Foggy FrEYEday Morning

In some areas, the visibility was khlose to zero

And later that night

Young Mister Innocent

Keep that face in mind fur later in the post

From a few days ago






Wednesday morning

MY TREE!!! Furst it was MY CHAIR!!!

This all happened within a few hours of his arrival

Merdie khouldn't even bear to look!

No wonder he napped!

Mom and I took them home Thursday night - and when we got bakhk, Mom dokhumented his trail of toys



I know Fi and Abby will rekhognise one of the toys in this shot - it was a favourite of Harley's during his time at Khamp Khyra


I have my mom trained SOOOOOOO furry well!
Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!
PeeEssWoo: She's almost mine again - and she'll be mine fur the entire weekend as she doesn't have a transport on Sunday - we are going to make a dent in our 1000+ blog posts we've managed to khollekht!
that Harley is such a rascal. Dear Khyra, every court needs a jester. I guess you know who has that job in you Queendom.
My mom is forever says that boys are much more messy than girls. I guess she's right! Way to go, Harley!
Love ya lots,
That Harley is one messy boy!!!
Enjoy having your Mom home, Khyra!
Poor Miss Merdie having to put up with that Harley dog. We admire her fortitude.
Ah haha!! At least I'm not the only one that feels this way about toys in a box! :)
Woofs & hugs, <3
~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)
Oh my, you have so many toys, Khyra!
I agree that boys is a mess!
Two golden buddies for Trapper, we're so happy to see them (and their toys).
T-dog says, "See? I'm not the only one!" We have lots of toys around here, too, sometimes the cat toys get chased by the dog for a regular free-for-all!!
The trail looks like it was leftover from when Buddy was a puppy. He left his toys everywhere too. Drove me crazy. I'm a neat freak and want all the toys around me.
We think toys should be strewn about as part of the decor.
Misty the alpha Poodle
little Mw. Innocent, hahahaha
that's a good one. I'm so glad you'll get youw Mom all to youwself sunday..that will be wondewful.
Those flowewing twees awe gowgoos, but WOW, what fog..i could hawdly see those magnificent biwds
it's been pawfect bloo skies and sunshine wif no hoomidity(Mommi loves that) and 68 degwees hewe fow two whole weeks paws cwossed it lasts
smoochie kisses
We bet Harley had a good time making that mess! We're so glad it's Sadieday so your mom can be off work finally! Have fun tomorrow!
Harley is paying you a compliment for your excellent choice in spots:) Mom says our family room looks the same every bedtime once Lightning has decorated it with toys. But the ones here are all starting to look pretty shabby as we have a master at destuffing.
Love those trees.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Oh wow...can I bunny kick some of those toys? I think I like a woofie who leaves a trail of toys!!!!
Wow look at those pretty flowers!
You sure have LOTS of toys! :)
I enjoy leaving the toys on the floors too, adds detail to the decor! then mom spoils it all by picking em up and placing them back in their "appropriate" place..
Enjoy your Sunday!!
Amazing flowers! (We've got mud...) Abby applauds Harley's toy scattering - it takes a lot of time and energy to scatter toys Just So! Heehee. At least there were plenty of toys to keep the boy occupied! And nice frisbee. Our seem to get twisted in weird shapes all the time! ;-)
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
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