Saturday, March 4, 2023

Saturday Sharing

The Now Lady PF does FrEYEday AM -
And the wet late afternoon - as promised, rain and snow arrived in the PM - 
The FalconWire has a new posting in place -ENJOY - getting us ready for EGGS!

The Roller Khoaster ride looks pretty level next week -
After all her hard work during the day, this was much of Willow's Thursday night -

The look of WHERE'S MY 'VENTURE???

Her MO to ensure she was included -
Out we go!
The dumpster was still there - you can see the reflection on the side of The KhrossTrek -

Rushed the shot - so it's blurry  -

FURst destination - NewEasternMarket - I actually waited until TheNissanMan left and I pulled up -
No pictures taken inside for it was the usual frustration of too many people - on their own mission - and not caring there were others out shopping as well - I'll explain tomorrow why we went - and now why I know it will be a L-O-N-G time until our return - but I did get lots of tasty foodables!
Took the 'back way' home back to our end of 'town' 
So we could pick up my order I'd phoned in from the safety of NEM's parking lot -
Seeing THIS let me know I'd be adding some KHAKE to my soup order!

Back we go -
Final stop for the day - The Khottage and The New Roof!!!

After an extended photosession of our haul - and my tasty soup - it was NAP time - WE earned it - so much for the oh-so-much-needed vacuuming - NOW on The List for today -

Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!
PeeEssWoo: They got the dumpster late afternoon - 


Duke said...

So glad you have your new roof with those lower temps coming. Happy Saturday!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

#1 says that TOWCB, Tommy, always used to insist on going everywhere with her, but she needs to send me an invitation and then I need to check my schedule... I guess I'm more of a homebody.
