Saturday, June 10, 2023

Saturday Sharing

The BlingedBirds are tucked back there -
See ^ ^ ^ -

Truly hard to believe not THAT long ago they were TheFluffPuffs!!! -
70 now at 445pm - it's been DANDY!
After getting back from The KhrossTrek's oil change, I went thru the pile of assorted 'stuff' - another thing off The List - Willow was so enjoying surveying her world - I put the bed stuffs in the washer - and she kept me in her sights for
'venture time!!!

The List was undecided for the foodable choice - actually, I thought we'd be doing a pick up lunch from BobTheKhat  but when I hit Dawn's FB page FrEYEday morning, I drooling started and the choice made -


We'll share more from the tasty time tomorrow - since we have already pictured up the post - 

We are going to do the new place today for our breakfast 'venture - since I'm going to be making my June Wolf Brewing visit, I figured just having some beverage and bagel from PlantBoxCo will appease both of us - I'll go in and order - then we'll enjoy the Saturday morning outdoor time together - and give us a chance to share in the Grand Opening week over there - 
Willow World
We *might* have watched MSNBC all day -
It was a surprise to Willow - AND TO ONE OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD khats - when khytty did a cut thru across the planter - and they both startled each other - wish I had seen that about to happen to get a shot but alas...-

I did manage to avoid The Nap Monster by staying busy all day - making the bed - washing the blanket and two of our fleecy sherpa throws - and lots of smiling at Willow as I watch her and see how she loves being able to watch her world thru the front door - 

Yes - Day One of Weekend: GOOD!

Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Duke said...

That meatloaf sandwich looks so yummy! I"ll have to thaw out my ground turkey and make meatloaf tomorrow☺ Happy Saturday, girls!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We had some serious rain today, but #1 managed to time our outings just right. After the rain, though, there were lots of snails out and about. #1 says I'm a good boy not to bother them.

#1 says she really misses bagels. The French don't "do" bagels...
