Monday, July 22, 2019

Monday MOMSandMEandTHEMday

 Khooling off in the shade of The PF Palace -
 She seems to ask 'are you hot too?' -
 I sent the two screen shots to Auntie Di - who is melting in our humidity -
 She sent this last week - The Other Blondes handiwork   -
 THE Blondes -
 Holly had me send this back to her Auntie Di -
 Smiles and tears with this one Auntie Di shared -
 ACE was the plACE for this -

Her furst swim!

Happy Monday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage

1 comment:

Duke said...

Rain this afternoon will bring in cooler temps for us. We hope the same thing goes for you!