Sunday, January 8, 2023

SUNday Sharing

And there they were!

And we had slept in since we were up late watching FrEYEday night's DC SoapOpera -
Repeating  yesterday's picture for our trip to DAWN'S MY FAVORITE DELI for our 'venture -

It's two miles from The Khottage - so back we went -

This was one of the items that drew us to making LegUp Stop #2 -
Thursday's soup at Dawn's was mushroom barley - which they were out of when I placed the order - but I recalled from other trips to LegUp often on their soup bar - and......
WIN!  It was so tasty and FrEYEday night's dinner -
And I had finally settled on the EGG AND OLVIE SANDWICH from Dawn's  - although I had contemplated multiple other items - but I was SOOOOO not disappointed at all !

Enjoyed all but one last bite whilst under the gaze of Wiggles! - had to pay TheDogTax -
With lettuce and tomato on toasted honey wheat -

My other choices may make the cut for this FrEYEday's lunch 'venture!

Of course, today marks our the start of our work week - with our SofaShift planned after the traditional vizit to Sheetz for paperz and such! 

AND as expected, our Saturday was LOW LOW energy - napS - so now it is time to do the laundry since the post is now in place -

Happy SUNday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Duke said...

The soup and sandwich look so yummy! Happy Sunday!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

#1's friends who came from England for the new year brought her a couple of pack of barley for soup. The French don't put barley in soup! It's really hard to get here!

Hi Wullow!
