Monday, January 30, 2023

Monday MOMsday

No one was around for the morning -
BUT The Now Lady PF showed up early afternoon for a bit -

No doubt The Groundhog is getting set for all the fuss later in the week -
Willow and I took these shots on FrEYEday for Auntie Di - she uses to turn at this light when she slaved at SalonCentrics - she's SO glad to have moved on from there -

After seeing the ShrimpKhornChowday on the MyGiant soup bar again, there was no need to hit LegUpFarmersMarket - I sooo didn't mind having it again - it became my Saturday meal -
Paying TheDogTax -

Actually, I was also compensating her for helping be my SousChef for this - she snoopervised and taste tested the red pepper and grape tomatoes as I prepared this thrown together BUT very tasty mushroom, red pepper, grape tomatoes, vidalia onion, butter, olive oil mixed with some basmati rice, oats, and lentils done in veggie broth - with an out there addition of MexicanMocha Coffee Sugar ( Chipotle, Chocolate, and Vanilla) - I had a bowl as I put this post in place -
From The Khottage frig - 2005 - and PreLASIK for me -
Auntie Di's shot - fresh from our HumanGroomerPam -

Willow and I had an uneventful SofaShift - WooHoo for us!

But where oh where has January gone?  How can FebWOOary be closing in?

Happy Monday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Duke said...

The chowder looks so yummy and so does your creation! We feel the same way - the days, weeks and months just fly by!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That chowder does look good!

How long did she make you wait, Willow?

Last night, Benny stole all of #1's chicken from the pan on the stove and, as he is a good brother, he gave me some!


The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "Our Dada says when he sees Saltines he thinks how his Nana used to give them snacks of Saltines with peanut butter and jelly. Apparently that was haute cuisine when he was a kid!"