Now the last of the pikhs from last week's Khamp Khyra session

Here are this week's videos - ONE and TWO - Mom was working on the one and someone stopped to talk to us - SOOOOO we decided to break up the videos - they will be noisy since it was furry windy on Monday when we shot them BUT as you'll hear Mom babble, we weren't sure the blossoms would still be around on Tuesday given the wind AND the temps but as woo khan see here
The cherry trees are just magnificent and you have so many of them in your neighborhood, Khyra. You're so lucky!
Love ya lots,
We sure hope Handsome Harley and Sweet Merdie come to camp again soon.
Your cherry trees are spectacular. Too bad the blossoms can't last longer or bloom more than once a year.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
We loved the tree pictures, and wanted to tell your Mom that the boy eglet has attacked his smaller sister and left a nasty cut on her back. Bad Boy. Gussie would nevereverever try that with me
Teka toy
Your action shot is hilarious! Good try!!!
What fun to have others to go for a walk with you....
LOVE the tail shot on the last one with you and Harley! hehe
Do you remember Kelsey and Smokey? They have both crossed the bridge, but our newest addition, Scout, has his own blog! Stop by!
It woz so windy Monday that I my pantyloons woz floofing and I dussn't has any! You sure has lots of trees with flowahs. Furry pritty.
you could move Khyra, BOL
Benny & Lily
MERDIE!!!! The countdown to Sadieday is on here too Khyra!
Ooooh. Look at those pretty trees! Almost as pretty as Khyra...almost.
Hey Khyra.....yer trees look beautiful....bloomin' in all their splendor....hope the change in the weather didn't hurt the blooms....I can see that Merdie loves her walk and so do you....enjoy...
Dewey Dewster here.....
Khamp is beautiful this time of year...the trees on your walk are so lovely and your cousins seem happy and healthy.
Harley and Merdie and you look like you are having great walkies at Khamp!
Gee , I cannot imagine all the blossoms blowing off the trees!
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