Well, the above shots were how I spent the am hours of my Labour Day! I woke Mom around 9:45 with a bounce on the bed and some khysses!
If only she khould have shot my stalk thru the kitchen window, woo all would have been impressed by my stalking of the wyld skhwirrel! He soooooo didn't know I was khoming fur him!
The afternoon was spent celebrating our famous photo skhhool instrukhtor! It was Stormy's birthday so I asked Mom fur one of her yummi bonesikhles! I politely dropped the hint it would be a great idea by snootering around for one of my empties!

I was otherwise okhkhupied BUT Mom saw this interloper in my yard - it is Butterskhotch and Vanilla flavoured I think! Silly skhwirrel was skhared of it too!
I hope all of woo had a nice day with your humans. I did submit my pikhture of how I see my human to Meeshka's khontest . If woo still haven't taken your humans' plastikh thingie and made a pledge, what are woo waiting fur? A personal invitation from ME????
Well, khome on bakhk TOMORROW fur a furry special post!
As I paw this, it appears that Gustav was not as nasty and stoopid as furst expekhted BUT now we have Hannah to worry about . Please be safe!
PeeEssWoo: Please take note to the pawesome khampaign sign sign evfurrywhere there are signs Turbo has revealed fur THE khampaign!
Good job on squirrel stalking. My mom stuffs stuff in bones too. But she's not too creative. Stuff like dogfood.
w00f's Khyra, hmmm cats and squeerls too, u iz sooo lucky.....ooo me iz bad, me didnt git stormys card made....me will haff to do dat...better late than never...
b safe,
Hi Khyra,
I'm finally home but I really wanted to stay at my friends forever. It is so boring at my house. The Mommy took lots of pictures so we gonna have a pot everyday if the Mommy doesn't get to lazy.
Love ya lots....Mona
Good work keeping the squirrel away from your tree! I had never seen a squirrel.
Those treats look delicious! Thanks!
Love and licks
Butterscotch and vanilla are my two favorite flavors!!
Hey MFT - Congrats on the Honorary HULA award! You've so earned it with your very khlever khwips. We think you should khonsider Skhwirrel Stalkhing 101 in the near future if you khan fit it into your busy VP skhedule.
That is one big tree you got there and it has a squirrel in it too......your scored!
Wow, squirrels, kitties, and Honorary HULA award - woo are one lucky pup - and a bonesicle to boot!!!
Congratulations on your newest award!!!
Woo, the OP Pack
We don't have any squirrels in our yard, just Oswald and his family. There WAS a Huffle kitty right by our door when me and Dave came back from our walk this morning, though!
Hope you enjoyed your bonesickle!
Tail wags,
stoopid squirrel should have come down to play. Nice work on getting a bone treat! You are so good with your ways.
Woo there Pretti Girl~
Can it BE? Can it realli be true??? Woo are a HULA girl? I'm gonna have to (try) to see that fur myself. Khongratulations!
Your malli guy,
PeeEss: I think your squirrel is a chikhken!!!
ARGH orange cats! I have your new campaign sign on my blog now.
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
You did great stalking of that here critter, Khyra! Stalking is hard work - glad that you had a bonesikhle to keep up yur strength.
-Cosmos & Juneau-
Hi, Khyra!
Looks like you had a busy Labor Day!
Your bone sure was delicious!
Kisses and hugs
Thanks for passing on the signs to us Khyra, and huge CONGRATS on your HULA induction!!!
Wooooo woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe
Did you eat the squirrel's head? Or at least threaten to?
mmm I do love me some butterscotch! You do a great job of protekhting your yard. I would run up a tree if you chased me!
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