Sunday, March 19, 2023

SUNday Sharing

Hanging on her ledge at The PF Palace -
And still we wait!

Maybe she was checking to see if there were anyin there?

As of the time I put this in place - 615pm - still holding out on all of us!
Whilst watching some MarchMadness, I checked and saw Lord PF encouraging her -
The Now Lady PF seemed to say HEY, I WANT IT OUT TOO!!!
Surely a pleasant last Saturday of Winter -
Now for our pot of 'greenGOLD' - Shepherd's Pie!
And Shepherd's Stew with DogTaxKhoins!

It was SOOOOOOO yum!
A Winking Willow!
The sweets that followed me home - Grasshopper Khookie on the left - and ChocolateMint CheeseKHake on the right -
I had the cookie for FrEYEday night's dessert - and I'm enjoying this cheeseKHake as I put this in place -
Time to pay The KhanineTax!

I had this for FrEYEday evening's 'meal' - it was very tasty!

The teaser pic that Dawn posted on Thursday - which started my drooling - 
And her soup post on FrEYEday - SOLD please - one bowl on my order -

I did make a trip to WolfBrewing on Saturday - of course, I'll share THAT here tomorrow!

Of course, today starts a new GKP week - SofaShift after our traditional vizit to Sheetz - I'm sure MyCoWorker is ready for both!

Happy Last Day Of Winter SUNday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Lots of yummy stuff there, Willow! And I'm very glad your tax was duly paid!


Duke said...

The Shepherd's pie looks so yummy and I haven't had it in years! Happy Sunday!