Hi evfurrybuddy!
I'm glad all of woo thought my khytty 'pal' Butterskhotch Morsel was a khutie. We think he/she is. We enjoy watching him/her stalk skhwirrels and birds. Mom does make sure there is fresh water on the patio fur him/her.
Sadly, there are 'people' a few houses away that have khwite a few outdoor khats. They do feed them and provide some shelter boxes on their bakhk patio but they do not let them inside. The lady next door to Doggy Nanny's house does keep some food on her bakhk porch fur the khytties. PLUS, Doris (a greyhound reskhue supporter and mom to Chloe) khatches them as she khan and takes them to get fixed (at her expense). She tries to find homes fur them. It is also sad bekhause Mother Nature didn't intend fur the pretty songbirds to have to khontend with housekhats to survive.
I honestly don't know what I would do if I had a khytty of my own. One of the things on my kennel khard at the B&B mentioned something about 'khats' - nor would they have let me go to a house with khats. Mom and my doggy nanny do worry about BM....and worry when they don't see him/her fur a few days.
Here is part of the reason...bakhk in the mid-late 80's, Auntie Di and Unkhle Paul befriended this khytty. My mom went to PharMor and bought all the 'stuff' khats rekhwire.
And they named him Ruffin fur Bruce Ruffin a pitcher with the Philadelphia Phillies.

SO, on a happier note, I'll remind woo that tomorrow is WEDNESDAY!
I imagine Ruffin also didn't fart in your mom's face. Some cats (WILBUR!!) don't have any manners.
You know, we've often wondered the same thing about humans!
Judging from the first comment, some doggy doesn't like cats. Guess Wilbur is the cat?
Hi Khyra,
Ruffin looks like a handsome fella!!
Hmmm.. I do feel sorry for those outdoor cats that belong to your neighbours... I wonder if they get cuddles and ear scratches..
I have never been that close to a kitty. But I don't think I would like them very much...just a dog thing. Mommy says people are so insensitive and don't think kittys and pups feel cold or hot...or pain. Some people need a smack in the head with a metal pole....hmmmmm....Mommy does have a temper! Heheheheh!
Mya Boo Boo
Some people don't deserve to have a pet. Obviously that does not apply to your mum.
Huffle Mawson
The "telling" was so nice - thanks for sharing the tale of Ruffin. We think that BM is such a sweetie he/she needs a different acronym for the name.
Will woo be walkin' Wednesday?
Woos, the OP Pack
Ruffin was a very handsome speciman.
Maybe BM will find a nice, warm home soon.
Lucky you to have such nice neighbors, if only everyone took care of their animals the way they should be taken care of, we have a kitty/ doggie problem with Scampi, he thinks cats are food, so the cats (for now) live in a separate part of the house until Mommy can train Scampi not to eat them....
WARNING!! DO NOT let your mom see what is going on at Butchy and Snickers house. They now have THREE kittie sibs, and no problems! I have blocked my muzzer from reading them, because she thinks kitties are cute too!
Hi Khyra!
You and your mom have the biggest hearts. Just thinking good wishes about all those kitties helps them.
m & e
Hi Khyra
I live with 2 kitties. I think they are fun to torture. I love them, even when they slap me. I think you would enjoy a Butterscotch Morsel to play & cuddle with.
See you soon.
Love Ruby
Thank you for telling this story. I know there are so many pets or homeless animals that have to live outside, and it makes me very sad. I hope BM will be ok. Maybe you could talk your mom into giving him some Fancy Feast crunchies? They are my favorites.
Ruffin looks like he was a nice kitty too.
That is pretty sad of some humans. Cats in the city really don't have a chance. To many things can go wrong. MeMaw has like 20 cats but they are farm cats. They are outside cats but they all stay in the barn. They are quite wild but she feeds them everyday and welcomes any new strays that arrive..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Yepper girls certainly do rule. Mom figures Callie will be the leader of the pack when she grows up. She is already trying to dominate.. She even stands up to Gus now..
Wow, Ruffin looks like quite the cool cat! But what is this "came when you called him" thing? How is that like a ... oh, you mean a dog OTHER than a Sibe, right? Ha roo roo roo!
They may have said at the B&B you shouldn't be around cats because we Sibes get a bad rep like that. Maybe you'd do OK! Stormy and I would!
Play bows,
I cannot imagine not ever being able to go Inside for warmth, love and companionship. Of course, I only get to go Outside in my stroller or on a harness and leash.
We see quite a few cats roaming around on my walks. They arch their backs and spit at me. They have taught me that cats are my enemy. Ms. Alpha is really sad about this because she wanted me to be friends with all creatures.
Hey, Khyra,...being a Husky, I know you would have found that snow pile in a heartbeat!
Your pal,
I'm going to tell about Ali Z our cat if I can get Mom to get a pitcher of her.
When I came here, she moved upstairs! All I want to do is chase her a little, what is the harm in that?
I just don't understand catz at all.
Bruce Ruffin is a handsome fella!
Have a wonderful Happy New Year!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Ruffin is a handsome kitty! I just don't understand why people think it's okay to leave pets outside all the time. That's wonderful that Doris gets the kitties fixed and tries to find homes for them.
Thanks for sending us some furs to keep us warm while we were without electricity. Those kitties are kinda cute, but let me tell you, sometimes they are trouble. You always gotta watch out for your ears. I just wish every furry had a nice warm home and lots of love. We're all glad that your neighbor is such an angel to them.
Your pal,
We're glad that you and the neighbors look out for Butterscotch Morsel, Khyra! At least he knows that someone cares!
Ruffin in very handsome!
Yer friend,
Mitch, who is missing Maggie a whole lot!
Hi Khyra,
We want to wish you and your family a Happy New Year!
We are just catching up with your blog Khyra.. our person hasn't had a lot of pc time lately. We hope you had a lovely Christmas.
We agree... we don't have kitties but if we did we would want them inside with us sharing cuddles not left outdoors on their own.
We hope you and your family have a very happy new year.
Holly & Zac
I wish somebody would take that kitty! I would! If I could, sadly I can't. You could still work with the Snuggle Puggle work force even though you don't like to snuggle, you like to kiss right? I just say snuggle, because thats what I do, but for hammies who are too small to snuggle I tell them they can just sleep & for you because you so great at kissing, you can just kiss! I hope you will still join!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Ruffin was beatiful. Hopefully BM will find a home -- but what a name!!!
Hugs, Kodak
Pee S: Thanks for voting for me.
How nice of the neighborhood to look out for those pets. I help feed the raccoons that live in the area.
I hopes the kittehs r safe. Happy Noo Ear. :)
My Ma had a cat once, back in history, and before me, long before.
He was called Monty.
He was a Tabby cat, very pretty apparently.
And he was like a dog too. He used to travel with them in my Dad's car, sat on the back seat, and never got lost when they went new places.
Happy New Year to you and your family.
love and New Year Licks, Marvin xxxxx
Hi, Khyra!
Every time I see a kitty I want to play with him/her but I am not so sure if I'd like to live with one!
Why some humans have pets if they don't take care of them?? Hmmmm
Kisses and hugs
Hi Khyra. I hope Butterscotch Morsel will be okay. It's hard to imagine having to live outside. She deserves better, but at least she has you for a friend (from afar). Thanks for your input on the meal madness.
Your friend,
Ruffin looks cute...
Hope you have a pawsome new ear Khyra. ;)
~ Bae
Meow. Witty Kitty here. Good job you guys. I do go outside, but I was an outside cat when the humans adopted me. Mom worries about me all the time. I don't know why b/c I only travel 3 houses down unless I'm walking with the pack. Now that I have seen those BIG cats, I think I need to get bigger back up.
Butterscotch is quite pretty. I hope s/he will be okay through the winter. We know there are people who don't understand animals' needs. My mom has even run into a guy who said he believed his dogs should find their own food!! Yeah, my mom would have smacked that guy with a metal pole if she'd had one. WHAP!! >thunk<
love & wags,
We know of people who had a vizsla that they kept in the back yard and wouldn't let in the house. A vizsla! I don't understand it at all ...
My Mom so agrees with you! She says all critters like kitties and pups belong inside where they're part of the family and safe. She's even trying to figure out a way to get our horse inside our house! Dad said that won't happen though.
Ruffin does look pretty khool for a khat. We don't think we'd like one tho.
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