And that is some of that WHITE stuff on the roofs you see -
As you see, we did get 'some' -
The backyard view was nicely flocked -
Now to use some shots not yet shared - this was a goofy Willow during a recent SofaShift visit to the kitchen -
And just some hanging out time for Wiggles -
And one of her first bedtime shots from May 24, 2022 -
Khongrats to me as today marks my 12th year at The GKP - I will admit the move to Payroll Specialist in the Fall of 2021 is part of the reason I can still be there - I had reached the end of my patience in my previous role there - SO WIN FOR US!
Happy Tuesday EvFURRYone!
All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!
We got more of a sprinkling of snow on the driveway than on the grass. Congrats on 12 years and we are so happy that you are still there and enjoying your new role!
Awww it's supposed to be 81 tomorrow here. It makes our pack sad, especially on a human birthday!
Happy Tuesday!
Olive and Luna
#1 remember when you started at the GKP. Can it be 12 years already? Congrats!
Still pretty rainy and mild here...
Lulu: "Hey we have been able to see that white stuff in the distance for a while now, too! It's up on top of the mountains to the east and north. Maybe I'll get to go see it someday ..."
Java Bean: "Brrr! I will stay here where it's warm!"
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