Friday, August 26, 2022

FrEYEday SkEYEday - Furry Special Edition!

Last FrEYEday -

Thursday AM -
And my last skEYE as a 62 year old ;-)
Thursday AM palace banter between The Royal Couple -

I did take one Thursday morning - it was 64 degrees - but the laptop fairies ate it so I took another when assembling this post -
My best birthday present I ever gave myself - 2006 for #47 -
Thursday's Facebook memory - appropriate fur sure!

Dont forget to celebrate today's OTHER SPECIAL EVENT - 

I had a very awesome event to kick off the 'celebration' - Auntie Di and The Nice Nancy Lady -
along with another family friend - Joseph - visiting from KholWOOrado!

I will share more of THAT in coming days -
Right now, I feel so overloaded with emotions and all THOSE kind of things - 
I do believe some decompression is needed!

What a great start to getting older - which I will be when I next see this post for I believe The Stork dropped me off in the one or two in the morning - aka night - hour - 

Thanks EvFURRYone for the wishes I've received already -

Happy FrEYEday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!

1 comment:

Duke said...

Happy Birthday, Phyll! We hope you have an awesome day! We will always love and miss you, Khyra♥