In anticipation of the arrival next month, I see they've repawsitioned the khamera on this shot!


We saw this on Tuesday's walk - and thought the magnet should REALLY be a blakhk Labradork from Master Chew Sits

And froggeh and flower!



I love my tailgunner spot so furry much!


Tuesday afternoon's walk







They are gradually moving the fencing in and having them find difFURent tasty spots fur grazing - when we walked Thursday night, Mom and I glanced ovFUR when they were within sight range - khwite a few of them were up on the mound


Wednesday morning when Mom was heading to The GKP - please furgive her lakhk of fokhused shot!

Thursday's home stretch

Happy FrEYEday EvFURRYone!!!
Happy FrEYEday to you too! It looks like Spring has really sprung by you!!
The Florida Furkids
Box of rocks? Yuh, like idiot lab would be all over that for sure.
I kind of liked the super close up bird on a ledge camera but I can understand why they want to get the action when those babies come out of the eggs (which is actually kind of scary for the Mango).
have a great weekend. We gots e.rabbitt visiting!
gussie n teka
We really missed our walks this week, hopefully the weekend will bring us some. And how much fun it would be to go on the ROTE too.
Happy FrEYEday to you and Mom.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Doing ROTE really is the best, isn't it, Khyra?
Looks like we're having similar weather. Love those blue skies but the farmers are praying for rain.
PS: Just one more day and we will have Idita-walked!
Woo, what a big ol' field to run in! Looks so beautiful! and FUN!
Wags and woofs,
Mack and Mia
We are sure there are lots of great smells in that field.
Misty and mmy minions
Have a fun weekend! Isn't spring fun? Not as much fun as snow....am I right or am I right?
Lovely photos, beautiful Khyra!...Happy weekend sweet friend...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Khyra, it looks like you've been doing lots of fun things! My mommy is stuck in her office chair way too much but I'll get her out on Sadieday!
thank you for sharing some sky shots Khyra. My heart is sad and needed a lift,
Beautiful photos Khyra, we have been having a little rain here this weekend, but not too much.
Hope you are well.
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