Sunday, March 5, 2023

SUNday Sharing

The Now Lady PF in place - CHECK -
Lord PF in place - CHECK!

And YES - it was WINDY!
Now to pick up with Part Two of Willow's FrEYEday 'venture - 
I had gotten a BOWL of the very yummy soup  so we also got some yummy bread - 
Creamy chicken tortellini -
The Dog got BOTH of the bread triangles - she had earned them on Thursday -
The shot from Dawn's FB page - and the soups for next week are now listed - and DROOL!
Not to mention, The Dog got them before I ate mine -

This was my 'dinner' as the soup was 'lunch' - I try to eat my larger meal earlier in the day - then more of a 'snack' late -
Our main reason for braving 'the desirable east end' - the term used by realtors about East York as to get some treasts from TheBoys'BarkingBakery
We wanted to thank Longfellow and Zeus - our neighbor Basset and Rotti - for tolerating the new roof - and some for a box that just might end up in The Mitten State - and for Khousin Emmy - and Willow got a DoggyDozen of new ones - 
My treats -
'Perhaps' heading to MI -
My treats -
My treats - PB truffles -
Now it was time to watch me eat MY soup -
Yes...MY soup!

We had picked up some foodables for Auntie Di whilst at NEM, so Willow got a Saturday 'venture to see Khousin Emmy and Auntie Di - we'll share that on Tuesday since Monday will be WillowRooferDog's story - she did have a GReat time on her 'venture which included a stop for gas at BJ's - and finally, MyGiant for some human weekly foodables -

Then back to The Khottage - for laundry and more - THEN winding down to prepare for The Return Of The GKP Week -


Happy SUNday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog! 
PeeEssWoo: AND: Yes, there was a fairly good VACUUMING of The Khottage Kitchen, Living Room, and Hallway - good start eh?


Duke said...

We were going to comment on the yummy soup and bread until we saw all the treats, which all look delicious - both pup and peep!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Wow! All those treats, both canine and human, look awesome! It's grey and cold here today and #1 made herself some yogurt soup.
