Monday, July 29, 2019

Monday MOMandMEandSTUFFday

 Lady PF -

 and based on the coloring, one of the 'kids' -

 Shortly before 9 SUNday night, I hit the link on my BlackBerry - Lord PF was back on HIS point!
See the difference in the coloring and feathers?
 I went out for my papers and khoffee and food stuffs -as I pulled out of Sheetz, I spot these two bugs over in The Manchester Cafe parking lot so I swung in there for a shot - 
then off to My Giant - wearing my Philadelphia Phillies shirt so I could take advantage of their 5% off if one spends more than $20 on home game SUNdays - and it must have helped as they WON!

Came back to The Khottage - put my stuffs away - Holly's friend - oh wait, he's mine too - called to say he was coming to see us - well, her  - and me too -

Late SUNday afternoon - after The Phils' WIN - I headed to Leg Up Farmers Market for some things - and to use one of their monthly $5 off +$30 coupons - they feature a local artist or photographer and
 she had a display which included these khrazy khritters -

 and the khool bridge between Wrightsville and Columbia over The Susquehanna - I neglected to snag a card to credit her - I'll stop next time I'm by to do just that!
 Time to take the STUFF home and stop at Giant for some KhrossTrek and Lawnmower fuel!  After all, I was down to 50 miles to empty so it was a good time to use the 0.10 off I'd earned from Giant purchases - I usually have Auntie Di use the discount we've earned but this time, it was my turn!
 And some SUNday snoozing -

and some SUNday television time - CBS SUNday and then Face The Nation - she's so well informed!

Happy Monday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage


Dandy Duke said...

Mom watched Jaws and then Dirty Dancing. She's so NOT well informed. She's uses FB for that☺

Juno said...

The birdies always have the best view of the town!!

Pinot xo