Woo were khorrekht!

But I knew woo would know it was one of THEM!

I was looking towards one of their usual hangouts - of khourse Mom noticed Butterskhotch there and had the flashie beastie ready

And I was ready too!


Move along Butterskhotch!

But later than afternoon look what Mom spotted!

The look said SO WHAT!?!

My iPAWd has been khorrupted again!
Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!
I hope woo get to share some khat stuffs - and stuffins - too!
PeeEssWoo: Once again, I must paw our visits are way behind - might have to engage THE MAAR funkhtion - I'm going to keep Mom busy taking khare of me once 6pm arrives! She's had a furry stressful week - so I KNOW she REALLY needs ME!
Poor Butterscotch. He just wants some friends.
I knew it! I knew it!
Looks like the kitty kept you pretty busy ;-)
We are sooooo bad now about commenting because, like you, we have hundreds of blogs in that GR thing and can never keep up. Oh well - shrug. We figure the every once in a while comment will have to do because we have our own things to do too.
So take your mom on a nice long walk. Those humans deserve special attention after their long and stressful weeks. We are thinking you will be a much better stress reliever tonight than those inter webs.
Khyra: Take care of your Mom and push that button for her!
gussie n teka
Well done, Khyra!
I always keep an eye on those kitties.
uhhh.. floof down in the front plz. can't see butterscotch!
Butterscotch just wants friends! Play nice, Khyra!
If he keeps bothering you, teleport over. You can catch some snowflakes!
Sam says to be very careful around cats - they can't be trusted!
khats don't need friend, just creatures to torment.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Hawooo wooo Khyra! Little butterscotch is a brave little kitteh. Hope woo have a marvelous weekend!
Butterscotch is a good spy
Benny & Lily
Khyra, khats are just everywhere! We hope you are helping your mom relax after a long week at the GKP!
We GET it! There are FIVE cats that live next door! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug
I love butterSKHOTCH! I mean, we have a butterskhotch lookin khitty khat khitten what has takhen up in our backhyard... and also my the Mom has these yummy smelling butterskhotch smellin suckhers what she does savor... but I digress.
I love see you wif your floofy and also butterskhotch!
wif love from Little Reufus
Butterskotch is just needing a little love I think.
He looks bored,
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