Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Walkin' Wednesday: The Next Generation!

Welkhome to the last Walkin' Wednesday fur 2008!
Furst off, I wanted to share two pikhs Mom khaught on Tuesday from the PF kham!
I think the nice birdie is skhoping out the perfekht PAWty 'spot' fur tomorrow night!
Here is a nice front shot!
I thought it was fitting to inkhlude them since many of my spring posts were about the PF's in Harrisburg!
NOW fur what woo khame fur...if woo khlikhk H E R E you'll see Walkin' Wednesday!

Please have 'THE TALK' with your peeps about being safe tonight. We are going to be hanging here and will usher in 2009 with our DWB furiends!

Have a great time - make sure woo khyss in the new year. But watch out fur Lacie - she's prone to khyss anything and evfurrything!


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tuesday Telling

Hi evfurrybuddy!
I'm glad all of woo thought my khytty 'pal' Butterskhotch Morsel was a khutie. We think he/she is. We enjoy watching him/her stalk skhwirrels and birds. Mom does make sure there is fresh water on the patio fur him/her.
Sadly, there are 'people' a few houses away that have khwite a few outdoor khats. They do feed them and provide some shelter boxes on their bakhk patio but they do not let them inside. The lady next door to Doggy Nanny's house does keep some food on her bakhk porch fur the khytties. PLUS, Doris (a greyhound reskhue supporter and mom to Chloe) khatches them as she khan and takes them to get fixed (at her expense). She tries to find homes fur them. It is also sad bekhause Mother Nature didn't intend fur the pretty songbirds to have to khontend with housekhats to survive.
I honestly don't know what I would do if I had a khytty of my own. One of the things on my kennel khard at the B&B mentioned something about 'khats' - nor would they have let me go to a house with khats. Mom and my doggy nanny do worry about BM....and worry when they don't see him/her fur a few days.

Here is part of the reason...bakhk in the mid-late 80's, Auntie Di and Unkhle Paul befriended this khytty. My mom went to PharMor and bought all the 'stuff' khats rekhwire.

And they named him Ruffin fur Bruce Ruffin a pitcher with the Philadelphia Phillies.

My mom says he was akhtually a pretty khool khat - akhtually more like a dog...he khame with you khalled him...he sat on your lap as you read the paper...he akhtually spent time with evfurrybuddy during the evenings. He got along furry well with their schnauzer Fluffy. He has since gone to khytty heaven but he was a furry good guy whilst he was around.
So when Mom sees BM, she thinks bakhk to Ruffin. She wishes she khould khatch him/her to make sure they are safe and get a good home but BM is a smart one.
We don't understand why someone would have pets and just leave them outside where any number of things khould happen to them.
SO, on a happier note, I'll remind woo that tomorrow is WEDNESDAY!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Monday Mid HOWLiday

Welkhome to MiniWeek Monday! I think Mom only has to get up three days this week!
SO, whilst out under MY tree enjoying the nice breeze and residual fog, Mom noticed something was watching us so she went bakhk in the house and got the khamera!
She walked towards it...
Even khloser still...and it turned on its khytty taser!
IT is Butterskhotch Morsel!
I think it was looking to help itself to any of my leftover skhwirrel pate!
Here is another shot of likes to look in at Mom when she's on the laptop some nights. We do feel badly fur the khreature. It shouldn't have to live outside.
Have a grrrrreat week evfurrybody!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sunday Sharing

I appreciate all the khomments about the khritters in MY yard! I do need to have Mom and me work on perfekhting my skhwirrel khatcher trap!

I did want to share another khritter that needs to be dealt with...please chekhk out T H I S L I N K . I guess I will be keeping my eyes open at night fur them!


I had some serious khwality time with my khrunch khard Saturday afternoon. It makes a great snuggle pal.

Have a happy rest of your Sunday!



PeeEssWoo: To The OP Pakhk: if I hadn't gone around the wrong side of the bushes, I would have had enough khable to get the khritter!

Saturday, December 27, 2008


On khristmas day, Mom saw THIS in my tree...
Then she saw THIS...
And then THIS...
And then two of them teamed up...
So, I asked to go out and save my 'hood...
See how dumb it is? It was there even whilst I sat there...
Enough of this shwirrel poop...
Be gone with ye little devil...
Later, my unkhle Steve was taking some pikhs of me to show khousin Wolfie...whilst taking them, the evil khritter had the nerve to khome down the tree!
I hope evfurrybuddy has had fun on what might be a long weekend fur some of your people!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Not Workin' Fur The Weekend!

I hope evfurrybody had a nice khristmas day and/or Thursday!
Mom and I visited with my sibe sistersiblings.
Here is Kyrye! She was furry alert and interested in stuff! She ate all her dinner especially since I watched! I think all the good thoughts all my blog pals have fur her are working!
Here is the khard my Doggy Nanny gave me! I got one last year as well as one fur my Gotcha Day in August! I have lots and lots of fun running around and tossing it to myself!

Enjoying my khard!
Well, since this is the last weekend of the year, this will khlose out Mom's musikhal artists thing. She has something in mind for the 2009 version - but woo would have expekhted THAT!
I'm going to help with this one. There are NOT a lot of Z groups and/or musicians, but we have some to share:
3) This one is for MY RastaPals in Illinois with the khute little RastaBabyBrother, Ziggy Marley
5) Zed although there is ANOTHER Zed from the 80's -that one was a British group -we khan't find any info on that short of some albums fur sale - which is what Mom does have upstairs somewhere - a Zed album!
7) ZZ Top (of khourse!) is O N E
and A N O T H E R and we khould keep going fur khwite some time!
I know of another Z - and he's khwite the handsome khrooner...he developed his talents whilst listening to some lokhal khoyotes!
SO, khan woo think of any other Z's to add to our list? We will be looking furward to hearing about 'em!
Tomorrow I'll show what I had to deal with whilst enjoying some time under MY tree! YEP, they were bakhk!
Until then, please be safe!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Thinking and Thanking Thursday

Well, it is here...and by now, Santa Paws might have made an appearance at your house.
I was thinking of doing something like Tuppy Dog BUT I don't have a tree, a stokhking, or a khap.
SO, I decided to think about who I would be getting Mom to paw my khristmas donations to. Since I make multiple donations/etc throughout the year to the assorted reskhue groups in the area, we've been waiting to see if any special khanines needed help. This week, two of them showed up in my inbox and/or blog.
I've decided that Annie from MinnieSNOWda deserves some help. Her story made my mom leak. Since I have (or have had) three golden dooftriever khousins, in Merdie, Sierra, and Lexie's honour, we will make a donation to Annie.
The next one that touched us a great deal is 'Broken Puppy' from Wooshington State. We khould only think of our pal Biloxi who was furtunate to make it north thanks to the help of The Kapp Pakhk Bipeds.
Next is handsome Billy from Georgia who is helping to get a new vet hospital built. I knew from the day I added him to my sidebar he'd be on my list.
Last but not least, the B&B here in York Khounty that kept me until I saw the person that changed my life and wormed my way into her heart.
Now, to the thanking part...I want to thank all of my FURIENDS out there fur all woo do fur me and fur us!
This past year has found many new furiends visiting Khyra's Khorner which has lead me to making new pals in BlogLand!
Mom and I appreciate it more than my paws khan find the words fur! The howliday/holidaze are kind of tough fur us BUT your support helps more than my fluffy tail khan show!
Have a great rest of your khristmas. Make sure to fuzz all the visitors woo enkhounter today!
Khyra and Her Mom

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Walkin' Wednesday: The Next Generation!

It is is Khristmas is Walkin' Wednesday!
I'll khut to the chase and say please khlikhk H E R E to see me!
I do need to apologise to dear sweet Little Lorenza! My mom was babbling in the video and neglekhted to inkhlude your khountry when she was spewing khontinents and khountries!
I would like to ask a favour of woo - please visit my pal Kodak's blog and read all about Annie - please spread the word about her.
Now we'll leave woo with some more howliday tunes!
2) T W O
Have a great khristmas eve and be safe if woo go out!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Tuesday Tunes and Ahhh's

I'm glad evfurryone thinks my skhwirrel khatcher has pawtential! I'll khontinue to do some R&D on how to better engineer it! Perhaps Steve khould offer up his treat dispenser to evaluate my theory!
Here are two more tunes to get us khloser to well as some pretty lights.
Please khlikhk H E R E fur the furst;
And H E R E fur the sekhond.
AND fur some Ahhhhhh's, please khlikhk H E R E!
Stay warm evfurrybuddy!
PeeEssWoo: The khalendar says tomorrow is WEDNESDAY! Get your sneakers ready fur our walk!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Monday Mix

I hope evfurrybuddy had a nice weekend! I khan't believe it is over already! BUT, Mom told me that after Wednesday AM, she doesn't have to go bakhk to work until Monday, December 29! AND, she'll even be home a little early on Wednesday!
How do you like the latest khreation my pals at Diamond's Lair sent me? Isn't it beaWOOtiful and soooo khool!?!
Here is my prototype skhwirrel khatcher. I attempted to pawsition it such that it would fall on 'em whilst they were on the ground under the feeder!

I think I might be onto something...I'll just tweak it some more!
I'm inspekhting some of the other pawtential branches to utilize! PLUS, you khan see all of my snow that remained as of 2pm Sunday. The Weather Wizzers said "1 to 3 inches" - well, I think we got 0.13"! I was seriously bummed!
Here are a khouple more khristmas tunes to start your week: The furst one features a furry special performer but they must feel the need to khonceal their true identity given their bakhkground. Please khlikh h e r e fur the sekhond one.
Once again, tank woo fur all the kind words about Stormy and about me. Hey, it is just what khanines that khare do!

Sunday, December 21, 2008


This is a special Sunday!
We've got TWO birthdays to give a woo out fur!

It is THE Princess Eva's ! ! !

AND it is also the birthday of Sitka, Tia, and Cornelia Marie's mom! ! !

It is kind of khool and fatelike that they share a birthday fur I have S/T/CM's humom to thank fur my friendship with the beaWOOtiful Eva! Earlier this year, when I was still kind of a newbie to the blogworld, Sitka's mom let The SMS moms know that Eva khould use our good wishes and thoughts fur her sister Tasha. So, I visited their blog for the furst time and pawed a message of support and khoncern. Well, I soon made their blog a regular stop on my blog rounds. Without khausing too much leakage now, when Tasha lost her fight and had to khross, my mom and I tried to help Eva and her mom. Even though we are tooooo many miles apart, we ofFURed our hearts and paws and shoulders and hands fur assistance and our khrazy moms have bekhome buddies, pals, and furiends! They have exchanged many emails with pretty much no topic left out of the khonversation pool!

Akhtually, I was kind of responsible fur Eva's new blog title. It seemed to fit the changes she had made as she bekhame the only khanine fur a while and helped her pawrents through losing Tasha.

I would like to thank my BFF's mom fur allowing us to bekhome furiends and fur our moms to bekhome friends as well. I'm glad they have each other! It so spares me from having to listen to my mom since she khan chat about that kind of stuff with Eva and Brice's momma.

Happy Birthday Shelli!

Happy Barkday Eva!



PeeEssWoo: Being furiends with a PRINCESS is just soooo freakin' KHOOL!


Saturday, December 20, 2008


Howl-oh All!
Hope Friday treated evfurryone well!
Please do NOT be fooled by THIS pikh! We had lots and lots - or is that bukhkets and bukhkets - of RAIN!
This pikh is bekhause my tikhket mate Turbo tagged ME on the 6th folder 6th pikh thingie!
You are supposed to go to one of your pikh folders - pikh the 6th folder then 6th pikh and tell the story!
Well, it was a beaWOOtiful day in the neighbourhood! AND akhtually, THAT folder khontains the snoooooof shot that is my blogger signature pikh! Mom named this pikh 'Khat Alert' bekhause I am looking in the direkhtion where those things tend to khongregate!
If anyone else would like to play the photo tag, please do! It would be khwite khool to see!
Speaking of khool to see, I'm still sooo excited about the efFURts to help spread the word about Stormy! My buddy Ekhho's dad is sharing the items with a jeep group he's part of (with members IN KholWOOrado). I saw that Addie has some human furiends that were heading that way - she passed along the info! Rokhky added it to their page too!
Here are some more tunes to make us think 'bout her return:
Have a grrrrrreat day evfurryone!
We'll be bakhk fur a special day tomorrow!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Workin' Fur The Weekend

Well, it is here!
Tank woo evfurryone fur the khompliments woo paid fur my khard!
Mom didn't get the chance to khollekht her Z list - not that there are many BUT she has some to pull together SOOOOO I've ofFURed to help!
PLUS, maybe it will help her get in the mood (no, not a Bette Midler remake)!
Here goes:
1) Here is one of her favourites khristmas tunes - Greg Lake
5) AND here is one not holiday related in the khlassikh sense BUT please watch Amy Speace's Weight of the World
That will get her started!
I'm a bit behind in getting to evfurryone's blogs - Mom has been busy at work AND busy in the evenings...she promises we'll make our rounds SOON!
Once again, THANK WOO evfurryone fur all the help with Stormy! I know Thunder would love to get his sister bakhk AND we know her momma wants her baby girl to return SOON!
Have a safe one!
PeeEssWoo: If anybuddy would like to print and/or post my khard, I would be honoured! The DWB exchange was way larger than I was prepared fur (I don't have a paying job - I just spend my time wagging my FT) but I did get some khards. Next year, I'll try to do better!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thanking and Thinking Thursday

Hi Evfurryone!
Furst off, I'd like to thank Happy fur this khool award - it is certainly a testimonial to haute khouture!
It certainly dresses up this blog!

If anybuddy would like it fur THEIR blog, 'tis the season so please feel free to akhcept it as a khadeau from Khyra's Khorner!
Here are the khards we've sent 'round the world...Huffle and Handsome Ben didn't get these bekhause I wanted to make sure they got theirs in time fur the howlidays. My mom hadn't yet found the spirit (although she has found some spirits) SO they got 2007's SOS-RRF Barbara Branham khards.
Mom had visions of doing something khlever and festive but have I mentioned she just khouldn't find the spirit (but she did find the spirits)? We were going fur a four seasons kinda thing BUT we knew it just wouldn't be a Khyra khard without a huzzy shot!
I promise to try and get her into the spirit of things next year (as well as into the spirits)!
I was just blown away by evfurryone's khomments, thoughts, ideas, etc for Stormy!
We are working on something we khould add to our blogs which would link to Stormy's blog so Stormy's mom and Brother Thunder khould be khontakhted if ANYONE ANYWHERE had any information!
In the meantime, please feel free to snag anything from my blog and link it to your blog. If you have any ideas, please leave a khomment here or email me at Khyrash at the gmail dot com thingie! I will see that your message gets to Stormy's FAMILY!
YES, I'm thanking and thinking that we are one hekhkuva kharing group! We all know it khould be anyone of us - and has been some of us in the past.
Over the khoming days, more of Stormy's mom's furiends will be posting about her on their blogs.
Thanks fur the nice khomments about the Walkin' Wednsday episode as well. I so wish my walk route khould inkhlude Peyton KholWOOrado! In my head it does - and in my head I'm trying to get Stormy home to her Khyra Stuffies with the baggie of KHYRA FUR! Her mom says she keeps some of Stormy's favourite toys and treats on the porch so when she khomes home, they'll be waiting fur her!
Hugz&Khysses from a leaky Khyra's Khorner

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Walkin' Wednesday: The Next Generation! SPECIAL TUESDAY PUBLISHING

Hi Evfurrybuddy...befur we get to Walkin' Wednesday, I have something serious to khommunikhate.
This is my furiend Stormy.
She lives in Peyton Kholwoorado
At least, we hope that is where she's living. Woo see, about a month ago, she must have dug out of her yard and gotten out. She's not been seen since.
I'm really sad bekhause she was one of my furst Sibe pals. My mom met her mom via Sibernet - then we got to be Dogster pals. This past January, my mom helped khonvince Stormy's mom that SHE was where Thunder should live.
Here is Stormy's Dogster page with some more pikhs and here is their blog with MORE pikhs.
Thunder misses his sister...Stormy's mom misses her in a way that evfurry mom knows...she goes home each night hoping she'll be there to woo at her.
She is chipped and she does have tags with her name and info. Her mom has been in touch with various resources in her area. Once she told the SMS Moms (two of which were honoured here), many excellent suggestions were given along with fuzzloads of support!!!
My mom asked if it would be okay fur me to inkhlude Stormy HERE today - she said of khourse but wanted to know if we were trying to make her khry. Not at all - we explained lots eyes read this blog - maybe they khould help spread the word.
PLEASE DO...if woo know anyone in the Peyton area, please share this with them!
We need to get Stormy home to the Khyra Stuffies we pikhed up here in PA fur her mom...which inkhluded some Khyra fur! Let's hope THAT is a lukhky charm!
Now to this week's Walkin' Wednesday...please khlikhk H E R E to see my fluffy tail in akhtion!
And as WOO are out walking, please keep your eyes open and snooter goin' for khanines on the lamb. Suggest to your people they travel with extra leashes should they see one of our furiends lost and in need of help. My pal Simcha and his sister Kiley's pawrents did that last weekend. They were on their way to a howliday pawty and saw a 'stray' Sibe. Since they were taking some foodstuffs to the pawty, they made use of what they had: SUSHI! Simcha's mom's vehikhle is ekhwipped with an extra leash but they were in Simcha's dad's vehikhle - so he used his best MacGyver move and used his belt to make a leash. They started walking around asking if anyone rekhognized her...well, befur too long, she was reunited (and it feels so good) with her people that didn't even realize she was missing.
Again, please khross your paws and send khanine and khytty khatcher vibes to KholWOOrado to get Stormy home fur khristmas. I mean, she just HAS to see my khard!
PeeEssWoo: I've posted this one a bit earlier so she gets more exposure...

Tubey Tuesday

Thanks fur the khomments about the khritter in my tree! Mom was able to zoooooooom in on the intruder from the safety of the kitchen! The furry tailed chikhkens take off when we approach the tree!
Welkhome to Tubey Tuesday!
As khristmas draws khloser, woo might running out of ideas to get those special furiends on your list!
I suggest woo head over to Turbo's Blog where he has an assortment of produkhts that will surely help with finishing your howliday shopping! Whether it be khoins, stamps, or musikh, Turbo has something that says woo khare! You won't find these produkhts at 'the mall'!!!
I hope all my furiends that are khurrently experiencing ice station zebra khonditions stay warm AND help keep their humans warm. We were at about 65 on Monday BUT should be mid 30's later today with some kind of wintry stuff khoming!
SO STAY SAFE in those khaves or sekhure a warm spot on a bi-ped bed!
See woo tomorrow for Walkin' Wednesday!
PeeEssWoo: Of khourse, any of the items above would be grrrreat gifts for a special fella celebrating a birfday TODAY!
HAPPY BIRFDAY CHARLIE!!! Please go paw him some special greetings - but be gentle with him - he's got a bioninkh tikhker! SOOOO no huzzy shots PLEASE!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Me Monday

I hope evFURRYone had a nice weekend! I hear the temperatures were all over the place depending upon where woo are lokhated!
My furiends Steve and Kat got SNOW in Seattle...and poor Stella might still be helping her mom make khookies since they might have snow up to their eyeballs...and Holly is still whining about not getting snow in Nebraska!
I hear there are some furry khold temps in the midwest so please stay warm AND safe!
This am after Mom had me out fur the furst time, I went bakhk up to bed to khatch some more beaWOOty rest. Whilst I was napping, Mom observed THIS EVIL KHRITTER in MY TREE!
A khloser look
And YET even khloser!
Well, when I khame bakhk down, Mom showed me the shots she'd khaptured of the intruder SO I went out ready to get IT!
Khloser and khloser...
Looking up to see if IT was still wasn't but I had to chekhk...
I settled down to keep the sekhtor sekhured...

I was soooo furry flattered to receive this from Gus and Waldo as it was their FURST award and they wanted to share it with ME!!! I feel furry special! Tank woo to you two AND your special mom!
If anyone needs their pitcher and/or their glass refilled, please feel free to help yourself!
Have a good week evfurryone!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Khooler-Day Part II

Welkhome bakhk to Part II!
Here is the latest khool award
Diamond's Lair have given me a Proximadade Award.
"This blog invests and believes the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."
Well, I'm going to pass it along in a diffurent way! Here goes:
R) Ruby
I) It's a Sibe's Life - starring Dakota of the East
I) Indy
Y) Yaffa of furry paws my brain fried now!!!
Time fur some serious rest AND time to let Mom have her AGJ!
Happy Sunday!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Khooler-Day Part I

Hello Evfurryone!

Hope the weekend is treating woo well!

Fur all of my furiends in the NorthEast, I hope woo are safe and have the magikh elekhtrikh machines working where woo are!


Mom says thanks furry much for the Y artist ideas! As she wrote Huffle's mum early Friday, she should have thought of Yaz since she did have Alison Moyet on her "A" list!
The biggest thanks goes to Gus fur the khool song khreated fur me! I mean, Mom has had one written fur her as well as inspiring some others but THIS WAS MINE MINE MINE!!!


NOW, please take a look at this KHOOL graphikh my friends at Diamond's Lair did fur ME!

Here is the text from that posting:

Or Purrhaps those Sleigh Bells belong to Khyra, the Cyberian Huskey, who is stuck in a magical snow globe box. It looks very cold in there...but you have nice warm coat, right?

Since there were many many KHATS among the other khritters there with me - inkhluding the

....What is this? It looks like Phantom is spoiling for a snow ball fight. And he's got lots of ammunition ready! Fire at will!....., I knew that khube would not keep me enkhased fur tooo long!

It is soooo beaWOOtiful! I'm sooo flattered to have been given the iced khanine treatment!

I was also honoured with an award from them on Friday - I'll post about THAT tomorrow in Part II! I want to khontemplate which blog pals to pass it along to!

Well, guess that is about it fur me!



Friday, December 12, 2008

Workin' Fur The Weekend

....and the khalendar dogs said let it be FRIDAY!!!
Tank woo fur the great response to Billy's Building Fund! That was truly khool!
STEVE - *SIGH!* - do woo think maybe we khould take Kyrye to see the movie? She'd love to meet woo - I've told her all about woo and her spunky sister - and sadly, the poor OTHER khreature that shares your residence!
Whilst on the subjekht of Valkyries, here is something to get your khleaning started - please khlikhk h e r e !
Since it is a Mom musikhk post day, I'll let her get her fingers - and opposable thumbs - on the keyboard!
Y time! Of khourse, there aren't many - akhtually, no Y's in my CD khollekhtion BUT that doesn't mean there aren't Y's to like:
1) Y E S - I'm sure many of us know at least one YESsong - HaRoooo!
2) Yusuf Islam - or is that the artist formerly known as Cat Stevens?
3) Here is one fur AO4 Dave - Yannick Robert
4) And another one for Dave - Yvan Le Gall
And that is about it fur me!
Of khourse, maybe woo have some suggestions?
Stay safe!
Have a great weekend!
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thanking and Thinking Thursday

Hmmmm - Thursday! That means only ONE more day until Friday! WOO HOO!

Time to start furmulating those plans!

I'd like to thank evfurryone for the kind and khool khomments about the award...about Kyrye's khottage cheese sukhcess...and of khourse, Walkin' Wednesday!

NOW, for the thinking...

I'm thinking many of woo might have noticed this handsome fella on my sidebar>>>>>>>>>

That's Billy! Please khlikhk here to read about his story!

If woo khlikhk his pikh on my sidebar you'll end up here
Well Mom and I are thankful I'm healthy but I know there are many others that aren't so lukhky.

My BFF Sitka lives in GA - in fakht, her pawrents are khrazy UGA fans so it must be an okay place! I had mentioned last week that I'll be pawing off donations in lieu of khristmas gifts...well, one of my recipients will be in Billy's honour!

I'm sure we all have some thanking and thinking to do! Now that I've gotten this post out there, I'm thinking of napping and thanking Mom fur the nice big soft bed!



PeeEssWoo: The was a khwery about the "K" names...well, Kyrye's named was derived from Valkyrie and shortened to Kyrie BUT then the spelling was tweaked to make it difFURent! My name khame from the fakht that once upon a time (YEARS AND YEARS AGO when Mom was khontemplating maybe having a hooman puppy, she wanted a girrrrl puppy and would have named her Kyra - so when she got me she got her wish of a girrrrrl AND she was able to name ME Khyra (the kh thing is one of THOSE stories *wink wink*)! I'm furry glad she decided to have ME!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Walkin' Wednesday: The Next Generation!

Yes - it will be Walkin' Wednesday BUT furst, some furry important items!
Please take a look at the furry khool award Happy pawsented to me!
The rules of this award:
Put the logo on your blog or post.Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.
I'm going to demonstrate my gratitude and present it to all the SMS members and their blogs - after all, we've all got the khorrekht attitude!
Thanks again Happy!!!
Mom wanted me to pass along an update on Kyrye - she's slowly gotten her appetite bakhk - must have been the kikhk start with the Happy Hearts. PLUS, Princess Eva and Brice The Handsome Boy Duke of Destrukhtion's momma suggested maybe khottage cheese and/or eggs might help! Well, Mom got some khottage cheese on Sunday and dropped it by - well, the woo is it is a hit and she's chowing down again with some of it mixed into her normal khibble!
OF KHOURSE, all of your kind words and good thoughts have helped immeasurably!
Now fur what woo have been waiting fur - Walkin' Wednesday!
Please khlikhk H E R E!
I hope woo all enjoyed tagging along!
Have a great day!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tastii Tuesday

Welkhome to Tastii Tuesday!
Sorry to disappoint woo - no barbekhwed rabbits nor roasted skhwirrels ( or even marinated moose)...
It was time fur a restokhking of HAPPY HEARTS KHOOKIES!!!
They khame on Saturday but Mom didn't let 'em loose until Sunday!

How do woo like some of these shapes? MayaMarie, Missy, and Bella's nice mom made some KHAT'S FUR ME!!!
PLUS, there are skhwirrels too!
Here is my stash all in one frame!
And some khristmas trees!
I've got my eyes on the skhwirrely prize!
Mom was trying to get some pikhs of me BUT I wouldn't sit still enough fur her to hold a khookie AND take a pikh so the Doggy Nanny ofFURed to help!
We even got to taste test a NEW flavour: SWEEET POTATO!!!
When my mom was asked by MayaMarie/Missy/Bella's mom if we would like to try them, Mom warned her that I'd have to keep them away from my Doggy Nanny who loves sweet potatoes (baked, khasserole, french fried, etc). Mom opened the baggie and ofFURed her one. She kind of looked like "eat dog biskhuits?" until Mom read her the ingredients AND let her smell one!
WELL, we've got another khonvert to HH Produkhts! They are Doggy Nanny approved!
SO, please go paw your people and DEMAND some HAPPY HEARTS DOG KHOOKIES!!!
Tank woo furry much Mrs Gerri fur pawmitting me the honour of tasting a new flavour AND devouring a new shape!
PeeEssWoo: I have to fight my mom fur 'em too! When my Doggy Nanny and my mom went to dinner Monday night, Mom had a sweet potato one when she gave me a few!