We were so inspired by Mango's DOH tails of khleaning khurtains and such around The Mango Estate that Mom decided to break a sweat and khlean out the khrakhkberry












This one was taken on Tuesday - no video this week fur it has been TOO windy - Mom's babbling is annoying enough without hearing gusts and gusts - hopefully next week!

She did snag a pikh of some wings !
I hope woo get some walkin' fur your Wednesday too!
I'll be watching and waiting fur Mom's return from The GKP so we khan have ours - I'll get to hear all about the fun times she had - AND of khourse, hear how much she missed me!
Have a FLOOFY Wednesday Khyra!
Big hugs,
Sierra Rose
Dear Kyra,
Sorry for not dropping in awhile :) I've been busy working (helping mom) thus kind of forgot to update my blog. Glad to know that you're still a happy-go-lucky pup!
I might not be able to post as often as before so please head over to my newest post and leave a comment so I could add you on mom's new site. With this we could still keep in contact and it'll easier for me to drop by often to your page :)
p/s our last issue featured on husky and I remembered bout you when I saw husky's photo :)
Autumn & Jasmine
have fluffyful wednesday sweet khyra :)
I always assume those "wind" sounds are just your DOH huffing and puffing to keep up with your floofy self on walkies.
We know your Mom misses you a lot when she is at the GKP. Do they ever have "bring your doggies to work" days? You would be a great star!
gussie n teka
We love all sides of your floofy tail - the wind sure does make if extra floofed!
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
ME loves your floofy tail!!!!!
Wooooo, we LOVEthese pics of your floofy tail, MFT! Furry khool1
jack & moo
Khyra, Your tail is in glorious fluffy form in those photos. What sunshine! It looks like a very happy walk!
Khyra ~ your tail floof is awesome today. And we love the birdie. xx
We are having a breezy day here too, Khyra and the temps are 50! OMG, it's February and it's warm! I think we got robbed of our beautiful snow this year.
Love ya lots
Khyra where are going? It looks like a great walk with your mom.
Myshka, Sasha, Betsy, Lucy, Phoebe and Lily
FLOOF AND 'LOONS!!! We love it!
Fantastic Floof! Have a floof-a-licous day!!
The Florida Furkids
It's probably a good thing you have your mom on a string so neither one of you fly away in the wind with all that floof! Hope Sadieday gets here soon!
we are glad you took mom for a walk
Benny & Lily
That is a LOT of floof in those photos, Miss K! We just love windy days that make our furs dance and flutter.
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