Friday, October 8, 2021

FrEYEday SkEYEday

The week is skEYE shots - SUNday - with Willow!

As I took the shot, I heard THE CALL - from Khooper D Hawk - so I looked closer -

And there he/she was!

This is a bonus shot as I left The GKP a  few hours early on Thursday - instead of the cloudy dim - it was the cloudy cloudy -

And surpised Wiggles - aka Willow - with a walk - it was a bit ickysticky so we only did The Block but she was more than happy - and so was I!

Happy FrEYEday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Dandy Duke said...

Love your sky shots! Happy Friday!

Dawn said...

Looks like a pretty when the clouds are cool. Have a great weekend!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "Wow, look how high up in the tree that hawk is! I bet the cats are envious!"
Chaplin: "Pfft. I could climb to the top of a tree if I wanted to."
Lulu: "And then how would you get back down again?"
Chaplin: "..... Shut up."