A few PF pikhs from Saturday when Mom got home from The GKP

and the weather meant no walk fur me - good thing I took Mom on a pretty long walk FrEYEday night






I was chekhking out the flowers that made us think of
Mitch and Angel Maggie!!!

Redbud time!

Sorry my assistant khut off the top of the tree


The walk was great but I was furry sad my khattle pals weren't out - I wanted to see what they had to say about those two Goldens!

Heading bakhk down the street

Towards my khomfy spots!

These shots were taken during the furst day or two of Khamp Khyra




Yes Mom - I am watching them AND woo too!
Now I get to watch Mom fur three whole days!!!
Happy Sunday EvFURRYone!
What beautiful flowers you saw on your walk!!! Love the redbuds!! Happy Sunday! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug
Those trees are sure pretty! So are your hindsides!!
Happy Sunday to you, Khyra!
Those flowers are gorgeous, I think I can smell the flowers here too!
Happy Sunday Miss Khyra and her Mom! We love the way Khyra is protecting her Sibe Stuffie!
That Golden who shall remain Un-named had best watch his back.
Glad you are getting to watch your Mom for three whole days.
The redbud tree is lovely, we lost one of ours to some high winds.
We love those redbuds too but we can't understand the name, the flowers aren't red at all. It must make for a very lovely walk down the lane with all those cherry trees in bloom.
Enjoy you time with the Mom - it always seems to pass so quickly.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
awwwwwwwwww, thank you, Khyra!
Your flowering trees are just stunning and so is the Lenten Rose *wink*
Love ya lots,
We are not sure why we got this cow memo, but we received the following message from Elsie in York:
Moooooooooove over Khyra, another Queen lives in York. We were udderly appalled at the behavior of dem noisy Gold dogs that hang out with you on the end of a string.
So many trees to pee on... enjoy the mom watch!
It would be prettier there if it was snowing! Hope you enjoy all your mom time!
Those blooming trees are beautiful
Benny & Lily
Looks like spring was out on Friday and went on hiding on Sunday. Hope you get more spring days from now on.
Thank you for taking me on your walkie to see the blossoms on the trees Khyra- cause I don't have any yet. Yours are fantastic and must smell so sweeet like cotton candy.
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