WELL, she's bakhk! Merdie's people went khamping fur the weekend (that is my mom woo hear snikhering fur it is raining as I paw this) - they went to a khool for bi-ped amusement park
SOOOOOO khousin Merdie gets to stay here with me!
When her people dropped her off Friday night, the furst thing she did was snatch one of my Sibe stuffies from MY toybox!
We had assorted joustings and chasings. The pikhs are from a khool down period.
Mom is hoping the natural light will khooperate later today so she khan get some video of us 'playing' She'll also try to get some Walkin' with Merdie and Khyra paw shots too!
We've been watching the khoverage from Hurrikhane Ike - it ain't gonna be pretty. Gustav was a yappetizer khompared to the wrath of this one. We'll be khrossing our paws fur all affekhted.
Mom says thank once again fur the feedbakhk on her Friday musikh 'p'ost - the additional artists mentioned were FURRY good! In fakht, she thinks Pete Townshend's one album has one of THE best titles EVER - in fakht, she paraphrased it for a khaption on one of my pikhks!
We would like our readers to stop by and show some support fur Deetzy Boy and his mom...Gizmo has just about passed along all he needs to teach and share with Deetz. I'll stop now before I make my mom leak. Deetz told her not to but woo know how moms khan be!
Have a great Saturday!
Khyra AND Merdie

And I KNOW woo needed a huzzy shot!
The above shots were taken AFTER we filed this report!
Have a good weekend with Merdie Khyra.
Noah xx
Kissin cuzins! Have fun with Merdie to the goldie :) I would love to go camping but my HuMom is over all the ruffin it stuff. Sounds fun to me.
Have a fun weekend! Such a huzzie!!! bol
love & wags,
Merdie seems like a nice girl, how does she feel about kitty kats?
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
Its your house, Kyhra, don't see why you need to share. Nice huzzy shot.
Have a great weekend with Merdie, sounds like you are already having fun!
Mum was watching CBS last night and she said that Ike looks monstrous, we are praying everyone in its path gets to safety.
We are keeping Deetz and his family and of course Gizmo in our thoughts and prayers,
sniffs and tailwags,
Ben xxxxx
It looks like Merdie is wearing you out our you are wearing him out. Have a wonderful weekend...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Woo. I hope you girls have fun this weekend. Keep your feety-feet dry!
Looks like he's a good houseguest,hu? You are right-This guy Ike is a big boy. We are startin to get the beginnings of the wind and some rain. We hope to keep our power.Geez, the weatherman says we should just keep getting increasing winds up to midnite. He could be wrong.
Good Weekend,
Pee ess About Gizmo. We hope for the gift we always hope for. That he quietly go to the bridge on his own without help. My mom has gotten that gift 1 or 2 times over the years......
hehe Khyra you look sooo comfy! What a cutie Merdie is! :)
puppy breath,
IF it's rainin' where ya are like it has been rainin' here where we are....we have a lot of water in the great state of PA.....hope ya have a great weekend....tomorrow will hopefully be better....we wanna play outside......
Dewey Dewster here....
Hey Khyra...oh...we better run over to Deetz's bloggie...
You gettin' rain in ur half of PA??? Yeesch...we begged for rain...and now it won't stop!
Thank heavens we're not down by Ike...we're worried too bout all our Texas friends...
Barkies, Khyra...
Lacie, Scruffy and Babystan
WOO Khyra! Have a fun weekend with Merdie and hope it doesn't rain too much!
WOOOO woo rar rar rar
Kayla and Maebe
Merdie's bakh...Hi Merdie! It's very nice of you to share your toys AND Mom with Merdie.
We will head on over to see Deetz. Have fun with Merdie!!
My Human says Peter Tosh!
Wow, some major lounging going on there!! Hope you had fun with Merdie.
Hugs, Kodak
Harrrrrr Khyra
I cant beleve Merdie took yer to Harrrrr. That just is not cool Harrrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
We're positive you make a superb camp counselor! Keep up the good work!
Puppy slurps, Canyon
Welcome back, Merdie. Looks like woo two wore each other out. Looking furward to your walking vid. And thanks for another huzzie shot.
Woo, the OP Pack
Hi, Khyra!
Glad Merdie is there with you! I know you are having fun!
We are thinking of all those affected by Ike!
Kisses and hugs
It must be fun to be the camp counselor for the weekend with your buddy! Enjoy the weekend!
Thor and Marco Polo
Hey Merdie!
I've been thinking, Khyra has such a fluffy tail. Is there any chance that her mom has added extensions in there?
Just wondering,
Princess Eva
oooh nice piccies Khyra, will take me a while to catch up on your posts though!
Merdie has been visiting a lot. Apparently she realizes that you have lots to teach her.
For a non-Siberian, Merdie seems pretty cool. Woo guys are good nappers!
~Jack & Star
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