Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Walkin' Wednesday: The Next Generation!

Wow! Khan it really be Wednesday soon?


Before woo head over to see my fluffy tail in akhtion, please chekhk out Trottin Tuesday with Tan Torkelson! I was furry honoured to see my two favourite AZ BT's mention ME!!! Please keep in mind THESE BT's are MUCH different than my two favourite MN BT's . All four of them so khrakhk me up!

So, here woo go...please khlikhk H E R E to get there!

I really appreciated the nice khomments left regarding Tribute Tuesday.

Since today is the busiest travel day of the year, please be khareful out there! I want to see woo all bakhk here tomorrow!




Princess Eva and Brice said...

Thanks for the mention. You are my favorite Sibe but Brice insists on mentioning that Ammy is his favorite.
Momma is hoping to get a video camera on Friday so that we can post our walks too.

Princess Eva

Lacy said...

w00f's Khyra, heehee me seed Tanner torkleson or whatchacallhim gots to do a walkin keep-s furgetting...hmm what happened to eva's video camera, did brice eat it..

b safe,

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Your walking videos are always so cool...I wonder if Mom can do that for me too whenever we go walking! Maybe I'll ask her today...*grins*

Hope you have a great day!


Moco said...

Another great Wednesday cyber walking behind that great fluffy tail.

Bae Bae said...

You always look so cool during your walkies

~ Bae

The Musketeers said...

Khyra , you sure have a very gorgeous looking tail ! Look at those We never had any here ! Not even WINTER ! ):
Have a nice holiday to you too !


Noah the Airedale said...

Gosh there are some huge homes in your neighbourhood Khyra. We love seeing where our maties live.

Noah x

Duke said...

What a great walkie you had, Khyra! We love how your mom chats away to keep you entertained!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The Musketeers said...

You bet ! I will miss Chloe once her mama is gone ):
BOL ! haha ! Joyce will be floating around whenever she saw you said that ! BOL ! :D


Anonymous said...

Woof Woof Khyra! Thanks for taking me on your Wednesday Walk. I enjoy seeing new things and making new friends.


Charlie Daniels said...

G'day Khyra

Sorry I haven't been around for a while. Things have been a bit rough around here ...

I love watching your walks ..



Mack said...

Please oh please can I be your favorite TX BT??

Have a great Thanksgiving!

Dewey Dewster said...


Nice walkie but don't ya get ta leave any and even more important smell any PEEMAIL ????? Gee, where is it in yer neighborhood????

Have a Happy Thanksgivin'....hope ya get some turkey....

Dewey Dewster here....

The Furry Kids said...

I can't believe they picked up all your leaves! That really cuts down on the sniffing and pee mail. :(
Happy Wednesday to you!

Your apl,

Chrissie said...

Khyra, if I had the faintest Idea what a "BT" was, I'm sure I'd wanna be your furry favoritest Texas BT..unless it's something you're gonna eat or drool that case, I'd pass.

The Puppies said...

Great walk Khyra! We love seeing snow on other puppies' blogs because we don't usually get any here!!!
The Puppies

The Army of Four said...

Don't Joey and the Tan-man crack you up? Ha roo, I just love those two!
Cool walk!
Play bows,

Biloxi and Siber-sibs said...

Woo Woo Khyra,
Why's do dat snow has to go away so fast? We was enjoying it here too and now it's gone. Does you gits to eat it? I do. It's like a snow cone!
Thanks for da walk!

Happy Thanksgiving and Husky kisses,

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Mom still thinks you are just beautiful. So nice and fluffy. She would like to just give you a big HUG...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

We love your walks. Mom has a video camera(the kind that uses little tapes) Anyhoo, she has no clue how to load videos-maybe she will learn someday. Or not... She is not swift with the puter. She downloaded and installed a program for messing with pics(like photo shop-but not that brand) Point is, she cannot find where it is!!!! It really is pathetic..
Happy Thanksgiving!
pee ess hay mft(yur name iz tu hard) i doan no wat mi twinnerer iz doin callin hiself that funny nam?? i gotta asks him bowt that. ok anok i fink i need a snak.
hi 5s

Teddy Westlife said...

It's already Thursday here Khyra. That means only one more day til the weekend!

Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

That was so sweet. Thank you...
Hope you have a very happy Turkey Day.. Mom is getting everything ready.. I can almost smell that bird already. I CAN smell the pumpkin pies. Mom made those this AM...

Big HUGS....
The Happy Heeler's

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Look at what woo have there - SNOW!!!! Yes, we are working backwards here and still haven't caught your snowday vids. We are working hard to play catch up.

Great walkin video and we love the extra shadow we see.

Woos, the OP Pack

Lorenza said...

Hi, Khyra!
I agree with Maggie and Mitch! I love your mom talking in your videos!
Kisses and hugs

BeadedTail said...

You are just so beautiful Khyra! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Joe Stains said...

OMDOG thanks for the shout out, Mom is catching up on blogs after Turkey day! We enjoyed the walking wednesday, sorry all your snow was leaving.