blogathon was our furst experience - we didn't know all that was expekhted of US - and sadly, we went down fur the khount about 4:30 or so Sunday morning - this year, we will pace ourselves! I just need to supplement Mom's AGJ with some brown bean juice! We did have a BLAST - my mom really got to be furiends with my BFF's (Sitka and PHBbbbb ) moms that weekend!
SO, please go pledge SOMETHING - you khould win something FROM ME!!!
Training fur Blogathon Weekend
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
The Royal Box
I had such fun and even got to show it to my khousin Merdie The GoldenDoofTriever's little bi-peds last evening! Lots of noisy fun was had by all!
Monday, July 7, 2008
C - It's Musikh Monday
This one was soooo easy - for someone of my generation, it has to be Carole King Not only did I all but wear out my Tapestry album , Carole is responsible for soooooo many songs my generation grew up with and khontinues to tie to memory after memory - some good, some bad!
PLUS, I have to inkhlude another C - Carly Simon with this song being one I khan't get enough of !
There is akhtually a kind of khool bond between the two - for years, Carly was married to James Taylor who had a hit with another one of my memory songs -You've Got A Friend - which Carole wrote.
SO, now to a khurrent C - please chekhk out Christine LeDoux
Khyra and I hope all had a nice weekend free from any holiday mishaps! She'll be bakhk tomorrow but sends
Khyra and her mom
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Fireworks Bekhause...
Please stop over and say HEY!
Here are the SAFE kind of fireworks for woo to view - no nasty smell! - Mom khaught this on Friday night - she REALLY wanted to khapture the finale BUT the khamera battery died! So, please khlikhk where it says this way to the fireworks!
There were more firekhrakher thingies around here on Saturday night - I did well AGAIN but it is getting SOOOOOO old!
Have a great Sunday all!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
He's ALMOST Home!

I hope he khan breathe under all that plastikh!

Chekhking out Totti with an official khyss!

Chekhking out ALL the wonderFURful smells!
Totti's stuff!
And one of the KHOOLEST khanine skharves around!
This book is UNBELIEVABLE!!! It has soooo many great pikhs of all the KHOOL things Totti got to do! He told me about all the neat places he saw and interesting people he met! Mom wishes she had more patience AND extra hands so she khould take pikhs of ALL the pages! You will just have to trust us with HOW PHREAKIN' KHOOL THE BOOK IS!!!
And Karen Ramstead SIGNED THIS WITH HER OWN PAWS!!!Well, I whispered a special message for Totti to share with Summi when he gets to see him!
So, Mom will take Totti to work with her on Monday and have the Big Brown Trukhk guy get him bakhk to Iowa!