I took up my pawsition to defend MY tree and MY feeder!

But as soon as Mom let me in, the menace returned

Down my tree...

Taunting my poor mom...

At one point, there were THREE of them out - bopping around like some kind of stooges.

I so needed to get out there but the vermin skhoot up the tree when I khome out...

Again, it had to perch itself on the feeder pole like it was some kind of king!

I will have to ponder how to get 'em!
And I WILL get 'em! MFT always gets what she wants!
You need a longer tie-out - to get those pesky Squirrels!!!
Thor and Marco Polo
I wonder if we could convince your mum to let you run and chase them... you know, just to get the squirrels.
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
Get him!!!! Maybe you need to build a secret hideout right under the tree. then you can cut him off at the pass.
Princess Eva
Darn pesky squirrels! We have no doubt you'll get them all, Khyra!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
The horror of the squirrels! How awful! You are so brave! Maybe you should dig a moat and hide in it, then pounce on the little critters!
Mya Boo Boo
Those squirrels have multiplied! You must take care of this before you are overrun with squirrels.
Good Luck Khyra!
Whoa...those are some cheeky squirrels you have there, Khyra! Good luck getting them...you're at a disadvantage since you don't have a fence. Auntie Bonnie and Duffy boated a bunny this morning, but thankfully it was so huge they didn't know what to do with it except guard it. Wishing you luck in your squirrel-quest!
Good luck with that. Diamond has been trying to catch those critters for years!
Khyra - We are khonvinced you will khatch one some day. Kheep it up!
I love to chase squirrels! I don't see too many of them any more. Too cold here, they are all hibernating.
Hugs, Kodak
Happy squirrel hunting. If anybody can catch those evil ones - it's you!!
It would be furry helpful if woo khould get your mom to fence in the yard so woo don't have to be khonfined by the leash of oppression. Then it's just a matter of being patient. I've khaught at least a dozen of those guys, so I KNOW woo can do it!
I think it would be furry helpful if your mom would just let you off that tie-out all together..then you'd get those evil terrorist squirrels..and I know you wouldn't take advantage of the freedom, now would you, Khyra?
I'm on my way as soon as I can get free. I LOVE chasing these tormenting tikes.
Spart Tart
Hi, Khyra!
Not only one but 3 of them!
I am sure you can do something to get them!
Kisses and hugs
I think you need a scare khrow or a scare Khyra!! SOMETHING to keep those jerks away!
Be patient. Thats what Silver does. She waits and waits and then leaps in the air and comes down with the squirrel.
D'Azul, Where Siberians Rule
Squirrels are weird alien creatures, that's ll I can say...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Oh no, the squirrel thinks its the king? Something has got to be done about that! Those squirrels need to be taught a lesson Khyra!
Cue the wolf's theme from "Peter and the Wolf"!
How about a long fishing pole. You could dangle your Wubba on the end. That ought to do it.
My Mom said that her Mom got SO fed up with the squirrels khoming to her feeder for the BIRDS that she put some tabasco on the bird seed and that that stuff kheeps the sthupid squirrels away.
I think some stores sell birdseed stuffs that has the peppery tabasco stuff already on the seeds.
G'luck to you and your squirrely prevention!!
Hi-Woo Khyra,
We are back! Squirrels are sneaky lil things! Yur mommy shuld let you patrol yur yard to send them packing!
Takes care,
-da boys, Cosmos & Juneau-
You have to go into stealth mode when you go outside..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
How about that!? The squirrels are red here, like me and Ammy. Ha roo roo roo, I know what you're thinking!
Hey, those little kit-cats in the last post were mighty cute! I'd love to make friends with them.
Play bows,
I think woo need to file a protest with woor mom to let woo go after those squirrels. Woo can't let them taunt woo like that! Now only if I could catch one myself to show those squirrels that Sibes rule...
Have a woonderful day!
The revenge of the squirrels. You know what I would do- but my human would get upset again.
Good luck Khyra!
One of these days, MFT, woo WILL be successful, and then what will Mom do???
Woos, the OP Pack
Oh there's so many squirrels there. I hope you get them someday Khyra.
~ Bae
Hey Khyra!
I know and your Mom knows that if you were untied you could catch all of the furry devils if you wanted.
But some of them carry disease and you could get sick from them, especially if one got a bite of you.
So just scare them and watch them, and *know* you could get them all in minits if you were loose. But maybe its best the way things are. . .
Kisses all around,
So obviously the squirrels have decided to spy on you and only come out when you are confined to your house. They have realized that you are the superior being!
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