Sunday, August 28, 2022

SUNday Sharing

A SUNpuddle for The NestBox -
And Lord PF really needs to clean off his point -
Finally caught her there after dinner time - 
It wasn't bad THEN - but take a look at the ick string ahead -
So after our breakfast with BobTheKhat, we headed to WhiteCloverFamilyFarm for some yummy foodables -

The routeback to The Khottage - I made it a mix of 'normal' road AND
Some 'back' ones - down the hill we go -
The Yummy Foodables - some APPLE Salsa - one for me and one I gifted to a friend - and another jar hanging out in the shot that just might be heading to ConnectTheDos - some rainbow kharrots - and horseradish pickles - another item gifted to that same friend -
The Khottage Kitchen Assistant!
And the flavor of the week fudge: PEACH!!!  So tasty - they posted on their FACEBOOK page it tasted like peach ice cream - OH YES!

My Saturday 'venture was WillowLESS - too warm - too long - too many places - but she was compensated for the use of The KhrossTrek!

I will attempt to share all the fun from the birthday celebration along with my Saturday ROTE - it may require two days as to NOT completely slug down the post but we WILL do what works best!

Of course, today is a new GKP week - Willow is currently resting up now for her shift - complete with snores and twitches whilst in The Auntie Di chair!

Happy SUNday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!

1 comment:

Duke said...

White Clover Farms has the yummiest tasting stuffs and we can't wait! Peach fudge?? Oh my goodness! Happy Sunday!