Friday, March 3, 2023

FrEYEday SkEYEday

Last FrEYEday -

Saturday -
Sunday AM -
SUNday PM -
Monday -
Tuesday AM - the vantage point should indicate WET -
Tuesday PM -
Wednesday - with the frosted lawn look -
FrEYEday -we hadn't take a shot yet for it was darkish when we first went out - we had gotten up at 630 so we could be ready for the dumpster - so when I went for our shot, we caught the old shingleroofkhrap collector -
Thursday AM -
Thursday PM -
We did get to have breakfast with Lord PF -
Take a look at his talons position themselves on his point -

Looking one way -
and the other -
So The Now Lady PF said she can do that too - one way -
And the other -
Ah yes - there were showers for the wee early morning - but not enough to stop The Roof Khrew - and  FrEYEday's weather will be entertaining - a mix in the AM and 'downpours' on the PM - 
BUT we have ROOF! 

From the 'age' damage uncovered when they removed the old shingles/etc, we were lucky not to have had leaky damage - and since we had been slipped into the schedule due to an other's postponment, we were just to get the roof today - they'll return for the gutters next Thursday - but by the time you may read this, The Dumpster should be gone -

Willow did very well BUT I was glad to be here with her - so today, I'll do my best to give her a special 'venture today!

Happy FrEYEday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!

PeeEssWoo: We'll share her good work here on Monday - it seem to lend itself to a Monday MOMday post!


Duke said...

Wow - that was quick and just in time before the nasty weather arrives. Your new roof and gutters look beautiful! Happy Friday!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "Hmm, but is it really a Dumpster? Or is it a giant Ghostbusters ghost trap? Hmmm ..."