Oh no - here khomes the flashie beast!

Khan't a pup enjoy a beaWOOtiful FebWOOary day without intrusion?

Oh, she just khame fur some khatbush shots




Purrrrrrrfekht Mom!!!!


We even sent one like this from the khrakhkberry to Auntie Di - she misses her khatbush - it was planted from a twig way bakhk when she was a younger pup!

I'm taking good khare of it Auntie Di!
Happy Tuesday EvFURRYone!
Khome by tomorrow fur a special Walkin' Wednesday!
The kind of WW that only khomes evFURRY FoUR years!
Khyra, your mom khan't help but take pictures of your beawooty! We bet Auntie Di is glad you're taking care of that khatbush!
The flashy beast must have GPS. Love those pussy willows
Benny & Lily
Heh heh heh, I love the puppy stretching photo!
Great job on taking care of that khat!
Happy Tuesday!
I have to take notice and see if Pussy Willows along my walkie are blooming too, Khyra!
Love ya lots,
Those are some great pics today, and what a pretty day! You know the flashy beast often means a walk is on hand.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
I see spring is coming!!
Beautiful Khyra and beautiful buds!
Doga and the CATBUSH... with a bit of sunshine thrown in fur good measure. WHAT could be better fur starting our morning? THANKS!!
Sam's not sure what to think of a CATbush!
ahhh... that last photo is bee-WEU-ty-FULL!!!
wif love from Little Reufus
P.S. Bery nice tree but I love the butterskhotch khat tail the most!
That sky is so wonderfully blue that it looks fake!
Wow that khatbush has been around for a long time! LOL Isn't it a bit early for those kitties to be venturing out of their buds?
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