Monday, June 5, 2023

Monday MOMday

The PF Weeblers were out and about on SUNday -

One -
And the other two -
74 as I put this together around 730pm - and it was SOOOOO nice -
Saturday morning's open door - 
My first stop Saturday morning was the shopping center just behind the house - that's The Khottage neighborhood in the background -
Roses and McD's that can be seen from the backyard -
Plant Box Co is opening a cafe this week - and they had a soft opening - I stopped in for some drinks - and will definitely return this week - as the foodables look tasty - I got a Lavender Lemonade - and hot coffee this visit -
Just beyond the cars you see is The Khottage's  street which is a drive -
After doing The Human Groomer thing, it was off to Khousin Emmy and Auntie Di's place - they were still in bed but did know I was coming by -

SOME of her vast Lamby flock -

I couldn't decide so I'm including both -

Khousin E had gone to The Pet GRoomer on Tuesday so she still had her bow in place -

Then the last of my stops - and again, The OFFICIAL Mad Radish GReeter as soon as I opened The KhrossTrek door -

My CSA - I had expected one yellow and one green squash but not bothered by two zucchinis -
A couple picking up their box asked if I knew The Dog's name - I said I had asked via email but hadn't gotten a reply - like me, they hated not knowing what to call her/him - so The Man wrote on the board!


Such a pawesome pup - next time I remember to take some Khanine Snacks!
The Goats were down there -
A scene as I drove out - and sadly, irrigation is going to be needed SOON - many of their plantings so showed the effects of our dry weather -
Time to return to The Khottage - and I took a slightly scenic route back so I could avoid some traffic'ed areas - 
My 'venture done -
My mushroom share - once again, very nice mushrooms and amount too!
Zucchini Lettuce Mix Radishes Sugar Peas Strawberries! 
They had 'warned' us the berries were not LARGE - again due to the lack of precipitation - but were still going to be sweet and flavorful - and they are!
Paying The Tax for not taking her -
And they MUST be DOG APPROVED for each time I have some, Willow expects MORE!

I've got more pictures but since I've already weighed down this post, I'll share tomorrow -

Our SUNday SofaShift went well - but a wee bit long as entries to disqualify those calling off/etc during the week before and the week of the holiday needed to be put in to The WFM System - I did make sure My Co-Worker was fed around her normal 6ish time -

Both of us enjoyed being able to have The Office Doors open - I think Willow spent more time 'there' than at her usual 'desk' -

Happy Monday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Khousin E is such a pretty girl! Those strawberries look yummy, Willow!

The fluff puffs are already "going grey"!


Duke said...

You do have quite the collection of lambies, Emmy, and you look so pretty in your bow! Mom hasn't bought strawberries yet but it's time! Happy Monday!