From Sunday's walk

Prior to deciding to make it the BIG BIG walk!



Here is
the link to this week's video - it is a NO MOM BABBLING version!

THREE of them now

Monday late afternoon she plopped out another!




3 at 3pm on 3-13
Khome on bakhk tomorrow fur the last of the BIG BIG walk pikhs - I found something fur The Thundering Herd's Rusty!
Happy Wednesday EvFURRYone!
We're watching a pair of cardinals with our new cam! We hope to see babies one day soon.
The Florida Furkids
Now that's a walk. Look at those big doggies in the field.
Benny & Lily
That a mighty grand size walkie - with those cow bussys!
More birdies to see!
That birdie looks more tasty every day!!
I think that one cow really wanted to be your friend and was sad to see you leave, Khyra! We missed your mom's babbling.
Love ya lots,
Your walk was so interesting and you were so calm and behaved so well when encountering the cattle. Eva would have barked her head off.
We would say that Rusty is eagerly awaiting tomorrow's post, but his snores are a little loud at the moment.
Spring is in the air!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ivy
HIYA! Hope you have a good day. Wanted to tell you that we are watching the eagle eggs here in Richmond but so far, not nearly as exciting as your birdcam.
Gussie n teka
Wow, I see some green in the fields! What a beautiful walk!
Great walk! I wish I had stuff like that to look at on my walks....
What a great walk. Those big doggies would be fun to chase.
Misty the alpha Poodle.
Great walk pics! xx
PS: we're sorry we haven't been visiting much lately ~ mom is taking a sort of visiting blogs vacation due to having lots to do. We keep up wiv your adventures on FB though.
I sure do likes those cattle dogs! And I wonder how many eggs Momma Birdie is gonna end up with?
Wiggles & Wags,
PeeS. Thank you for your nice words on my bloggie today for Mom. She sure does appreciates the support!
We love your scenery - so peaceful! We would love to walk with you!
Nina, Myshka, Sasha, Betsy, Lucy, Phoebe and Lily
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