My Siberian Khristmas Tree and Snowmen!
If woo khlikhk on the pikh, it should get bigger so woo khan see it better!
Well, the khalendar says it is the 25th - with khristmas just three months away! Bekhause this is a Siberian household, we've kept the tree up - khomplete with snowmen to guard it!
I'm going to use today's post to share all the gifts I've received and to regift them!
The furst one is from Thor
With the Premium Dardos, recognize the values that each blogger shows each day in commitment to transmit cultural values, ethical, literary, personal etc. that, in short, demonstrate their creativity by alive thinking that remains intact from their letters and words. " This label implies two rules: the first, link the blog to which he received the award. The second - pick blogs to deliver the prize.
The next khool one khame from Ekhho Ekhho Ekhho and those two khrazy gals from Vegas, Baby! I love your blogs too!

This one khame from Happy! I was soooo touched!
And this furry pretty one khame from one of our bestest and nicest pals: The OP Pakhk!
I know the rules say we need to blah blah and then blah blah BUT hey, it's khristmas in September and I am giving them to my furiends all over the world! If woo feel your blog is worthy OR woo see a blog you feel khaptures the spirit of the award, PLEASE pass it along!
Those are some very nice awards you got there Khyra. If it is the 25th today then it is only 8 days til mum and dad leave me alone for FOUR whole weeks. That isn't so good.
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
w00f's Khyra, me cant wait till christmas, do u think i will git anything...i thinks me been a good boy...and congrats on ur awards...
b safe,
Congrats on your lovely awards! It does feel like Christmas, doesn't it?
They are well deserved awards Khyra. Big congrats!!!!
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
You are just too sweet - what an awesome idea! We are proud to be your friend!
Thor and Marco Polo
Oh my gorsh you're right!! Just 2 months till Christmas! Mom says it is Christmas everyday for us poochies; I have no idea what's she's talking about!
My mum has gotta stop making you leaky....I love your Khristmas Tree and snowman, it is so cool and even looks better enlarged! Mum is at work right now and she said she has a spider friend on a yellow posty note that will not go home and she needs that posty note.
Deetzy Boy
Woos Khyra, what a khool tree! Did your mom put it together? Our humom wants one now. Yikes, Khristmas is khomings kwickly - mom better make those Khristmas Khards & get them posted on our card site soon! And congrats on all your awards, MFT. Woo so deserve them!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Beautiful assortment of awards for MFT!!! We love your tree, we need to paw Mom to find out where woo got that. We have the Maypole one on display but we need a tree like that.
Woos, the OP Pack
Woof Khyra
Khristmas in September? Woo-woo!!! We like it. Khristmas is our favorite holiday.
Desert Pups
Wow, that's a lot of cool awards! Congrats!
Play bows,
hey Khyra,
What great awards! Woofs to you! I like the Husky Christmas tree and also, how cool that you happen to be walking past the window when the pic was taken! K really likes that Eskimo pushing the sled with the dogs thing. She does not know what you would call it, her mind is still asleep right now.
You have some lovely awards, but it's fitting for such a lovely Husky! I'm so excited for Christmas, my whole body just wiggles when I think about it!
Tail Wags,
Thankh Woo Khyra! You made my day because I can make Mom's day....she loves those colorful awards. It doesn't take much to make her happy khause she's got me you know.
Wow that is what mom should have done. she spent hours linking blogs to posts.. She says she won't wait so long to post them next time..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Khyra -
Do not be fooled by the midget's first movie. Let's just say there was lots of footage of a bad pulling labradude left on the cutting room floor.
All those awards! I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't follow the rules.
Momma is jealous that you already have your decorations out. She is planning our holiday card (which will involve some horror of antlers or whatnot).
Hi, Khyra!
Congratulations on your awards!
You deserve them!
Christmas is almost here! Yupi!
Kisses and hugs
We LOVE Christmas so much! we really cant wait for it to come!!
Oh xmas is so pawsome. Congrates on your awards
~ Girl girl
Hi Khyra,
Thanks for thinking about us while old IKE was being mean to us. WE are back now but gots lots of blog catching up to do but I just wanted to let you know how much I missed ya while we was gone.
Love ya lots...Mona
Merry Christmas Khyra!!
Wow, Khyra! You're super popular. Or is that pupular?
Great awards! And we love the Christmas corner. Thanks to woo, she remembered she has to make me and Bella's Christmas stockings. She better get busy.
Husky Hugs, MayaMarie
What a gweat post..Khwistmas aweady! That is the coolest twee evew!!! I agwee we don't always have to go awound following wules..those awe gweat wegiftings..you awe the best khutie, and youw twee is pawsome!!!!!!!!!
smoochie kisses
Our dad can't wait to put up the Christmas lights!
Kisses, King Sky boy
Congrats on your lovely awards!
Love and licks
I love the Christmas tree! Where did you get it?
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