Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Toddling and Trotting Tuesday
Mom did ask that I applaud and compliment all those that shared THEIR R's - some veRy veRy good ones - Mom did have some of them go through her feeble biped brain - and some she'd furgotten!
She does admit to having Rikhk Springfield's LP of 'Speak To The Sky' - *SIGH!* All of the other R's shared were kwhite good in her musikh book!
WELL, since soooo many pals seemd SOOOOOOOO bummed there would NOT be a Walkin' Wednesday this week, I asked Mom to make up fur that with this BONUS pawing!
So....without further fanfare, please khlikhk H E R E to get your MFT fix fur the week!
I do have to make sure I get Mom's attention fur my Wednesday post!
AND I may need to file my report from the road on Thursday...I have applied for a tikhket to the VP debate in St Louis, Misery, USA - I hope I'm granted akhcess!
Happy Tuesday!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Musikh Monday/Momday/Menday

Two shots from the weekend!
Well, the weather didn't khompletely khooperate. Mom had hoped it would be walkable by midday or so BUT the rain showers just didn't want to leave. We DID get a walk after dinner BUT Mom khouldn't really get a good shot at any videos due to have to juggle poo-pikhkup and poo bag toting. Merdie is khwite a machine when it khomes to #2!
WELL, time to turn this over to Mom for her musikh thingie...have a great Monday!
OKAY...time for R-men!
Let's start with two Ryan's: one new and one not so although he does have a new release out soon. R y a n B i n g h a m - the very first time I heard him on xpn.org, I was chekhking the playlist for WHO'S THAT before the song was done. I always use THAT kind of wow fakhtor to define how much I like what I've heard! The other R is R y a n A d a m s with THIS song being one of my favourites.
How about two Robert's? R o b e r t C r a y and R o b e r t P a l m e r . I khould make it three with the inkhlusion of Robert Plant but we touched on him with Led Zeppelin.
Now time for two Richard's: R i c h a r d T h o m p s o n and R i c h a r d M a r x .
Three newer R's: R o c k y V o t o l a t o , R a y L a M o n t a g n e , and R o n S e x s m i t h.
I'll khlose with R o b i n T r o w e r - Bridge of Sighs? OH YES!
As always, I'm sure there are many more I've furgotten and I'll be looking furward to all of you sharing YOURS!
As Khyra said, have a great Monday!
Hugz&Khysses from Khyra's Khorner
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Day After Soggy Saturday
It did stop from time to time - and just long enough to tease Mom into thinking it would NOT resume and that we would get to go fur our walk later Saturday! WRONG! Every period of suspended rainimation was followed by MORE high intensity showers! Of khourse, when it did stop, I rekhwested to go out. Here I am lounging in my dampness!

AND to further celebrate a great win for the Philadelphia organization, she opened her bottle of Mike Schmidt 548 Zinfandel to toast his 59th birthday! Growing up - and beyond - Michael Jack Schmidt was my mom's FAVOURITE baseball player! He's probably one of THE greatest 3rd basemen of ALL TIME!
I know I'm not the only pup in PA disappointed in the weather - chekhk out my khute pal from The Kapp Pakhk! She knows our pain!
Have a great rest of your weekend AND be SURE to help my handsome British pal Ben with his GREAT khause!!!
Khyra and MerdieTheGoldenDoofTrieverBirthdayGal
All Pawtied Out!
PeeEssWoo: Mom will be here tomorrow for Musikh Menday/Momday/Monday!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
A To Z

Tova Toad

On Friday, I saw my little pal in KholWOOrado Springs The Glummy Puddle gave me the Kikhk Ass Blogger award!
I was touched fur I like to think I do kikhk some serious FT (fluffy tail)!
I'm going to pass this on to all the SMS Members fur they SOOOOO do get stuff done!
I have a furry special visitor this weekend
YEP! She's bakhk! AND it is HER BIRFDAY WEEKEND!!! Akhtually it was Friday BUT we are going to celebrate today! She's 11 now! We are hoping the weather will pawmit us to go fur a walk so we khan khapture our khuteness as we stroll along!
This is me resting up after a great game of chase each other around!
Mom would like to thank our heeler pals for suggesting Reba - that was a good one! So was Dave's idea of Roxette and The Romantikhs for group R's!
Well, time to get going so we khan do some MORE pawtying with Merdie!
Have a great Saturday!
Khyra AND Merdie
Friday, September 26, 2008
Workin' Fur The Weekend
I'm glad woo all enjoyed my khristmas khorner on Thursday - I hope woo helped yourself to a gift fur your blog!
Well, I'm going to turn this over to Mom so she khan get started with the R-gals:
I'm gonna list some new(er) R's to give a listen to: Regina Spektor , Rachel Harrington , Ruby James , Rachel Mayfield , and Robinella .
Now to some older R's that you will no doubt rekhognize: Rosanne Cash - and please chekhk out this v i d e o o f h e r s - it is her rendition of one of her dad's songs - and certainly a sentiment we all have. BTW, please do give a listen to 'Black Cadillac' on her myspace page.
Another older R - Rickie Lee Jones - damn, she looks like a kid!
The final R for this post - Roberta Flack - with two videos to bring back memories of the 70's - O N E and T W O . Akhtually, both of these songs KHOULD apply to our Sibe and/or khanine loves! I'll also remember the sekhond one as a song from a certain Clint Eastwood movie.
Okay, now time for you to share and show YOUR R-gals! That is such an enjoyable part of this post theme: seeing the ones you like and/or share!
Have a safe and grrrrrreat weekend!
Hugz&Khysses from Khyra's Khorner!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Khristmas Is Just Around The Khorner

My Siberian Khristmas Tree and Snowmen!
If woo khlikhk on the pikh, it should get bigger so woo khan see it better!
Well, the khalendar says it is the 25th - with khristmas just three months away! Bekhause this is a Siberian household, we've kept the tree up - khomplete with snowmen to guard it!
I'm going to use today's post to share all the gifts I've received and to regift them!
The furst one is from Thor
With the Premium Dardos, recognize the values that each blogger shows each day in commitment to transmit cultural values, ethical, literary, personal etc. that, in short, demonstrate their creativity by alive thinking that remains intact from their letters and words. " This label implies two rules: the first, link the blog to which he received the award. The second - pick blogs to deliver the prize.
The next khool one khame from Ekhho Ekhho Ekhho and those two khrazy gals from Vegas, Baby! I love your blogs too!

This one khame from Happy! I was soooo touched!
And this furry pretty one khame from one of our bestest and nicest pals: The OP Pakhk!
I know the rules say we need to blah blah and then blah blah BUT hey, it's khristmas in September and I am giving them to my furiends all over the world! If woo feel your blog is worthy OR woo see a blog you feel khaptures the spirit of the award, PLEASE pass it along!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Woeful Wednesday
Walkin' Wednesday VII
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Tundra Tuesday
NOW, to the IMPORTANT stuff: MY VIDEOS from Tails on The Trails! Since she wasn't sure how long/big some of them would turn out to be, she loaded all of the walking videos on youtube. In the khoming days, she'll put some others out 'there' somewhere.
So, here are FIVE videos of various portions of the two mile walk that kikhked off the great day: O N E , T W O , T H R E E , F O U R , and F I V E .
I hope woo enjoy them! PLUS, don't furget, I'll be bakhk tomorrow with our regular Walkin' Wednesday feature!
Thursday will find me sharing the latest khool awards bestowed upon my humble blog - along with another special little treat!
Have a great Tuesday!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Musikh Monday/Momday
Since it warmed up a bit here on Sunday, I really appreciated how beaWOOtiful Saturday's weather was fur such a great outing!
I khouldn't help but notice the khomments about the flowers! If anyone wants info to khontakht that huMAN, please send me a pawmail to my g mail thingie.
Mom got my walking videos up on youtube Sunday so we'll be featuring them soon!
Okay - now I'll turn it over to Mom for her 'r'eview of R musikh!
Khyra's Mom here now! I started jotting down potential material fur today's post and 'r'ealized this will be a three parter - groups, females, and then males!
We'll start off with an oldie - how about some R E N A I S S A N C E with this furry appropriate tune! The lead singer of Renaissance, Annie Haslam , has one INKHREDIBLE vokhal range!
From there, how about some R U S T E D R O O T . I would suggest listening to "Send Me On My Way" on their myspace page.
Or perhaps some R E D H O T C H I L I P E P P E R S ? Or R. E. M. (by the way, make sure woo chekhk out the pup in the video!)? Or some R. E. O. S p e e d w a g o n - and I'll throw two videos up fur this - the sekhond one has TWO Kansas khonnekhtions!!!
I'll khlose with two newer R's - one is lokhal: R A I S E U P R O O F B E A M S and another would be R E D M O L L Y
So what do you think? Which R groups would be on your list?
Have a furry great week!
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
PeeEssWoo: Khyra here - I just khame from Hendrix's blog - I realized my silly mom furgot T H E R A M O N E S . AND then I heard R U F U S on www.xpn.org. Better late than nev-fur!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Silly Sunday

Ammy! Lookie what I saw on my walk Saturday night! It is an alien Oswald - the eyes were lit up!

The four pikhs above are from Saturday night...I was FINALLY resting - hardly noticed she took my pikh...but just HAD to pikhk up my head and ask "What Mom? I'm SLEEPING!" THEN I assumed the Siberian Doughnut pawsition! Not long after that, I found my TRUE zen pawsition!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
How I Spent My Friday Night

Khan woo blame me?
Friday, September 19, 2008
Workin' Harrrrr Fur Harrrrr The Harrrrr Weekend Harrrrr!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Khampaign Appearance!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Walkin' Wednesday VI
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
And Gizmo has MY post Tue-day

Monday, September 15, 2008
Musikh Monday/Momday
As you saw from the posts, Khyra and Merdie had fun - and thanks to the yukhky weather in Pawslyvania on Sunday, we did furry little...walk time was after 7pm and it still made for a glowy Mom!
SOOO, now we are to P GROUPS - I was going to be khlever and alphabetise them BUT I just decided to throw 'em up here as I jotted 'em down on the notepad that has been by the laptop to khapture my inspiration.
The furst one - well - it has to be P i n k F l o y d and it has to be T H I S S O N G - yes, too often I feel like a lost soul swimming in a fishbowl. No matter how many times I hear this song, I will NEVER tire of it - and it always khalls for turning up the volume on whatever I am listening to.
Next P on the paper? P O C O and R o s e O f C i m a r r o n - still sounds great! As does P u r e P r a i r i e L e a g u e and A M I E - falling in and out of love with you!
Ladies choice time again - P r o c o l H a r u m and Whiter Shade of Pale.
How about some assorted oldies but very goodies: Peter Paul and Mary (doing a great Dylan tune!) and Paul Revere and The Raiders with a something our khanines usually are?
NOW, time for T h e P r e t e n d e r s who will be releasing something new early next month...and here's something old.
Next one on my list? How about some P s y c h e d e l i c F u r s ? OR maybe some P e a r l J a m ? OR maybe T h e P o l i c e ? .
Time for some harder sounds - this furst one is for Joey in Tempe's dad: P a n t e r a ! The next is for all of us that survived the great hair bands of the 80's - P o i s o n .
Two last ones - they fall into the newer khategory - one is lokhal to me - P e r k a s i e and maybe some and then a group that just played the Kansas State Fair: P u d d l e O f M u d d
Well, this khonkhludes another Musikh Monday/Momday! Please share and khompare the P Groups from YOUR list!
Have a great week - Khyra will be bakhk tomorrow!
Hugz&Khysses from Khyra's Khorner!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
More Merdie Moments
We hope woo enjoy them!!!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Khamp Khyra

WELL, she's bakhk! Merdie's people went khamping fur the weekend (that is my mom woo hear snikhering fur it is raining as I paw this) - they went to a khool for bi-ped amusement park
SOOOOOO khousin Merdie gets to stay here with me!
When her people dropped her off Friday night, the furst thing she did was snatch one of my Sibe stuffies from MY toybox!
We had assorted joustings and chasings. The pikhs are from a khool down period.
Mom is hoping the natural light will khooperate later today so she khan get some video of us 'playing' She'll also try to get some Walkin' with Merdie and Khyra paw shots too!
We've been watching the khoverage from Hurrikhane Ike - it ain't gonna be pretty. Gustav was a yappetizer khompared to the wrath of this one. We'll be khrossing our paws fur all affekhted.
Mom says thank once again fur the feedbakhk on her Friday musikh 'p'ost - the additional artists mentioned were FURRY good! In fakht, she thinks Pete Townshend's one album has one of THE best titles EVER - in fakht, she paraphrased it for a khaption on one of my pikhks!
We would like our readers to stop by and show some support fur Deetzy Boy and his mom...Gizmo has just about passed along all he needs to teach and share with Deetz. I'll stop now before I make my mom leak. Deetz told her not to but woo know how moms khan be!
Have a great Saturday!
Khyra AND Merdie

And I KNOW woo needed a huzzy shot!
The above shots were taken AFTER we filed this report!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Workin' Fur The Weekend
I'm glad evfurryone enjoyed my sekhret trip to Mom's workplace. My pal Ekhho asked why she had all the khalendars - well, one khan never have toooooo many khute Siberian pikhs - plus, one was a gift and one was from TOTTSHR - and we are going to their hike N E X T S A T U R D A Y . The other one - well, must have been due to the rule of threes?
Time for me to turn it over to Mom for Musikh Momday BUT before I do I wanted to tell all my pals out there in the path of Hurrikhane Ike to please be safe. It does not look like it is going to be a good weekend in Texas. Doesn't Ike know you don't mess with Texas???
Okay, MFT - MY TURN NOW! Time for P-boys and men! Let's get started with my own personal most important P - P h i l O c h s although I'm ashamed to admit I never heard and/or listened to him when he was still alive and performing. One very special friend of mine introduced me to Phil's works and Phil's message. His songs were written in the 60's and 70's but sadly his messages khan so be applied to today's times. When trying to figure out which of his songs to feature here, since I khouldn't decide amongst all his message songs, I went with this beautiful song - probably one of the best songs Phil wrote - but then again, I khan be swayed by soft stuff! Plus my friend does an inkhredible version of it as well. It would be so nice to have Phil around today but he left us in 1976 but he left us lots to think about.
Another P will be one of the two Paul's that will feauture a song and/or myspace page. In this khase, Paul Young has a song I've always loved - it's actually a song Daryl Hall wrote - and it so fits our khanines - what do you think? I think our pups sing this to us as we leave.
The other Paul would be P a u l T h o r n . I found him whilst surfing myspace one day.
Pauls that will get honourable mention would be Anka, Kantner, McCartney, Weller, and Westerberg. HEY, I have to draw the line somewhere!
Okay, who of my generation doesn't own this guy's Frampton Khomes Alive album??? I even saw him here in York - wow!
Another guitar P: Pat Metheny - nice nice sound!
Then we have two former Genesis members: P e t e r G a b r i e l - and NO, it is NOT she's so funky now! AND then we have P h i l C o l l i n s - with a song I'm sure more than a few of us have felt the need/urge to sing! Plus, there is Phil with another P: Philip Bailey - Philip's voice range is tremendous!
Ummm - Prince - but he's a poopoo head - and doesn't pawmit his videos on Youtube BUT I found a great substitute - Ha-roooo!
I'll wrap it up with two newer and/or less known P's - P a t G r e e n - another one I was turned onto by a friend....and finally, P e t e r D a w s o n -who I akhtually saw when he performed in this area bakhk in 2004 - my friend opened for D r e w K e n n e d y who opened for Peter on a Thursday night - and then on Saturday, Peter and Drew did a show together in Merriland. Nice times - nice memories - nice nights!
I'm sure there are a few sad I didn't inkhlude Perry Como but MFT is khlawing fur her laptop bakhk!
Please share your P's and get ready for Musikh Monday/Momday P The Groups! I'm very 'p'syched fur I've got khwite the list!
Have a great rest of yours -please be safe this weekend!
Hugz&Khysses from Khyra's Khorner
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Where She Goes
I decided to follow her and see where it she DOES go when she takes my Xterra fur the day. Hmmm, there it is. (Please furgive the pikh - she borrowed it from the website)