
Here is a video Mom shot whilst at The House of The Golden Khousins on Sunday - of khourse, it will be filled with multiple human babbling - sorry about that!
I know some have asked if Clooney gets to go fur walks - OH YES! His dad goes home evFURRYday around lunchtime to walk Clooney!
PeeEssWoo: Mom wanted me to thank all of woo fur your splodin' head khomments - it wasn't of the headakhhe variety - it was khaused by intense and khrazy work - a Night shift was added this week - the punch system didn't play well and has made the four punches three fur one day and one fur another even though the skhhedule should have made them be four fur one day - she thinks it took her four hours to work her way through all the items needing spaying and/or neutering!
Since this post was so heavy with pikhs, I didn't have Mom rekhord a Walkin' Wednesday video - we'll return in TWO weeks with that fur next Wednesday is THAT Whednesday of the month already!
Mom and I furry sad our special visitor left us around 7:15am Tuesday - Mom and I will share some more of the fun tomorrow!
Of khourse, I'll be extra sad fur Mom returns to work but it will give me a chance to khatch up on my sleep!