THOSE will help khleanse the iPAWd of that KHAT pikh woo took!
Of khourse, I made sure she took more!
Show and Tell TUEmorrow!
This week's shot of Harrisburg - from a difFURent kind of perspekhtive of khourse!
BTW, I didn't even let her start up The Xterra on Sunday! We slept in until 10:15 - which is usually about the time she's on the road!
******Please be sure to paw a visit fur the premiere posting on OUR RAINBOW FRIENDS -
Since today is a howliday in The Woo-S, some of woo might have your furry own MOMday Monday!
great stretching!!!
Stop on by for a visit
The days when the big machine on wheels isn't even turned on are good days!
Enjoy your time with your Mom, Khyra.
What a good stretch and rest!
Thanks for sharing the link of Our Rainbow Friends!
Great stretch...our muzzer lost it when she read that you let the Mom sleep until after 7:00 am. Teka offers remedial training for slackers, ya know.
That's some serious stretching!!
We LUV it!!
Maxx and mommy
Your falcon is back! Our next box is still empty... We've been checking often in hopes that the warmer weather will bring them back!
Was that a play bow or a stretch? I confuse my humans with that move too.
NOBUDDY in Blogville does Doga Like YOU.
I am so very much glad that your mom got to Sleep Late yesterday.
Great playbow, MFT. We sure hopethe Mom got the message.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Elegant stretch, Khyra!
Enjoy your Mom Monday!
Great photos Khyra! Hope you and your mom have a nice Monday together.
Nina, Myshka, Sasha, Betsy, Lucy, Phoebe and Lily
I hope you and your mom are enjoying the best day ever, Khyra!
Love ya lots,
did woo tell her "wait....wait....wait....wait...NOW!" fur that photo???
jack & moo
Oh Khyra, you are just too khute! Great moves! My mommy had to work today so no MOMday here.
You are doing yoga right there on your walkway
Benny & Lily
Oh I see that you are into the Yoga Dog Stretch Pose! Thanks for dropping by with your words of encouragement. Those bullies are in for a food fight -- eggs and can of whoop A$$ and pants biting, Wiz legging. That is what Blogville is going to do to them. I don't think I would want to be them.
Sweet William The Scot
That was awesome, Khyra. You should teach a yoga class for all those cats and squirrels hanging around your house!
O hai! :). I vury glad ur Mom does the reskyoos.
Love all your poses, Khyra!:)
Teddy Bear & Sierra
Hello, beautiful Khyra! I hope you and mom had a wonderful day!
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